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M-M 3-way door frame?

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  • M-M 3-way door frame?

    Im trying to remove the loading door glass of my 59 M-M 3way but cant remove the frame around the glass. The interior panels are removed and the top 3 way latch is off. I still cant figure out how the frame comes out... Ive removed the 2 half inch bolts on the rear of the door that holds that side of the frame in, and 2 small screws at the base of the forward frame. This things not budging.

    Anybody ever taken one apart?

  • #2
    I believe the frame is merely stuck at this point. Don't think you've forgotten any mounting points offhand. Sometimes they require a fair amount of torque/pressure unfortunately.

    Took liberty of calling a friend with a '59 MM 3-way. He's going to double check his coach for you.


    • #3
      Thank you. Ill play around with it a bit after work see if it shakes loose.


      • #4
        On my 63 M&M, the side door glass came out, with the frame lifting straight up. The bolts on the side were removed. Sounds like yours is stuck. On the rear loading door, the interior window frame was removed, then the glass came out.


        • #5
          Nik I stand corrected after my friend checked for you. His is an awesome original unmolested '59 MM. We both learned today that MM welded rear side door window frames in place. (Probably to help counter body flex.) Yours aren't about to come off. If glass is what you need to replace it must tip inwards, up, and out after inner window moldings have been removed.


          • #6
            I see. I'll check tonight after work. Thank you all.


            • #7
              The 60 Superior I replaced the glass in came out like Atti said... my .02


              • #8
                VICTORY! I got it out tonight! It was stuck like you originally thought. I put a block of wood under the top of the window frame and hammered it upward on the latch side which is where it was sticking. The glass is out, and I shall disassemble the frame and put all new screws the next time I work on it. Ill take pics if anybody want to see for future reference.


                • #9
                  bout time, did ash have to help? muw haha


                  • #10
                    She was on her way to Riverside.

                    SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY !!!!


                    • #11
                      Busy saturday? you could come over in the afternoon if you want and we can drink all night while working on the duplex....then sunday again lol


                      • #12
                        Its 50% off at the junk yard this weekend. Ill be on an early morning junk run on Saturday morning. Then Im welding the area around Josh's gas door on his 65 M-M after that.


                        • #13
                          hey ATTI anything happening harse wise around texas in december or JAn??? i might be in the area, what part you in? maybe we can get togeather.


                          • #14
                            No. Try Dallas Trocars. They have many more members in a higher concentrated area.


                            • #15
                              to many gay blades in dallas, ill be hangin around san antonio and houston area.

