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Kearney needs a ride!!!

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  • Kearney needs a ride!!!

    I need a GD ride!! Come on out there 59 cad hearse or flower car. I will buy or trade my way in!!! Up to $30K value in trade. Be a shit, be a whore, be tired of your ride, tell a friend, find me a ride!!!

  • #2
    Patience man... There is one (or was) right there in Florida in your price range if you really do have the cash. Just look at the "for sale" part of the board...


    • #3
      Kearney, you certainly aren't making this easy. Still no details on what vehicles you have available for trade, with pictures and individual values assessed. You've mentioned trade value but I have yet to see what your cash budget is.

      Want in on a little secret..? Many, many people post wanted ads for '59 hearses. At one end there are emo teens and at the other end of the spectrum we have...well, you. 95% of these want ads are someone looking for a hearse for next to nothing. You've done little (unintentionally?) to separate yourself from anyone else desiring that year range coach. Expecting like minded enthusiasts to jump is a stretch. Passions aren't easily swayed.

      Spend a *little* time using the search function here. Research! There ARE coaches available fitting your criteria. (If you did btw, you would've never asked Traveler about buying her '60 Superior Crown Landaulet- after seeing the love and work that has gone into that coach, named Helen.)

      Ahead of the game if you buy that '59 MM Landau Panoramic that Darryl has for sale already in FL and save $$$ shipping. He's offering it for a fair price given the economy. Be prepared to wait years for a '59 in better shape for less money. Seriously.

      You can buy the rotted '59 MM flower car out of CA for about $9k. Then ship it and 2 parts cars to FL before spending tens of thousands restoring.

      You can buy the '58 Superior ambulance, '58 MM Futura, '60 Superior limo combination, '60 Superior ambulance, '60 MM Futura... I still need to follow up on a pair of '58s here in TX (1 hearse, 1 flower car). Heck, I don't pay attention to stuff post '60 and know there is a reasonable '61 Eureka combination for sale in CO too. Maybe even Supersnake would pass along a '59 Superior that he just picked up needing a full resto.

      Very doubtful you'll find a willing 'trade' partner in this recession. Might not hurt to ask but you are asking a LOT.


      • #4
        reply to Atti

        Thanks for all the time you put into your message to me. Tomorrow I will do the detail stuf you asked for. However, I did talk to Darryle in Fla. Guess he sort of turned me off, sounded like a salesman!I was not comfortable with his line. Doumb me (maybe) Do you know him? Was I wrong? Should I follow up? he sounded like he had done many cars and was in a rush to move to Va. My trade car is a 29 ford roadster with a 54 331 Hemi or a 30 Plymouth with a 241 Hemi. Both worth $25 -28 K each also got a HD(03) have other rods but in the higher $ range Have to be a damn nice ride for a trade. What will I pay? $15K - $20 K For a nice ride with not too much work to do.


        • #5
          Boogyeman Con Carne

          Talked to the fla guy, He was too much a sales man. maybe I was wrong. Know him? His ride was "the only one out there" bla, bla.


          • #6

            So you know the guy in Fla! Is he OK? Said the car was great, saw the vidio of it running. In the picture of the car in his yard, looked like the right under panels were totaly gone! Lot of through rust on the hood. Think he said $25K Do you know the price? I have his #. Maybe I just got off on the wrong foot!! But , you know, shit there is a 60 that the Hyman has that is near perfict, inside and out for $32K. I got the feeling that you could throw $15K to 2oK at the Fla car real fast for body work.


            • #7
              Sent a PM with particulars to assist your '59 decision making.

              Hyman's '60 is extremely nice. I've known Mark since '96 and have located several cars for him in the past. He has a tendency to price high - not to say that '60 isn't worth it. Well if you were a FD and it was a write off...


