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Tranny cooler, does this seem right?

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  • Tranny cooler, does this seem right?

    I bought an after market tranny cooler today because I put in a four core radiator and the tranny lines don't match up with the four tranny cooling area.

    At any rate, this is the size recommended for the hearse, but does this seem a bit small?

  • #2
    Hell, run 2 of them together. That might do the trick.

    I've seen them that size on race cars, so I think that it should be ok.


    • #3
      It is correct, I have the same cooler for mine, I bought an upgrade to replace it. I bought a tranny cooler for a 24,000 pound RV. I just haven't swapped it yet, mainly because the the line sizes differ.


      • #4
        looks like the one i have


        • #5
          ummmm... you aren't running that thing alone are you? i think you are technically supposed to run it in conjunction with the cooler in your radiator......i may be wrong.


          • #6
            i'm not sure how dad has mine ran.


            • #7
              Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
              ummmm... you aren't running that thing alone are you? i think you are technically supposed to run it in conjunction with the cooler in your radiator......i may be wrong.
              That is the recommended way of doing it, but the instructions said it is OK to use it as a standalone as well.

              Thanks for all the advice guys!


              • #8
                mine seems to do pretty saw the trailer i was pulling behind mine in daytona in 04.


                • #9
                  Run it seperate from the cooler, if your radiator collapses internally, you will get water in the tranny & tranny fluid in the water. It's an expensive repair & I know from experience. All my automatics are seperated from the radiator now for that reason.


                  • #10
                    Kaptin is right. I run mine seperate also. Size seems fine, but bigger is better. It really depends on how hard you drive your car. Be sure to use high pressure hoses, don't use vacuum or fuel line for the connections. Make sure it will have adequate air flow.


                    • #11
                      Well, Think of it this way. Before it was cooling with 200 degree water all around it.


                      • #12
                        Here are pictures of my old cooler (similiar to yours) compared to my new cooler.

                        The larger black one is the 24,000 pound RV rated cooler, the aluminum one is rate for a standard sedan. You can see why I upgraded to the larger. Plus the larger RV cooler has angled fins for more cooling. The pictures below compare the straight through fins on the aluminum one compared to the angled fins on the black one.

                        Last edited by kaptinkaos; 06-07-2007, 07:42 PM.


                        • #13
                          I went with a slightly different style trans cooler.



                          • #14
                            Keep in mind that if you use too much tranny cooler, your compressor will run hotter, and you won't have as much A/C. If you're using R134, you may have none at idle, and you might blow a hose and/or or a seal. For R134 and axial compressor (approx. 77 or 78 and older), make sure that your fan is full-shrouded, and never use a trans cooler. I know this from experience...I went through it twice before I did these mods. I also have no fan clutch, and correct fan spacing.

                            I used to have a square cooler with a 12" electric fan attached that I was going to see if I could find a place for, but I might have thrown it out, I dunno. I though maybe it could be diag mounted near the bottom of the radiator, or underneath with a rock shield (aerodynamic or coarse screened). I have three other vehicles that can trailer, though, and now it's too late for a project like that.

                            Ideas. Ideas are always good to throw out into the world. An electric xmsn temp gauge could be put in with the sender teed in as well.


