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weatherstripping replacements?

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  • weatherstripping replacements?

    Is there any sort of generic or low cost solution for replacing the rotted weatherstripping around my doors?

  • #2
    Check J.C. Whitney they have all types with pictures of design.


    • #3


      • #4
        My buddy Mike has just spent $thousands$ having procar door seal recreated. It is a custom product he's having made as we speak. His price is MUCH more fair also than you'll find anywhere else... $2.50 per foot IF you mention my name (not my rule) he is not affiliated with any rubber company, he saw the need and stepped up to develop this. He owns the rights to the molds... so no one else is selling this product.

        This is a reproduction of 1967 - 1975 Miller-Meteor door seal, but has already been used on a few Superiors, etc. it has been modified from original dimensions (see first & second versions photo) so version #2 is the one he has in stock now, it proved to seal much better after repeated trial and error on a coach door.


        Sold in 50 FOOT rolls. Mike says 100 feet does all 5 doors of a coach.
        Money orders only as payment
        Shipping & handling is $20.00 per 50 feet (this includes The $14.95 USPS priority mailing fee he pays)

        Call Mike Mykulak at (612) 729-7536 he's in Minnesota

        I will do a more official ad for this in the "FOR SALE" sections

        DO NOT ATTEMPT TO HAGGLE... This is a quality product, custom made, at a price you cannot beat anywhere
        Last edited by hotroddwayne; 09-09-2011, 09:47 PM.


        • #5
          Whats the best stuff to stick the weather seal to the door?


          • #6
            weatherstripping adhesive. Its a contact cement. you spooge it on bothe the rubber and the door then let dry. then place in on it sticks to itself.

            Thank you wayne going to order a roll straight away myself


            • #7
              THANK YOU !! To my two new customers. I appreciate the patronage from my new NHAA friends for the purchasing of the door weather stripping and the hood bumpers. I have now confirmed that the door rubber is a replacement for 1961 Miller Meteor as well. I was provided a sample recently out of a 1961 coach and swapped a sample with the purchaser to compare. The member was kind enough to allow me to keep the sample and for the gesture I gave the customer a 5 foot piece of door weather stripping from my prototype run to restore the door seal until the coach goes in for bodywork, which I was told is scheduled 2-3 years out. The owner wants to get all else repaired and or restored before doing the body work last. USPS guarantees 3 day shipping and questioning them twice that from Minneapolis to New York it would take at least four days, they have proved me wrong twice so far and have gotten my customers the product in three. Anyone interested, it is time to act since I will not be doing a second extrusion run of the rubber. I now have samples from a 1961 M&M, 1968, 1973, 1975, and referenced a 1978 with no sample but a visual confirmation.


              • #8
                Hey Mike, you still got this?


                • #9
                  Mr. Holic, good to hear from you! Had 2500 feet of it originally back when Hot Rod Dwayne brought it to NHAA members attention. No one from NHAA bought any, even though a couple people said the cash was on the way. I went through the work and expense of two prototypes @ $500.00 each and three technical drawings @ $200+ per drawing and 9 months of R+D. Who cares? Right. First extrusion, 1200 feet sold for $2.50 per foot and then sales flat lined and I got stuck with over 1000 feet. I saved 200 feet for myself and sold the rest for what I had into it, to three different customers. Then everyone started asking about it a year later. I told folks to bad. So after I got requests over and over again recently I compromised and offered to do it again on a prebuy to fund a second extrusion. Basically those that wanted it paid for product before I had it made. Deal was I wanted 1300 feet presold so I would only have to fund half the order. Same shit, different year, only 5 people did the prebuy. So here I was with over $2K of customer cash. What to do? I funded the rest of the footage out of my own pocket again. So the second extrusion run is done and delivered. Only difference is that I am charging $3.50 per foot now to club members only. Either PCS or NHAA are my two affiliations. First extrusion at $2.50 per foot, I walked away with getting my money back out of it for my efforts. The positive, the product now stands on it's own as the best of class. The $2.50 per foot helped get the stuff into enough hands that I can now charge a price comparable to what the manufacturers are getting because of the quality of my product. There bottom dollar is $3.50 per foot and some charge $4.50 neither resemble the original M-M profile. I will be listing on ebay for $4.50 as soon as I find time. So $3.50 per foot, any quantity. Plus S+H You think that is expensive? Consider I paid Minnesota state sales tax on the 2500 feet of product to the manufacturer because I have no tax number, customers that buy from me pay no tax on it because I am covering that as well, then I have to pay income tax on any profit, plus payback on the loan from the bank. Oh, not to forget, the manufacturer raised the price to me also since the first extrusion. My contact phone number is the same. PM me here on NHAA. Contact Hoodlum Rocky or Hot Rod Dwayne to reach me too. No more priority mail shipping. Just surface mail. $10.00 on orders under 50 feet and $20.00 for orders over 50 feet up to 100 for S+H No Paypal...........U.S.P.S. money orders or bank drafts. Personal checks accepted and take 5 business days to clear my bank before I ship. Too expensive for you? Pipe insulation works just the same if you don't care and is available at any Home Depot.Door weather stripping.jpgDoor weather stripping. # 2.jpgDoor weather stripping # 4.jpg
                  Last edited by CUDA MIKE; 02-01-2013, 03:37 PM. Reason: Ohm-mission


