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2014 SERM First Annual President's Council Minutes

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  • 2014 SERM First Annual President's Council Minutes

    This year at SERM, we conducted the first annual president's council, made up of the leadership of each attending club. Our goal was to set a direction for the NHAA as a whole and determine how to make it better. This meeting was held Friday, May 2nd, 2014 at the SERM host hotel conference room.

    What follows are our minutes from this meeting. Please feel free to reply to this thread with your commentary.

    Representatives in attendance:

    Michele Brown - Unholy City Hearse Club

    Jeremy Ledford - Volunteer Chapter PCS, PCI Central States Region (california based)

    Craig Calloway - Carolina Coffin Cruisers

    Shawn Koenig - Mohnton Professional Car Club

    Thomas, Bert, Thermond - Reaper Rides

    Dave Rose - Cemetery Knights

    Ryan Ricks - Dead Ends

    Group Decisions:

    1. We want all member clubs to have a subforum on and at least one post with contact information, club geographical area, and link to other website or facebook page.

    2. $30 annual member club fee for NHAA member clubs with right to use the NHAA logo.

    3. Requirements must be a legit club that is geographically based with a minimum of three members. Clubs may define membership requirements. PCS chapters may join the NHAA as member clubs.

    summary of discussion:

    To summarize, we want to grow the NHAA as a national umbrella organization to unite and support local procar clubs. The NHAA embraces a diverse approach to the professional car hobby. It will not dictate any policy, requirements, or constraints to member clubs. Likewise, no one member club will dictate policy or constraints to the NHAA.

    The annual membership fee will help pay for web hosting, allow member clubs to have some investment in the national group, and act as a way to help control and assign use rights to the NHAA logo.

    NHAA member clubs can be any locally-based procar organization with a minimum of three members. Local PCS chapters are free to join the NHAA as member clubs. Clubs consisting solely of a social media site or group may not join as member clubs.

    Member clubs are free to host their own website or social media site, and need not use the forums for communication. However, we do wish the "NHAA Member Clubs" area to act as a registry of active NHAA member clubs. Each member club sub forum should have at least one post which lists the geographical area, club website/social media page, and a main point of contact. We should probably take a look at the clubs which are listed there now and determine how many of them are still active.

    __________________________________________________ ___________________________________

  • #2
    I love it.

    I think that the new/bigger future of the NHAA was set into motion last weekend and we are about to see it go nuts. I am glad to be a part of such a kick ass organization.


    • #3
      Very Cool stuff indeed. Do you have a time frame in mind when this will be implemented? No rush or anything of course. Just Curious. We appreciate all your hard work.


      • #4
        I think we are about to revamp the website, so it will be after that.


        • #5
          Revamp the website? This seems to be running slower than dogshit and the look of it is just.... ugh. I like how no one notified me of anything either. It's not like all of my contact information isn't on here (wait what happened to my contact info?) or on our website. Also, $30 fee now? I think we're out. Detroit is broke and most of us can't afford that even if we do pool resources together ($30 per club, not per club member, I get it.) Maybe if we had more members and actually charged dues. As it is we already have enough restrictions and pricing people out isn't on our agenda. Still, I wish you guys luck.


          • #6
            we haven't actually implemented this yet.

