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Going to the shop

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  • #31
    Well they hadn't even started on the car yet when it got hit. They took it straight over to the body shop to get fixed before they start trying to find out whats wrong with the motor. The damage was a 6 inch crack down the side of the fin on the passenger tailight. Once again not huge damage but just the fact that once again some idiot hit my car in less than a year. And both times the car was sitting and I wasn't near it.


    • #32
      Update! The car is out of the body shop and into the mechanics shop. For all of you that warned me about the iridium plugs. You're all most likely right. I know I shouldn't have installed them but when I told you all about them I had already purchased them and couldn't take them back so I took the chance anyways. They won't be done with it till monday morning so I won't know for sure till then.


      • #33
        Yet another update, new plugs(again),relocated all the grounds(factory recall thing)throttle body flush,new throttle positioning sensor. 626 bucks knocked down to 400 thanks to them keeping my car for a week and getting it hit. Runs absolutely perfect..... except now my ac doesn't work! Fishy in my opinion,worked great the day I took it in, now it doesn't, so taking it in tomorrow and finding out what they screwed up.


        • #34
          You should ask them to add that "new car smell" while they're at it


          • #35
            Yanno I may just do that. Wish I had the hearse club shirt when I ask that!


            • #36
              Originally posted by jlprigmore View Post
              Yanno I may just do that. Wish I had the hearse club shirt when I ask that!
              I'll be printing the first test shots tonight. If they come out as well as expected, what size did ya need? And which style? Pocket t-shirt or Dickies shop shirt?b


              • #37
                Great to hear your car is running again.


                • #38
                  Final update!!! Ok lots happened today. Got in it this morning to take it back to the shop to fix the ac it all of a sudden started running so bad it backfired once through the throttle body and a few times through the exhaust. And after a few minutes it just died altogether. After calling a wrecker and fighting with the shop all day that I did nothing to the car. And than them telling me its a bad battery cable caused by my system I installed I got my car back safe and sound and it runs good again. Now than tell me this doesn't sound fishy. According to them its my fault battery cable was loose (I never touched the battery cable) they wasted a half a day working on it. But yet no questions asked they ate all that labor wastedon my car and covered my 120 dollar tow bill. Now tell me thats not a cover up of one of their mistakes.


                  • #39
                    Oh yeah and thanks Big Evil! And Mr Boogeyman, I'd like a xxxl dickie shirt please sir!


                    • #40
                      So once again I'm going to be taking my car to a shop but this time its something that is long long overdue. I've been so focused on getting it running good and back out on the road with me I overlooked one of the most important tune up basics. Oil Change! It literally just dawned on me that I've owned it for almost a year now and I still have not done an oil change on it. I can't believe how much of a dumbass I am for this. But that will be remedied first thing monday.


                      • #41
                        I always used to check their dipstick, and if the oil was getting dark, I would try to sell an oil change. It was an easy 5-minute job with a profit of $5 or so for the station plus the markup on oil and filter, and I got a 10% commission, and 5% on the sales. (This was in 1980) Sometimes they would tell me that it had just been done, which meant either that they were lying or that their engine was so dirty that their oil was never going to look clean. When I change my oil, it is so clean on the dipstick that I can barely see it, and I was always happy to be able to deliver it to the customer that way. I take pride in my work. Even though I knew it wasn't my fault, I hated to return a car with the oil already brown. The first time I did a VW diesel pickup, and the oil was immediately black, I nearly freaked. Fortunately, the station owner was there to tell me that this was normal for those things.


                        • #42
                          Speaking as one who was just billed $12,000 for threatening to eat pop-tarts, I've decided that the best way through life is just to have a fuck of a lot of money.

                          When it comes to cars, I like the old ones. The gasoline tends to cost less than the repairs to the newer ones.



                          • #43
                            Well to refresh memories here, a few months ago I had to take my car to a Cadillac Dealership to get it worked on, after two weeks and several hassles including a customer backing into it and taking out the rear taillight I got the car back. After looking it over and firing it up I truly thought it was fixed. Well driving back to the hotel it once again started idling bad. Well I sure as hell wasn't going to take it to them a third time so I've been having to drive it in this condition ever since. Well after doing my homework like a good little hearse owner I finally found the problem. My EGR valve has gone bad.... or so I thought! Today I took some time and popped off the aircleaner to take a look around to see how hard it would be to get to and to do it myself. Only to see how the dealership truly "Fixed" my car. I looked down only to find paper towels, yes i did say it,paper towels wrapped around one of the bolts for the EGR valve. Not only is it wrapped in paper towels they actually took the time to take the bolt out and use paper towels as a makeshift gasket to do a quick fix to get me out of there! Well it worked I did leave with my car running good until I burned through the papertowels which of course took me all of about 10 miles down the road. And people wonder why I hate mechanics so much!!!!


                            • #44
                              Well an update on the car. I'm currently working at an airforce base in san antonio,texas. Well this morning one of the base maintainance men backed into my car, putting a 5" hole in my front grille. To add insult to injury the base cops wrote me a ticket for illegally parking even though there aren't any no parking signs or parking spots marked. This is the 3rd time my car has been hit in a year and a half and all three times the car has been parked and I haven't been near it. Is this an omen?

