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Hearses unite!

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  • Hearses unite!

    Jonathan Samuel, an organizer for classic shows wants our participation for Zombie Walk Day up in Romeo October 9th. He is the one that hosts the current Classic Car Fridaysfrom end of July to the end of September. I want to see how many of us have that day available to make it to this event. I told him I would get back to him after I gathered the masses.

  • #2
    Assuming my car is still even running by that point I'm down. Get me more information and I'll stick it on the calender/site.

    I've already got it on the calender right now. I might just phase out the events list and stick with the calender as I want people to use it more.

    October 7th there is a car show also at another haunted house. Here's the info for that.

    Would like to invite Mortis City out to Krazy Hildas Barn of Doom 4 Hearse Night 10/7.
    She was asking about the WZD which is why I thought of it, she just e-mailed me the other day.

    Also I thought WZD was October 8th?


    • #3

      I guess this is another Zombie Walk but on the same weekend. He says Oct. 9th so he must want it the day after. He also said registration for the walk starts at 4pm, and the actual walk itself is at 5pm. Guess everyone is doing one these days lol.
      Last edited by Reaper; 08-22-2011, 01:54 AM. Reason: Added wrong date


      • #4
        Shit every smaller haunted house wants to have a hearse show it seems. The large ones don't care but the smaller ones need all the help they can get, which is great, good for them. I don't mind going as long as we get treated like fucking kings for bringing our rides there as basically free promotion for them, because "Come check out these hearses!" is a great marketing tool.

        What really pisses me off are those who are greedy as hell and want to charge us for it, but give us a "discount."

        Hey fucksticks, how about you pay us for the gas we've spent to go to your event to help make your event not suck.

        There have been many haunted/other cool people I've dealt with who have given us respect (not let us walk all over them, which I don't want to do either, just shown respect) at their events/gatherings/whatever. Those are the people I like to deal with, not those who think they're going to get something for nothing.

        That said, this guy sounds cool and I'm all about helping him/them out.

