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got f ing keyed.

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  • got f ing keyed.

    we took emily out for a drive the other day, went into the store for 10 minutes and when we came out, i had a foot long key mark on my baby. why can't people respect the dead's limo. maybe it was one of those tree huggin, electric car drivin, hippies. it only has a 305, and actually uses less gas than those big ass SUVs. my suv (standard undertakers vehicle just has more style. at least i haven't painted it yet. my air brush artist is itchin to go crazy with her paint. can't wait.

  • #2
    Sorry to hear that she got keyed! I've heard of plenty of others who have been keyed too. Worst that has happened to me with the new coach I have, the "Blue Hair Brigade" is trying to have me run outta town! they even left a note on the coach.....that musta been a sight to watch as they did that...watching a gang of 12 old ladies in the WalMart parking lot eggin on old Marge, saying "just go up to that thing Marge and then run!" as you see Marge with her walker trying to go 90 to nothin away from the car!


    • #3
      Could have been worse. The vynal top on my 82 was cut with a knife about 12 inches at the Home Depot. I had nothing better to do with 2 grand than replace a perfect top. fucking bastards


      • #4
        I hope to catch someone doing something stupid like that. I'll keep em alive and post on here about it. Then, I'll bring em to the next "get together".


        • #5
          This may sound stupid, but the people who mess with our coaches need to think before they do it. They should remember....We have a hearse and probably a casket....we obviously know where a body goes.....we can obviously get rid of one.....the police are used to seeing us drive our coaches around with a casket in the back.....they aren't going to notice anything unusual.....and we have friends to help!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #6


            • #7
              Does anyone have a story about catching one of these ASSCLOWNS?


              • #8
                keyed and complaints

                I hear you Dead Ed--at this years MonsterBash, I know that there were at least 3 of us that were keyed and it really pissed me off--I mean, what the hell, it was the MonsterBash where there are suppose to be hearses. I did not notice mine until we arrived back home but sure enough, there was an identical 1 inch key scratch to the metal on the rear door of Grim just like the one on door of Ryan_Rick's Abigail we discovered at the event.

                Gotten complaints from the stick-ups at the local college I worked at (I retired August 31--YEAH!!!!) and basically the parking director dude told them to fuck off. Even had one secretary complain that she had to look at such a disrespectful and morbid thing parked outside her window and that I should be made park on the outside of campus......bitch needs to do work instead of looking outside her window all day.

                I too am curious if anyone has caught anyone in the act of damaging one of our babies.


                • #9
                  I had my old 69 break down at a Denny's diner once years ago. Well I came back a few hours later and the people inside decided to put garlic cloves on the door handles and make crucifixes out of straws and popsicle sticks and laid them all over the car. I looked at the window and everyone was snickering...including employees. I wasn't in the mood for it that night so I grabbed all of the garlic cloves and threw them hard against the front glass windows...and no one came out to protest that action. I didn't even get any more looks. Damn people.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bob Kinee View Post
                    I had my old 69 break down at a Denny's diner once years ago. Well I came back a few hours later and the people inside decided to put garlic cloves on the door handles and make crucifixes out of straws and popsicle sticks and laid them all over the car. I looked at the window and everyone was snickering...including employees. I wasn't in the mood for it that night so I grabbed all of the garlic cloves and threw them hard against the front glass windows...and no one came out to protest that action. I didn't even get any more looks. Damn people.
                    That ticks me off, and it was not even my coach.

                    Let me tell you what to do the next time that that happens, or if it happens to any of the other coach owners here.

                    I've been through something simular to this before.

                    Right out of college I went to work doing retail sales, and I can tell you that if you go into the resturant and complain, they are are all probably friends and/or drinking buddies and all that will happen is the manager will be afraid that if he does not do SOMETHING and you happen to complain higher up, then his buttocks will be in the fire So what he will to is say something like "Tee hee... Now we know that we think it's funny, but other people don't, so don't do it again, okay? Tee Hee..." That way if if goes higher up, his behind does not look like he is letting situations go.

                    I saw this myself, personally.

                    First call the police and report it. That will scare the bejesus out of them when they see the police, because they know that there will be an investigation.

                    If it is a national chain, or a chain that has a customer hotline, call the hotline tell them the whole story. Get the name of the person that you talk to, and tell them that you want the district manager to call you. When he does, tell him about it, and tell him that you want him to call you back and tell you what was done about the situation.

                    You WILL get results I assure you. That is borderline vandalsim if it is not vandilsim already. They take things like this VERY seriously. Trust me.

                    What happened to me was I had new vinly siding put on a house that I own, and the telephone company came and drilled 37 holes in my nine-thousand dollar vinyl siding job to mount the new telephone interface box. I told them not to mount it on the siding, rather to mount it to the masonry like it was before, and of course they ignored what I said. I had to go to the regional manager to even get anyone to talk to me about it. The local managers were all running scared. I was not even mad. I had the check within three days of speaking to the regional office.

