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Titles.... Help?

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  • Titles.... Help?

    So I'm looking at a really nice '63 coach.

    But it doesn't have a title.

    "There is no current title to the car. I bought it last summer and have been doing little things to it and never registered it or got a title,"

    So, my question is, what hoops do I need to jump through to get one? Or is it a no title no deal thing? What do I need to get to make it legal and mine?

    I've never bought a car before, they've always been given too me so I'm pretty clueless (unless it involves working on them...)

    Can anyone explain to me what exactly I need to get?

  • #2
    Depends on the state. In GA anything older than an 85-86 doesn't require a title just a bill of sale. Check with your tag office. did a quick look, maybe this will get you going...


    • #3
      You rock :-)

      I'm so worried about buying a coach and not being able to drive it x.x


      • #4
        Whatever you do... DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Here in Ohio you're pertty much brought before a firing squad if you even THINK about applying for a title to a car you bought without a title to transfer. As long as you know what you're getting yourself into beforehand you'll make the right decision. Some states it's a breeze... other states it's almost impossible. Research the process you need to go through well. Just like Tony said... "it all depends on what state you live in"


        • #5
          Homework is why I posted that thread lol. I mean I have friends in different states so I *could* get a title by way of round robin, if it came to that


          • #6
            There are many things I like about about being an Ohio resident when it comes to BMV things but titles and out-of-state cars is NOT one of them! I've been trying to title a 69 Cougar for 5 years now but since it came from Alabama and that's a "no title" state for older cars, I'm SOL.


            • #7
              Fretless, you may need an out of state inspection in an additional state if using friends. Keep that in mind.

              I do know someone in the Shenandoah Valley region using a small country bureau that titles cars he pulls out of barns without much trouble. Like most states, there is inconsistency among different locations.

              Loren - There are proven ways around that 'rule'. Remind me when next we speak.


              • #8
                You mean the SV VA? Sweet. I honestly dont think it'll be so hard to get a title on it :-) Been doing research, lots of research.

                And Now, I'm just waiting on my lawyer to credit the funds in my account. I think I'm gonna go for it :-) Yay!


                • #9
                  But just incase, Atti, you did mean the S.V. In VA right? I may need to enlist your friend's services...


                  • #10
                    Correct. I'll look for Billy's contact info. He owns (owned?) a VW repair business in Broadway if I recall.


                    • #11
                      Sweet. I'm all excited... because I know that before July ends, I'll own my own coach :-) (Even if it's a huge box of parts and a body... i will own it :-) )

                      Nothing like going to buy your first car! (My T-bird and prob were given to me x.x)


                      • #12
                        I will indeed remind you, I'll call you monday afternoon to give you a status on the funds


                        • #13
                          So what part of VA, I have 63 myself, in NY it just uses transfereable registration, so no need for a title either. I have been thinking about putting some antique VA plates on it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tweek's Turbos View Post
                            So what part of VA, I have 63 myself, in NY it just uses transfereable registration, so no need for a title either. I have been thinking about putting some antique VA plates on it.
                            Mineral... Which is a small town that no one knows about in bumfuck VA.... lol. Ok... So it's about 15 min from Lake Anna (if that)

                            I was thinking about getting A. Tags but.... for the 20$ extra a month.... it just seemed insane. So I'm getting my custom plates for the 10$ extra and just saying screw it lol.


                            • #15
                              i'm try to get a title for faye now. previus owner can't produce one. in ms. an insurance company will give you a title bond for $100 then you go to the tax commision for the title but you have to have a bill of sale. problem is trying to get previous owner off his ass. seems dead people are more important than keeping his word to me. justice court might be in our future

