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Spam in my inbox

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  • Spam in my inbox

    User name is Jeannette, this was sent in a PM

    "Hi,I'm new here, how's it going?"Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural & spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things as a meaningful unity" - Albert Einstein---Jeannette"

  • #2
    you've officially been accepted into the forums, our wonderful spammer got you too. just ignore her she'll go away.


    • #3
      better to have spam in your inbox than in your pantry


      • #4
        You're not alone, I got the same PM.


        • #5
          Well that's not all, when I first signed up I noticed an increase in my e-mail spam, and for the first time ever got AIM spam. I haven't signed up for anything else for a period of time just to check. That's not to say that they couldn't have gotten the information another way since it is all over the net and on my website. However it is worth mentioning.

          I think someone needs to go through the user list, and start taking out the inactive accounts and ones with no information provided.

          Autopsy Hooker, Misskitty, MorbidDR, and Vulgar are recent legitimate accounts, and they will eventually post, or I will kill them all (although Vulgar has played Snake in the arcade, and his score is still lower than mine ).


          • #6
            well I didn't know this the first time I got spammed but you can put them on an ignore list if you click on their profile. for the rest I have have no idea. The spam in my email hasn't gotten worse or better for that matter since I've been on here.


            • #7
              That was the very first private message I ever got on here! Glad to know I'm not alone...I guess. But don't worry, she never wrote me again. But I have to wonder, has anyone here ever actually replied to her?


              • #8
                Yes but you joined almost a year ago, I just joined last month. The spam bot could have joined any time between your joining and my joining mining/collecting data.

                Also ignoring them doesn't help the other users. They should just get deleted/banned. Believe me I might be new to this forum, but I'm no forum n00b heh... Unless I have to modify back end SQL, at that point I give up


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ryan_ricks View Post
                  better to have spam in your inbox than in your pantry
                  Yeah right, fried Spam is amazing. =D

                  I just got a PM from this person..


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Vulgar View Post
                    Yeah right, fried Spam is amazing. =D

                    I just got a PM from this person..
                    No shit, I make a post talkin' shit about your game score trying to goat you into posting and this is what you reply with?

                    Well at least you posted lol.


                    • #11
                      The biggest span I get is from the Nigerian millionaire who wants to put money in my account. I hope he knows I will have no intentions of giving ANY of the money back.
                      My girl keeps getting the ones for a bigger penis. Last I checked, she does not have one, so that must be a direct insult at me.
                      Lastly are the people who "found Jesus". I mean really, was the guy hiding under a rock? Or maybe he is the big prize in a scavanger hunt?
                      I think I am going to go stand on a corner with a megaphone and scream at everyone that my religion is the only correct one and the rest of you are going to hell!
                      Have a nice day

