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Just diggin a hole

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  • Just diggin a hole

    Hey Yall ! Just wanted to share a funny little story with ya. Last night i was at a friends shop doing some body work on my hearse when my wife called me on the phone to tell me that one of our cats had died, and if i could come home to take care of it. so i waited for the last dollop of bondo to set a bit and drove the hearse back to Mississippi from New Orleans, about 1 hour. so i got home and burried the cat, for such a small hole the ground was like chipping cement with a spoon. anyway, i jumped back in the car and started back to New Orleans, still sweaty i decided to stop at a local gas station to get something to drink. As i was turning in to the gas station i noticed one of Mississippi's finest following me in the lot. He parked behind me and as we both get out our cars he started to walk up to me, and of course he had his sun glasses on ,( it was night time ) his thumbs in his gun belt, and his chest out trying to look like some big tough cop who probably used to get his ass kicked every day back when he was in school.Anyway, he said to me, Boy, is this your hearse? I said yep! Then he said, you have insurance and a current brake tag ? I said yep! Then he said why are you sweating? And i said, I just got finished Diggin' A Hole! He turned around got in his police car and pulled away. HA!!! And the morral to this story is : On a national taste test, more people preferr corn flakes over rice crispies! What The Fuck !!!!

  • #2
    Lolz wtf? That's a good one. Did he really just blaze a trail outta there right after u said that? Too funny!


    • #3
      Yea, When he started to walk away I thought about stopping him to explain the reason why, but i realized it was not nessary to illeterate, and it was more entertaining to me to just let him go. Besides, he'll probably go back to the station with a funny story to tell his buddys too !!!


      • #4
        Thats freakin funny


        • #5
          That's friggin killer, lol.