              • #8
                Originally posted by kearney View Post
                So you know the guy in Fla! Is he OK? Said the car was great, saw the vidio of it running. In the picture of the car in his yard, looked like the right under panels were totaly gone! Lot of through rust on the hood. Think he said $25K Do you know the price? I have his #. Maybe I just got off on the wrong foot!! But , you know, shit there is a 60 that the Hyman has that is near perfict, inside and out for $32K. I got the feeling that you could throw $15K to 2oK at the Fla car real fast for body work.
                Atti & I both know Darryl quite well, he has a vast collection of hearses, combos, & buses & has been involved with the hobby for years. Darryl isn't a salesman, he's a neon sign restorer. Us coach enthusiasts try to be as knowledgable as we can about our coaches so if he seemed like a smartass or arrogant he was just telling you about one of the rarest coaches of all. We're proud of our more unique finds. ALL coaches are rare however. Low production numbers by coach companies, supply vs. demand, the huge cost of a new coach, all these factors always kept production low & funeral homes hanging onto their fleet as long as possible before upgrading. You're looking for the hearse 90% of all hearse collectors dream of finding someday.
                Darryl's coach is very unusual... even with his knowledge of coaches he had no idea of the details on his coach, so I helped & researched it to find out it's fulll official "Panoramic" name title. Just like Atti said, so many people find this site & sign up... and right away want a 1959 Cadillac hearse. There have been a FEW that scored one cheap by finding one stashed away & the owner not knowing the value, but even on ebay an unsuspecting owner finds out quickly how valueable & sought after they are. We've recently seen a totally trashed out '59 combo sell online for $20,000 that makes Darryl's coach look like a tropy car. Patience is the key, keep one ear to the ground & follow up on every lead. In time you'll see the demand for '59's & the prices people have been known to pay for one.
                The biggest problem with hearse purchases is opinions of value. To most people they aren't worth anything, but to us they all have their own unique craftsmanship & value. There's no "blue book" or common knowledge of value like the Camaros & other muscle cars... a Yenko is worth $... restored & correct etc. with hearses it's all a matter of finding what you want... in your price range, or in your case maybe even a trade.
                One guy offered Darryl $500 for his coach since "it has rusty rocker panels & hood". Searching for parts if you EVER need ANY will prove that you can't even touch a couple pieces of curved hearse glass for that. Parts can be very expensive... nobody wants to part one out and when they do... look out. One final note, the shriners & hippies didn't do us any favors... look around on the 'net at all the coaches that were trashed out for shriner "clown cars" and hippy party wagons. Finding ANY old coach... you found a survivor & may have to pay dearly to own one... good luck in your quest


                • #9

                  Thank you for you great input! I am the new kid on the block and learning fast! I called Darryl today and left a message. Hope he will call back. So, by all you old pro's, his car is a nice find! Hope he and I can make a deal. Have you seen his car? How much body work does it need. I could tell from the hood that there was some rust holes but I have a great car body guy who can fix anything. I do not want to get too excited because I do not know if we can cut a deal. If I get it , she will be restored to a nice ride, not a queen but very nice driver. It is pretty hard to be calm when you are on the hunt! I am a car nut!!! I am sure that you know the feeling.


                  • #10
                    I haven't seen the coach in person, but finding one as complete as it is is a very tough thing to do. Being that old they're usually gutted by someone with the big idea of "restoring it someday" & then losing or throwing away parts you may never be able to replace. Yea it has rust through the hood & the rocker panels are shot from what I can see... but rocker panels are the easiest to replace since they're down so low & covered by trim panels anyway... they don't have to be perfect, especially for a "driver" coach. For comparison, here's an old 1959 Superior combo that got bought a while back. It's rough... yet sold for big bucks... alot of us here on NHAA followed it for a while & there are a few older posts on here about it.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      I may be an idiot, pain in the ass, and many other things but I really don't see the allure of these coaches... Everyone wants one.. Why? Yeah fins are cool but you can't see them when you are behind the wheel. Is it the Ghostbuster thing? Well, I don't know, but what can I say, I live in Iowa for Christ's Sake, where you can marry a fag but can't smoke one.


                      • #12
                        For me, it was more the Harold and Maude thing. maybe it's seeing a 59 Hearse on a forty foot screen that grabs you. It's hard to describe why a person would choose a 1957 Chevy over a 1956, but the 57 in equal condition will bring more then a 56, and asside from the hood and fins, they are the same car. The good news is because you have the demand for the 59, then if you want a 60-64 Caddy, chances are it won't cost as much as the 59, and let's face it, a 1960 Cadillac pro-car, is a great looking vehicle.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Otto Baron View Post
                          . The good news is because you have the demand for the 59, then if you want a 60-64 Caddy, chances are it won't cost as much as the 59, and let's face it, a 1960 Cadillac pro-car, is a great looking vehicle.
                          Good point Otto... Okay everybody needs a 59 so keep looking and let me know about the crappy other years you find and I will see about getting them out of the way so they won't bother anyone looking for a 59....


                          • #14
                            Daryll in Fla. Got his phone#? I called him then lost the # . He never called me back. Must have been pissed at me!KEARNEY


                            • #15
                              Here in Fla, You do not want to marry a fag (none look good enough) BUT you can smoke one (if you know the right people!) Trade a fag for a 59 hearse??? Help me!!

