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Talk about fucked up quirks

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  • Talk about fucked up quirks

    a lifter or two started knocking on the 59 on the way to monsterbash. Has done it ever since that time. The whole top end of the motor is new. I drove it this morning and of couse, lifter knock. Brought it back to the house, pulled the drivers side valve cover, checked everything, and nothing. so, i started it with the valve cover off, and what do you know, it quit knocking. damn thing is as quiet as new. i examined the vave cover, to make sure the rockers weren't hitting, and there is no evidence of that. has anyone experienced this kind of shit? it's got me really confused. i thought it may be buiding up too much preasure under the valve cover, considering in 59, there were no breather holes in the vave covers like there were in the 60's and 70's and so on. Any thoughts?

  • #2
    Valve Cover

    If you loosen it up partially does it quit or lessen any? I know you said there was no evidence of it hitting but I had that happen once on a fresh motor, there was no dirt to leave a mark in and it wasn't hitting hard enough to scratch the inside of the cover. I ended up pulling it off, put a thick coat of the black Mopar gasket maker on the valve cover gasket on one side and used that thicker glued side to attach it to the cover. That stood it off far enough to make it quit.

    I cant imagine the lack of a breather being enopugh to make a lifter knock.

    Does the 59 has an adjustable rocker arm or is it mounted to a one position stand like some of the later caddies?



    • #3
      they are fixed and ride on a rail like thing like a volkswagen bug.

