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Southeastern regional NHAA meet!

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  • Please tell me you have a way to take the card?


    • Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
      Please tell me you have a way to take the card?
      Sorry......I'm low card swiper thing.....if I sell something for more than $10 I hafta take my shoes off to count. Paypal?


      • I'll bring some cash I suppose, sheesh


        • According to the weather channel at the moment:
          Friday-should be nice, partly cloudy 10% chance of rain, high 62.
          Saturday-overcast, 50% chance of rain, high 56.
          Sunday-overcast, 60% chance of rain, high 53.

          Hell I don't think the Dead-ends crew would know what to do if it didn't rain on us at least a little while. We would think we were in the wrong place.


          • we have recently acquired a 10x10 pop up, so we'll be able to help with some shade/shelter.


            • Well at least a couple of us are coming today. Might have another 1 or possibly 2 for the show tomorrow. We are going to be running a little later in the day for us coming today. Extreme last minute car issues for me, hopefully we get it worked out so I can bring mine. Either way we are still coming.


              • Good turnout so far! Looking like Dead Ends record for most coaches at an event will fall tomorrow.

                Travel safe for those still en route.


                • Unfortunately for me, I won't be able to make it to the show. I woke up this morning feeling terrible. Drank some water, took some tylenol and figured I'd take a quick nap to get back into decent shape. I got up about 20 minutes ago. I hope you guys are having a blast.


                  • The count today was 24 cars. Fucking awesome for the first try at this event.


                    • Here's a few pics for those who did not make it out. Some are at hotel some are at Harley dealer.

                      may13 007.jpgmay13 010.jpgmay13 011.jpgmay13 012.jpgmay13 013.jpgmay13 014.jpg


                      • may13 015.jpgmay13 022.jpgmay13 023.jpgmay13 024.jpgmay13 026.jpgmay13 028.jpg

                        Had a great time even with the rain Saturday evening and for half the ride home Sunday.
                        It was nice to finally meet the people I had only known online before this.
                        One last pic...
                        2013may 002.jpg
                        The 69 tucked safely away in the garage showing some respect. Wish you Cemetery knights guys had some decals for sale.
                        Last edited by LMS; 05-05-2013, 05:33 PM.


                        • Just wanted to make a quick post to let everyone we made back to WV fine. We out run the rain not long after we entered TN. I hope that everyone else got back with no troubles. I'm tired so I'll have a better report of the show later, but I will say that it was great despite the weather and I'm glad I went. Anyway more to come later.

                          And I wish that we would've had some decals or something made also.


                          • I had a great time. I hope we have a lot more hearses next year. I think 24 is a great number for the first year. Here is the pictures I took.

                            I won a trophy. It's small, but it will probably be my favorite.

                            Abbie getting fixed 036.jpg


                            • Originally posted by EternalCombustion View Post
                              And I wish that we would've had some decals or something made also.
                              i need to add cemetery knights to my t-shirt collection.

                              hint: size = small


                              • As Promised, here is a more in depth review.It was awesome. The only thing that sucked was the weather. It was really great to meet everyone in person and see thier coaches. I would like to thank everyone involved with putting this show together. I know that I was listed as an organizer, but I can tell you I was unworthy of that title because frankly, I didn't do a damn thing. If I'm fired from that position I understand,lol. But I will try to do better for next year.

                                I can definitely say that this show has pretty much ruined me for most if not all the rest of the shows that I will attend in the coming year. I can also say that if you didn't come to this show, you missed out even considering the weather and You would do well to not miss it next year.

                                It was extremely cool to see all the different coaches and all the different touches that had been done to each. My biggest regret is that with the weather I didn't really get to spend much time with each person along side thier coach. One of the things I was most looking forward to, was hanging out around the cars each evening at the hotel. Maybe next year.

                                I'd also like to thank everyone for all the nice things you had to say about my car. I'd also like to thank the judges for choosing my car for best '70 to '80. I'm not much of trophy chaser. I've always said that I did everything to my car for me, and if people didn't like it that was fine. But it is nice when others appreciate the work you have done. And while I have received several plastic trophies that have been given at out at local shows for like top 50 or something, they are quite meaningless to me. This trophy however is the absolute coolest thing ever. It means alot because it came from you guys and because of how it was made. It will find a place of honor in my home.

                                I will see what I can come up with as far as T-shirts and stickers. I didn't realise there would be any interest. We are kind of just tolerated around here unless it is around Halloween then everyone wants us around. Also, let me know if you have some more of those Dead-Ends shirts made up, when I went to buy one all of the size Large were gone.

