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unsupervised '57, add a minion

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  • unsupervised '57, add a minion

    The Superior has been laid up sitting at the neon shop for *months* as a 'mechanic' worked on it while I was away in Ohio. This genius used a liquid ax to CUT the stuck wheels nuts off - studs included! Disgusted, it was put on the back burner as actual work and triple digit temps got in the way.

    Finally yesterday, it took a big fuck off puller and some massaging with a different liquid wrench to finagle the hub off.

    Success! Brake pads weren't even close to binding. It was stuck hardcore so I thought that they may have been. Off to the press!

    Little clean up, reassembly and it can finally be off jack stands. Ugh.

  • #2
    where did u get that big ass puller?


    • #3
      First, I had to find a small Mexican named Adolfo. The puller was attached to him.


      • #4
        i ask for 2 reasons, a pullerthat size would've been helpful before and again in the future also i thought post here were to help those less knowng. sorry to take up the 30 seconds of your time for such a witty answer


        • #5
          Just playing. Planned on asking Adolfo already yet have not seen him since last week. Will post when I find out.


          • #6
            Originally posted by eric anderson View Post
            i ask for 2 reasons, a pullerthat size would've been helpful before and again in the future also i thought post here were to help those less knowng. sorry to take up the 30 seconds of your time for such a witty answer

            wow. panties in a bunch much? lighten up man. while i understand the need and want to find where such a tool was acquired there is no need to be an ass.

            could've said. "okay but you wouldn't happen to know where adolfo the mexican got it would you. i'm interested in getting one myself."

            see you wouldn't have sounded like an ass hat then.


            • #7
              I wouldn't go within 20 feet of that thing if it's being held up by those cinder blocks.


              • #8
                I happen to like the creative use of cinder blocks,2X4's,and jack stands....LOL I would rather like to see the cinder blocks rotated with holes up to give it more strength...... but they're your legs....


                • #9
                  Cute. Red stands under axle in first picture were load bearing - blue stands were non-load bearing auxiliary. Yet somehow that tidbit snuck right by you CSIs.

                  And no, I wasn't responsible for the creative constructor set.


                  • #10
                    Maybe it's an optical illusion, but the red stand doesn't look like it is under the axle. The cinder blocks wouldn't really carry much load the way they are positioned, they are much stronger the other way.


                    • #11
                      atti, that info would be great, harbor frieghts hydraulic press for $60 is out of my range
                      stainedglass, 20 questions to get a straight answer and I sound like an asshat, your logic is dead on, maybe i should get the red queen and the mad hatter to help with my raditor hose, when we are done we'll cruise to the choclate factory and hang out with willie
                      ps i ain't mad just a guy with poor people skills thats why i choose to work with dogs


                      • #12
                        let me stop now, sorry guys, i will joke around when i know its all fun and games but yes, i can sound like an ass when i think someone is intenionly jerking me. don't want hard fellings with anyone, my bad, eric


                        • #13
                          People will intentionally jerk you here, but it is all in fun. Don't get frustrated with them. Play along, and an honest answer will come along if someone has the info.


                          • #14
                            Actually ran into Adolfo yesterday. He borrowed this puller from a big rig repair shop.


                            • #15
                              I bought my puller from NAPA. I paid something like $120.00 for it. It attatches to the lug studs and has a 1" fine thread bolt in the center. It also comes with a "knock off" that attatches to the center bolt and allows the use of a BFH. Works like a charm! I've used it on my 58, three 59's, two 62's, and a 63. (All Caddy's)

