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NOLA Hearse's cemetery adventure

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  • NOLA Hearse's cemetery adventure

    I had started to write this sometime ago. Unfortunately my wonderful Vista decided to act up causing me to have to back up my files and reload this entire fail of a program. My document was somewhat screwed up but I think I've written the story from my side as best as I remember it. The others may have more to contribute or at least their side of this historic adventure.

    The group met out at the lakefront since this is basically in the center of where everyone lives. The living dead girls were picked up there and we caravanned to our first stop greenwood cemetery. The cars were lined up and multiple shots were taken everything was good. At some point a group of tourists approached and asked if they could take pictures in one of the cars. Tony slid out the table in the rear of his car and they all seemed to have fun taking multiple pictures. See were actually somewhat easy to help a stranger out.

    The next stop was lake lawn. We parked in the main parking lot next to the funeral home. This is where we started to take pictures. An employee came out to see what we were doing. Selena explained that we were part of a local Hearse group and were taking pictures of our Hearses. He basically said he wanted to know what was going on so if he was asked he could tell them. He then proceeded to check out the cars and showed some enthusiasm with certain Hearses. He stayed around for about 20 minutes and left saying have a nice day.

    We then drove to the basic corner of I-10 and Metairie Rd. to continue taking pictures. It seemed to be going well. There were even others taking pictures. Sometime into photographing a man with a blue shirt approached us and asked “Are you going to be here long?” I replied “yes” He then asked again “are you really going to be here long ?” I replied “yes” he then said “the problem is you all are on the corner and people are complaining from the corner about the traffic backing up on the street” there was no traffic there. He asked “can you move.” I told him “we were planning to go further to the middle of the cemetery.” His reply to this was ”oh ok and another thing make sure you don't use pictures with names displayed on the tombstones. People sometimes get upset when they see their family's names in photos and make try to sue” we replied to him that we would photo shop out the names and he said “ oh ok good” At this time he said one of the directors was walking up. I heard him start to explain what was going on that we were a Hearse club andwere just taking pictures. Nothing else was said at this point.

    We basically picked up our stuff immediately and moved inland more to the cemetery. We stopped 2 times to take more pictures that lasted about 20 minutes. We then decide to leave for some lunch and as we were turning to head back to the main lot we were stopped by a police car. The officer told us to stop and wait. She picked up all of our licenses and said she would be back. She came back and I asked what was wrong. She told me the call was that we were asked to leave and we didn't. At no time did anyone ever ask us to leave or tell us to leave.

    Just a few minutes earlier before we arrived to our police stop, Tony had encountered the famous captain donut. Captain basically had stopped Tony since he was leaving before the rest of the group since he had something else going on. Captain made Tony sit on the curb. The rest of us at this time were just beginning to pick up to leave the cemetery. At the time when we were making the turn (6 Hearses) Capt got on his radio and told the other cop there trying to flee BWAHAHAHA. Where exactly do 6 Hearses flee to? And at what rate of speed? He made Tony back his car up and get in line with us.

    So here is a line of 7 hearses with a cop car in front and rear of the line. The female cop at this time is now running all of our licenses. She was basically down to earth with this whole situation. Capt on the other hand was running around as if he had found a known serial killer. It ended with a summons to appear in court for trespassing.

    The front page of our site ( has the link to the actual court transcript.
    Last edited by LorcinLS1; 07-17-2011, 10:16 AM.

  • #2
    Wow. I usually don't post in any of these seeings I am in now way affiliated witb NOLA Hearse Club, but I read this with a dropped jaw. That's just crazyness. It makes me gratefull I knkw all the Police Officers in my small town. I did chuckle warmly at the part about "where exactly do 6 hearses flee to, and at what rate of speed" lol thanks for sharing. Hope this is the last time you have to deal with this type of absurd narrow mindness.


    • #3
      Still a bunch of bullshit. I'm stealing this for my new "legal" section on my site.


      • #4
        That sucks. Why do some people have to be such ass hats? You know one of the people who acted "cool" to your face was the one who called the cops.


        • #5
          Oh yeah, those are known as "two faced assholes"

          Not to mention they couldn't just ask them to leave, there was no confusion because there was no request. Apparently someone hated them enough to say that they already asked them to leave and they were trespassing.


          • #6
            The 3 ladies taking pics were tourist from Canada. After leaving Tony's car, I asked Them laughing if They wanted to take a picture in My casket for $5.00. Next thing I know, They all had Their shoes off and took turns in the casket. When it was all done, They each came up to Me with $5 bills. I just laughed and told Them to keep the $$$. Their last comment was, where else but in New Orleans would You go in a cemetary and find a bunch of hearses and actually get to take pics in a casket, We made new Friends and They said it was the highlight of Their trip so far. Not long after is when the shit went down hill.


            • #7
              What you all didn't see was... Captain Donut actually sped up and slid his squad car sideways in front of Candi's truck..jumped out with his hand on his gun yelling at Candi to shut off her car! She had Lily (12yrs old) and Vincent (1yr old) with her. Vincent started screaming so I got out of my car to try to help..that's when he made me sit on the curb "and don't move". Then you guys came down the road and he started jumping around and yelling in his radio "Cut them off CUT THEM OFF!! they're trying to FLEE!" then the dipshit in the blue shirt drove up and told Candi "I told y'all to leave!" Then Capt Donut finally let candi start the car so Vincent could cool off in the a/c and stop crying. After you all stopped he made me "get in that contraption and back up and get in line!" asshole!


              • #8
                An email from a fan of ours. Got this the other day.

                So sad to see some cemeteries are banning your club. My sisters and I came across your group doing a photo shoot last march while we were exploring the cemeteries of NO. One of the highlights of our trip was meeting your group and getting to take photos in a coffin in the back of a hearse. Whenever we talk about our trip your club is always a part of the story. We were amazed at how welcoming and friendly everyone was and it sure added a unique touch to our cemetery visit. Too bad the cemetery owners couldn’t see the fun and joy your club could add
                Tracey from Canada


                • #9
                  I remember One of Them telling Me, Only in New Orleans. I was just kidding with One lady, I said for $5.00 You could get Ya pic taken in a coffin. Next thing I know all 3 had Their shoes off and ready to jump in. After the pics, all 3 had a $5 bill in Their hand! One even asked My permission to take a pic of Me, They loved the hat, lol.


                  • #10
                    Lady Killer!!!! : )


                    • #11
                      Yep, that is the only way I can find a keeper.

