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1949 Miller Cadillac in Canada

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  • 1949 Miller Cadillac in Canada

    I came across this beauty in a collection of old cars being cleared from the back 40 at a farm in eastern Ontario. Supposedly it once served as the club car for a chapter of one of Canada's most notorious biker gangs. The glass has been busted out, the lower panels are ripe, there are dents a'plenty, the interior is a mess -- BUT there are many surviving trim pieces, and some of the doors or other body pieces could still be useful. Maybe other parts, too. And how about the oval windows on the sides? Were these standard? I can't recall seeing them before. Anyway, if you are interested in parts or the whole car, let me know!
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  • #2
    That poor poor car. Well, if you don't sell the whole car off...let me know how much you want for the landau bars.


    • #3
      well, it's not beyond my ability to love, but it IS beyond my


      • #4
        Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
        well, it's not beyond my ability to love, but it IS beyond my

        You'd put a motor in that bitch and roll out anyways.

        I just wouldn't ride behind you for fear of something ELSE falling off of one of your cars (I remember almost being killed by one of your hubcaps coming back from Macon - that's why I drive in the FRONT)


        • #5
          Holy shit, i forgot about that one, thats right , you rolled up next to me and gave me the biggest middle finger i had ever seen through 2 panes of glass.

          But yeah. You're right. I would slap a running motor in her and drive her to vegas on a set of cheap used tires.


          • #6


            • #7
              Shit, used what I did and just put some air in the dry-rotted ones. **thinking to myself** "look it holds air, its fine" Yea right, good thing we were just towing the car.


              • #8
                Ontario. Supposedly it once served as the club car for a chapter of one of Canada's most notorious biker gangs.

                now who would that be????????


                • #9
                  Originally posted by laidbackryder View Post
                  now who would that be????????
                  I dunno, but I would think it would be hard to take them seriously lol.


                  • #10
                    Everytime someone tells me they know where a coach is, it is always followed with "It was a club car for the Gang/KKK/Mafia/Biker Gang/etc..."

                    2 of my 3 coaches have bullet holes in them. Do I think this is because they had some gang affiliation? No - I think its because they were sitting in a field and it was something to shoot at. Someone even went so far to tell me that the thick commercial glass windshield on my `57 Eureka was "bulletproof" becuase it was a mob car


                    • #11
                      Oh, wait, I must have been mistaken. It was owned by the Clear Lake Ladies Bridge Club. Yeah, that's it. Supposedly. Which is the word I used in the first place, S-C.
                      I remain a bit skeptical, but the guy who parked it there many years ago did give a credible history linking it to the biker chapter.
                      Oh, and hey StrayCat, Google "Canada" and "biker gangs" . Yeah, I know, radical concept. Doing research before you post....


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
                        I dunno, but I would think it would be hard to take them seriously lol.

                        Did this guy just TRY and call me out on something?

                        I not once said there were no biker gangs in canada. As a matter of fact, everything I said is all in one sentance, and the sentance, as most everybody can see above me here in quote, says absolutely NOTHING about "There are no biker gangs in canada". Unless you are reading something none of the rest of us can read.
                        My comment was based on what I have seen in different "biker groups" with my own eyes. I ride bikes, I love bikes, hell I have 2. And I know from personal experience that you cant "honestly" take most of them seriously. Like alot of the Triumph riders, or god forbid the BMW riders. Those guys are so full of themselves you can see the bullshit ooozzzing from their tailpipes. PLAIN and SIMPLE.

                        But since you took it upon yourself to take a shot at me, and considering you took the first shot, I am going to be nice, and leave you with a lesson I learned in Kindergarden.

                        R-E-A-D, "stop" T-H-I-N-K,"stop", Then my favorite, R-E-A-C-T. Say it with me now.......Cause you apparently forgot the "think" part of the whole " thought process" thing.
                        Last edited by StrayCat; 09-18-2007, 11:47 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Thad Whoopee View Post
                          Google "Canada" and "biker gangs"
                          Isn't Canadian biker gangs an oxymoron?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
                            I not once said there were no biker gangs in canada ... I know from personal experience that you cant "honestly" take most of them seriously ... I am going to be nice, and leave you with a lesson I learned in Kindergarden. R-E-A-D, "stop" T-H-I-N-K,"stop", Then my favorite, R-E-A-C-T ....
                            Right -- you didn't say there are no biker gangs in Canada. Nor -- if you r-e-a-d my earlier message -- did I suggest you did. You were snickering at the concept of Canadian bikers -- if I r-e-a-d you correctly -- and I was merely suggesting you do some (easy) research that would have told you about, for instance, the eight-year gang war in Montreal that left 160 people dead, including an 11-year-old boy playing on a street when a car bomb went off. Or, last year, the execution of eight members or associates of one gang in Ontario. Sure, there are pretend outlaw bikers here, as there are everywhere, but there are serious ones as well. The club associated with this '49 Caddy is defunct now, I believe, but I myself wouldn't have snickered at its members when it was at its height in the '60s and '70s.


                            • #15
                              Great...just what we need...another bout between members. Can't we all just get along

