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Hand made bench seat help

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  • Hand made bench seat help

    I know there have been posts on this before, and I have jumped in on those posts, and have also reread them today. However, responses have left my questions unanswered. So the question is how to build them. I have scoured the intertubes in search of some sort of how-to guide and all i can come up with is the building guide for a park bench. I have looked at bigevil's pictures, and constructing the bench part seems easy enough, but what I am lost on is making it not only sittable, but comfortable. Should I slat the whole thing like a park bench then add padding over it. Should I rip apart an old bench seat and run those springs over the bench frame? If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated,

  • #2
    your wanting to build a bench from scratch? Can I ask why? Im new to this board. And local to you with all the welding and machining at my fingertips.


    • #3
      Hey Cupcake. We met up at Forest Lawn waiting for Nick. I was driving my '88 Buick. I recently bought a '62 Pontiac Star Chief Hearse and it needs a lot of work. On the rear axle hump i want to construct a seat that looks like an open casket. As for you and all your welding equipment and expertise, I will probably be willing to use you if you were up for it. You can see the Pontiac here


      • #4
        Hey Ryan I had heard that you bought that star chief. Nice I would have but no room here. Too much stuff. Should not be too hard. Ive seen couches made from caskets. Id probably get a casket and cut to fit your size requirements then upholster. Happy to help with that or the car.


        • #5
          Mine were so-so on comfort. It was a 3" padding that I used and compressed it to 2".

          The profile was copied from a 2003 corvette. They really cradled your back, just lacked being "springy".


          • #6
            I was surfing today and saw these 2 pictures.

            Having such extreme tastes, you know I got excited over ideas like this.

            flame chair.jpg
            angry seats.jpg


            • #7
              Heh. The flame chair looks like it could be lethal in a whip-lash producing accident, freaking cool looking though. And those skeletal seats look like they might actually be comfortable. However, having completely gutted the interior and finding random little things I a pretty sure that I have discovered this is a combo car. I think I am actually going to restore the back to that. some jump seats will add me some extra seating.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BIGEVIL View Post
                I was surfing today and saw these 2 pictures.

                Having such extreme tastes, you know I got excited over ideas like this.

                I was lucky to see this truck recently. Here are some more pictures:


                • #9


                  • #10
                    Cupcake, I have thought about this and think it would be a great idea