                    When I get my coach(hopefully soon) if someone does something like that to my coach and I catch them then we are going to have a problem, and I am one of the most easygoing people that you will meet.
                    Last edited by Last-Ride; 09-12-2007, 12:34 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bob Kinee View Post
                      I had my old 69 break down at a Denny's diner once years ago. Well I came back a few hours later and the people inside decided to put garlic cloves on the door handles and make crucifixes out of straws and popsicle sticks and laid them all over the car. I looked at the window and everyone was snickering...including employees. I wasn't in the mood for it that night so I grabbed all of the garlic cloves and threw them hard against the front glass windows...and no one came out to protest that action. I didn't even get any more looks. Damn people.
                      I had an interesting thing happen here in Bowie, Texas where I live. I'm about 90 miles from Dallas where Alex and Larry from the Trocars live. Population of Bowie on the signs say 5219, however we're actually around 6500 or so (and kind of growing). Most of the residents are of the much older generation. When Darien brought me her 1964 S&S Cadillac Park Row (Alex's old coach) to work on and store for her when she moved to OKC, it created a small stir, but mainly it was due to it being so wild looking to them with the rat rod black and rattle can orange flames. When I brought the 1981 S&S Cadillac Victoria home....that one REALLY created a stir, especially with the "Blue Hair Brigade" in town.

                      We needed a 2nd car and buying a just retired from service coach was the ideal choice as something I could drive on a regular basis and also nice to show at the local car shows. For $1000.00, I couldn't have found a REGULAR car that was this nice and working AC!! I had noticed right away that the old folks in town when they saw me pass by gave me all kinds of interesting looks, most not very nice either.

                      I had run to WalMart one morning and I typically park over near the Garden Center (figure I already am well noticed). this particular morning, that entrance was open yet and so I parked at the main doors, parking lot was empty save for a few emplyee and customer cars including 4 cars that are loaded with 3-5 per car of the "Blue Hair Brigade". I got what I needed and when I got back to the coach, there is a note on the windshield. It was written in an elderly person's handwriting and it stated "We've been in touch with the police and city hall. We're going to force this car to be banned from city limits". It went on to further ask "What would any normal and upstanding citizen want to own such a vehicle". That line there made me laugh so hard, I about pee'd my shorts! I NEVER have said I was either "normal" nor "upstanding"!!!!

                      I got home and called both the police department and City Hall. Seems that there had been over 100 complaints attempted to be lodged against the hearse. The Police Chief stated that not one was a valid reason and the most common "complaint" was "It's just wrong for a private person to own such a car". When I asked the Chief if they had any real complaints, he said no, he thought it was hilarious I was creating such a stir. At City Hall, when I spoke with them, I was informed that several residents were attempting to get a signed petition of 500 names and signatures from registered voters to have an ordanance passed "banning privately owned hearses from Bowie, Texas City Limits". I received a phone call Monday from City Hall, seems the most they can get for signatures is about 60. City Hall and the Council were going to let them bring forth this petition and then shoot them down by informing them "This is the United States, what a person chooses to drive is his/her right regardless of vehicle as long as it meets the requiements for inspection and registration laws in that state.

                      My first reaction was maybe I needed to make twice daily drive by's passed the hospital, nursing home and Senior Center. Thought it would be a hoot, but after thinking about it some, maybe that wouldn't be a good idea as it could then be construed as possible "stalking" or harrassment. It's a heck of an idea, but I'd rather be on the side of good with the local PD.

                      I hear the horror stories all the time of these things happening and can see why they happen at all. The note on mine, that was nothing in comparison to what's happened to several of y'all. Maybe I'm lucky and living in a relatively small town has some added bonus.

                      I know Alex and Larrry plus a couple of members from the LHA all drive their coaches on a regular/daily basis too in the Dallas area and haven't heard anything happening with them. Where is everyone from that these incidents are happening? Maybe it's time to move to Texas or run em over!


                      • #12
                        Hearse vandil arrested

                        Great and grand news...

                        Back in September, the back window of my 68 hearse was broken and my gargoyle's head was literally ripped off.

                        $$$ talks. So a reward was offered and a neighborhood boy threw the vandil in front of the bus. A police report was filed and the little 15 year old punk was arrested. Because he took the head of the gargoyle out of the car, he now faces felony charges.

                        Court has been set and we'll see what our wonderful legal system will provide him.

                        I'll keep you all updated.

                        Sick One


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            great news Sick One


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by JustGrim View Post
                              I hear you Dead Ed--at this years MonsterBash, I know that there were at least 3 of us that were keyed and it really pissed me off--I mean, what the hell, it was the MonsterBash where there are suppose to be hearses. I did not notice mine until we arrived back home but sure enough, there was an identical 1 inch key scratch to the metal on the rear door of Grim just like the one on door of Ryan_Rick's Abigail we discovered at the event.
                              wtf first i knew of this guess next year we'll have to rope off the fricking cars

