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  • #16
    securedownload.jpgIn case some didn't get the memo, or just can't read? SPC has a new mascot, jumping ship after being so rudely replaced by a coffin car, He has left the Hearsehogs, and came to a place that shares the wealth. Our mascot car will be this beautiful 72 combo, which should be up and running by the time He learns to drive. Welome aboard Ryan, You will be treated with more respect here. With a growing list of Member cars, {4} We may have to expand across the river. Is New Orleans able to handle 2 hearse clubs? UPDATE! Shannon, NOLAs Xmost famous Hearsegirl has also come aboard. Welcome!
    Last edited by travlinman; 06-24-2011, 05:56 PM.


    • #17


      • #18
        SouthernProCars Cemetary Crawl Time and place TBA. It will be at a few of New Orleans most famous Cities of the Dead. All clubs are invited, and, No, Nola, You cannot come out to play! BTW, Shannon, OUR newest Hearsegirl will be leading the way!
        Last edited by travlinman; 06-24-2011, 06:08 PM.


        • #19
          This is how We do it on the West Bank. SPCs is trying hard to put some respect back in the hobby that has been so tarnished by Others.257837_236551573041280_100000593163865_906453_670027_o.jpg


          • #20
            Who Ya gonna call? That's right, Southern pro cars. After NOLA falling a few cars short for a photo shoot, not a surprise, as I think They be short in a few areas. Considering the mental and physical abuse these People put Me thru last time, it was a hard decision to make. This time They agreed to wash My car after the shoot and give My tongue a break, I agreed. It feels good to be needed, even though You know You are being taken advantage of!


            • #21
              Ray, you always make me laugh! lollz. and last i checked, you're still a member of NOLA Hearse too

              ...when are you gonna give up this SPC fantasy? hahaha


              • #22
                them girls are overdressed!


                • #23
                  Nuff said!spc wow.jpg


                  • #24
                    Well we know who didn't chop the pic


                    • #25
                      I think Ray just likes keeping this thread near the top of the page, LOL. He enjoys seeing the title/topic!


                      • #26
                        So right!


                        • #27
                          so how do I get into the New Orleans hearst club. I have a 1996 Cadillac s&s


                          • #28
                            I doubt it's a requirement, but one of the first things you should do it not call it a hearst club. It's a hearse club.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Thecrypt Haunted House View Post
                              so how do I get into the New Orleans hearst club. I have a 1996 Cadillac s&s
                              hey and welcome! I need to update the website soon, I've just been busy with working our holiday events. there isn't really anything needed to join us. you can just post up in this forum if you want to invite other hearses out to something or if you wanna see if anything is going on. we've been kinda dead lately. lollz.

