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Found a '57 or 58 miller meteor

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  • Found a '57 or 58 miller meteor

    In N.C. Near a friend's house, for sale, runs, cheap.

    This is what I was told.

    " Has long fat fins like a 57 chevy, two red lights on the bottom of both fins, has the curvy bars on the top sides, i have seen him drive it around the neighborhood, but that was a few weeks ago, he only wants like 2000.00 for it."

    I asked her to get some pictures if possible, and to look next time she passes to see if it has 4 headlights or just the 2.

    Located in Burlington N.C

  • #2 was a 1958 superior sideloader. but it was sold early this evening to some douchebag. My ass was fixing to be on a mission.


    • #3
      It still can be. Obviously hasn't moved far. Yet.


      • #4
        I've seen these missions before - what perfectly awesome and reasonable car are you going to trade for a heap of unrunning shit? =)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
          I've seen these missions before - what perfectly awesome and reasonable car are you going to trade for a heap of unrunning shit? =)

          Fuck you... I'm not a teenager anymore, if I can't afford it with cash, or the trade is not in my favor, fairly heavily in my favor, then I don't need it. But yes, I have a sick twisted fetish for large rust engulfed automobiles that either just don't run, or flat out never will.

          To quote Garfield the cat " I'M A SLAVE TO MY PASSIONS!!!!!"


          • #6
            That was just an awesome experience - show up at my apartment with this 'just was on fire' limo that you traded that awesome '70 M-M combo for.... Genius I tell you, genius.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
              That was just an awesome experience - show up at my apartment with this 'just was on fire' limo that you traded that awesome '70 M-M combo for.... Genius I tell you, genius.
              BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....yeah I remeber that one, that was the car that I had installed the landau bars off of a mid 60's thunderchicken onto. That car was pimp for awhile tho. I still remeber chaufering Chase and Dave around in the back of that thing asking random people at traffic lights if they had any "grey poupon"...

