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hum in stereo

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  • hum in stereo

    The stereo hums like as loud as it can there a filter for this?

    I always had luck when hooking up radios, but this baffles me......

  • #2
    Can you post some more details on the stereo system, and the type of noise you are hearing?

    I don't know how much stereo system knowledge you have or how complex your system is, but for starters if you have an amplifier you should take care to keep the power cables and the signal cables as far apart from each other as possible. Ideally they should be run on opposite sides of the vehicle. If they run next to each other for any length over a foot or so you run the risk of getting a hum in your system that the signal cables pick up from the power cables.

    Also, whenever possible you should get the power and ground directly from the car battery instead of just grounding components wherever they are. With audio systems if you start grounding components at different places you run into problems with "ground loops" that introduce unwanted sounds into the system. Sometimes there are filters that can take care of this, if grounding at the battery is not possible.

    (Note: if you are running a wire from the battery through your firewall to power an electrical component, make sure you always use a grommet on the firewall so the wire doesn't get worn away by a bare metal hole, and ALWAYS US AN INLINE FUSE no more than 10-12 inches from the battery, just in care the wire shorts somewhere. If you don't and the wire wears out or breaks and comes in contact with the firewall you will have a short that is basically like hooking a wire directly to the positive and negative posts of the battery. It will heat up until it either breaks or catches on fire.)

    The other way to get noise into your system is improper gain settings. It's a little hard to explain, but if you don't set the gain (volume) on all your components correctly you will have all kinds of noise. That usually only pertains to systems with amplifiers, crossovers. processors, etc. They all have their own gain control, and there is a procedure to go through to set them correctly. Again, not knowing the layout of your system it's hard to say exactly what the problem might be.


    • #3
      Hums ONLY on radio stations, or ANYTHING (CD, Tape, MP3, etc)?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Klabee View Post
        The stereo hums like as loud as it can there a filter for this?

        I always had luck when hooking up radios, but this
        car dvd players baffles me......
        It is very hard to tell you if you can mention the details. There could be frequency problem need to check it
        Last edited by Burunt; 01-16-2013, 07:31 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Burunt View Post
          It is very hard to tell you if you can mention the details. There could be frequency problem need to check it
          stop digging up old posts. someone get the ban hammer.

