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  • W.T.F!!!!

    I thought I killed the camshaft. Everyone I know that has vast knowledge of caddy motors said that's what it sounds like. So... I cranked her up today, ran some errands.... and she ran fine. Not a miss, not a backfire, nothing! we sat in traffic, and idled through back streets and the temp never got above 160 degrees! I'm gonna change the fuel filter and see what happens. Cars don't fix themselves... do they? It's been a while since I've seen christine... but I'm fairly certain that was all movie magic....or was it!

  • #2
    lollz. keep us posted on whatcha find out


    • #3
      I have seen problems disappear but not a hard part failure... So it must have had a slug in 'er.. as the ol' boys would say.. LOL


      • #4
        Since we all know all Hearses are haunted your must have several ghosts with different moods making your car run.


        • #5
          ghosts in the machine

          well the ghosts must've been in a hurry today!! I changed the fuel filter and went to work... no problems... every light was green on the way. Same goes for the drive home... except I got on the expressway and put my foot in it ... ya know just to see what would happen (expecting catastrophic failure) and nothing! I had the speedo buried at 100 mph and nothing! so I guess alls well!


          • #6
            shitty gas, or float problems?

