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Hearse Of The Future

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  • Hearse Of The Future

    Hi guys, I'm a sophomore studying car design at College For Creative Studies. This semester In my studio I have chosen to take on the task of designing a hearse. That's why I'm here, I wanted to get the input of the people who love these unique vehicles so dearly. So, what how would you folks like to see the heard evolve by 2020 or beyond? What new features would you like to see? What trends would you like to see implemented? Your feedback is very important to me and I really appreciate it.

  • #2
    that's going to be tough as most people prefer the older stuff.
    Maybe you could design a hearse with the style of the older models but with modern features.
    By 2020 though I had hoped for flying cars, guess that's not going to happen.


    • #3
      I think back to the future 2 got everyone's hopes up with the flying cars. Damn you Marty McFly!


      • #4
        I want to see a 59 style hearse, with actual rockets replacing the tail lights.


        • #5
          I'm with Otto!

          I think most of us enjoy some of the classic features such as coach lamps, extend or 3way tables and all the flashy chrome. Hearses of late are somewhat lack luster in appearance. When it comes to useful features, you may want to consult the industry professionals at the mortuaries.


          • #6
            I think that it's probably another one of those things that are so steeped in tradition and history that it's hard to innovate and do something truly new while pleasing those who like the traditional value of something. I do think that some modern hearses have some nice traits to them that add style. Personally I do like the ones that have a big of grandeur to them (which there definitely seemed to be a period when people were trying to make hearses far less 'hearse like' with the vans and shorter wagons.

            This is pretty cool -

            I do think too that there are so many different cars that would make really good base cars beyond just your normal Caddy or Lincoln chassis. How about an S series Benz? 7 Series Beamer? CTS-V?

            The Europeans seem to be bringing some fresh/interesting style to the table.

            For me, I like sleek lines, LOTS of chrome and stainless, whitewalls, sitting very low. It needs to scream dignity but also style.


            • #7
              My honest opinion is that the main issue is that the newer vehicles are so small that they have a really hard time making them look anything close to proportional. In older hearses they had commercial glass in the front which was higher and made for a higher, more pleasing roof line. For cost and (from what I am told) safety reasons they are sticking with standard glass now that makes cars like this, which looks ok from the side but from the back looks like an extremely goofy door stop.
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