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  • #16
    Hell yea, thats cool. How in the hell does that thing work?


    • #17
      I used an ozone generator in my 58, worked amazingly well. Any kind of mold or mildew smell is simply replaced with that curious sweet smell and once aired out, the affectd areas do not smell like anything.

      For those curious, O3 (ozone) is a molecule that lends a free radical version of oxygen which will readily bond with just about anything organic. In large enough quanitities it will literally erradicate organic details which is why it is handy for removing mold or general cleaning events. The ozone itself smells funny and is typically generated through particular frequencies of uv light down around the 200-180 nanometer wavelength. Commonly, you can smell evidence of it just after an electrical storm or using a copier.


      • #18
        we had a ozone type thing that got the smoking smell out of rv's we used to resell, made my fillings feel funny when working around it.


        • #19
          How's your hearse coming along?


          • #20
            This hearse is fine - other than blowing water pump which in turn fried distributor last summer. Completed a 2000 mile road trip a week ago.

            Been working on my other hearses.


            • #21
              Very cool. I'm looking to get another hearse soon. Had to sell the 71 due to the shop being slow.


              • #22
                Seems to be an influx of recent reasonably priced coaches surfacing of late. Sorry to hear of your situation. Silver lining is that when you're once again ready, you may end up with a coach you like even more.