                  • #10
                    Sorry it didn't sell better and you ended up eating so much of the cost, that sucks man.

                    I'll need to measure and see how much I need then get back to you. Might get a few local folks to see if they need too.


                    • #11
                      Measuring Door W/S

                      Thank you for your sentiments! A common question customers ask is how much to buy? I measured our Superior using a 100 foot reel style tape. Unreel about 20 feet and just lay down the tape right over the original door W/S and trace the footage that way. On our Superior I got 14 feet per front door and I rounded up another 6 inch's, so 14 1/2 feet times two. Center doors were 15 1/2 feet times two. Rear loading door 15 1/2 feet one time. Our Superior would use 75 feet. I have a bud that has done a couple of installs of door W/S and he insist's that people buy 100 feet. He is a cautious man and feels you need the extra for "just in case" evidently worse case scenario is messing up part of the install and not having enough to finish. Peculiar behavior how so many forum members here and over there will speak up in a post for the W/S and say " Put me down for XXX feet" and then, you never hear from them again. Originally I gauged whether to do the project by this input, before I realized the habits of some. Stupid me! People are mostly not good for their words. Doesn't bother me sitting on this stuff forever, now that I know how folks ego's play into the formula. Like some coach parts I have bought over the last couple years. Some guys are sitting on parts that no one else has, and best put in words, not my own. Those guys are "the only game in town". I recently bought a gasket for a new beacon I am going to restore and when I asked around about sources for the gasket, I was bestowed those words of wisdom and advice. I have 725 feet sold of W/S so far, paid for. Shipping out this weekend. Here is a pic of my new supply $8,750.00 worth, retail on this pallet. Door weather stripping #3.jpg


                      • #12
                        To be honest, I only found this thread when I was looking. I might have casually seen it at first, but didn't even cross my mind. If you've got a bunch of it to sell, why don't we put some collective effort into helping your recoup your cost on it and get the stuff in the hands of the people that actually need it. I don't see too many posts on here where people committed to buying it, so I'm not sure if you mean that we (NHAA folk) were the ones who showed the upfront interest or not.

                        You positively won't take paypal? It takes me a bit of time to get and send a check (as in, it's usually questionable if I have one and remember when I do see it), but if you take Paypal, I could send you money now.


                        • #13
                          A reminder......

                          I just want to reinterate that the product was made as an upgraded and redesigned reproduction, based on the original design of W/S that Miller-Meteor used on certain years ranges of their coach's. Further, I want everyone to know that I found the nicest match to the Superior stuff available over at STEELE RUBBER Part # 70-0491-73 this product is absolutely the closest duplicate to what I have in our 1969 Superior. If any members have needs for a refferal, I know where some of the W/S is on the shelf for different years of coachs by differnt coach builders. Recently Hot Rod Dwayne got a call from a guy looking for W/S for a 1973 Superior and I found what he had out of a catalog. Don't want to sabotage my own efforts but, I pride myself on my integrity and honesty. I value the friendship of some people I have met on the forums, over my primal urges to use members as ATM's so that is why I wanted to disclose some of this information. Here is a picture of William Brinsmeads 1973 Superior Cadillac all Electric hearse, that H.R.Dwayne refered to me for W/S. Bill gave me permission to post his pics on both forums to share his build. Go to EVALBUMS.COM to see more pictures. Enjoy!LIGHTED LANDAU BARS.jpg


                          • #14
                            I'm interested in the product, I just want to be able to get the money to you.


                            • #15
                              I will try again to post the picture of Bill's 1973

