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2013 Hearse Calendar

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  • #16
    No I'm honestly sick of his shit. I mean yeah there was another calendar posted recently that I left a few comments on. Whatever if people are into ghosts so be it, I left my criticism and that was that.

    This calender I actually sort of liked even though it's made up of "80's shitbox hearses" and chestypuller (who's shit I'm also getting sick of) has to come in and shit all over it. Whatever I expect nothing less from him because that's sort of what he does. I grant that people are into different things. Some are into older cars just for the cars. I'm into it because it's a damn hearse and any year is good enough for me. The 80's are my favorite because that's when I grew up and that's what I remember from when I was a kid, but I went over that already long ago.

    Then a few other people chastise him for his comments, including SmoothNlow who makes a comment on what mr x said. I won't agree with all his posts, because some have made me laugh but he has been more of a dick to most than most. As far as assholes go he makes LMS look like Fred Rogers.

    Then Atti (just over two hours later) steps in and goes completely ad hominem on SmoothNlow's character putting what seemed like a lot of effort into it. While Atti might know a lot at least SmoothNlow is well liked and hasn't done anything to really piss anyone off as far as I can tell ('cept for Atti in the "Were are my parts?" thread). Then things get settled with that and he was still not contributing on here, deliberately. For which I called him a fag for because he was acting like a whiny little bitch being all standoffish and not contributing to the forum.

    Now he's starting to come back but he seems to just have turned into a royal dick and is just bringing up the drama level to 11. I don't deal with drama and instead I call people out on their shit when I see it. Don't get me wrong, I fully respect his knowledge about hearses/pro-cars. I admit I don't know shit about the mechanics. If I disagree with someone on something I generally don't go attacking the person and instead attack the argument.

    I mean tell me if I've missed something or if I'm off base here in any way. I would like to see Atti become a contributing upstanding member of the forum again. I don't want to see.... well.... any more of this shit.

    In short, go buy a fucking calender or don't, I don't really give a shit. But please stop with the drama and let this place return back to some form of normalcy.


    • #17
      Just for the record.. I am not one to throw around negative comments. I will usually keep those to myself . I said what i said about chestpuller because i am just getting tired of the negativity that he has been throwing around. To be honest his strait out insulting on the calender was strait out rude and i was just stateing to the nola hearse gang to just ignore him.. Never ment to stirr up what happened.


      • #18
        Ya gotta give to those NOLA People, if there's any drama around, They will find it, OR it will find Them. Just seems to be a way of life for Them Folks over there!


        • #19
          I don't think anyone will say I've ever been one to throw out negative comments either. Do i fill the forum with historic procar treasures and finds? Are my posts filled with knowledge and facts of rare and desirable coaches? Probly not. But if thats all the forum as allowed to be used for there would be 5 active users. Do i make negative comments about anyones coach? Nope. Do i comment when i see something neat i like? You bet. Is that not what the furums for? What the fuck. The number of positive rep on my previous post tells me all i need to know.

          Calender is bad ass by the way, but ive said that before.


          • #20
            Originally posted by mr x View Post
            Never ment to stirr up what happened.
            You didn't stir up a thing. Nor did I. Its all Atti. He likes to take a dig at me whenever he can because he's all butt hurt that i don't think he's gods greatest gift to the forums like he thinks he is. So don't sweat it guys. I for one don't.

