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1967 Caddi Sovereign, WV

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  • 1967 Caddi Sovereign, WV

    Rebuilt 427 runs GREAT, couple of dings and scratches, small hole in ds floorboard, original color! bad ass. I am just looking to get into another hobby.
    I love my car and do not HAVE to sell it. I will trade it for the right trade. I am not going to give it away so don't even try to lowball me.

    Fast cars, Built jeeps, RV's, possibly built harleys. military vehicles etc.1571709 67 hearseCurto (1).jpg1571709 67 hearseCurto (2).JPG1571709 67 hearseCurto (8).jpg1571709 67 hearseCurto (12).jpg1571709 67 hearseCurto (10).jpg

    my best cash offer is 9500$ so far and I am not tempted. This is my hobby and I need a new one.
    think trade offers in the +13k range.

    text or email or 304-809-73ninefour with offers, may take a day to get back with you.
    located in WV,25918

  • #2
    Welcome to the NHAA.

    Huh. You must not have owned this long. (Maybe hobby jumping is your hobby?) We're familiar with Anthony's old Superior (who is an NHAA member, btw). Believe he sold/traded it to a WV FD last year. You don't come across as a they don't "get into another hobby" nor run vanity plates. I've seen this cool coach in person (search archives for posted pics) and IMHO you should have taken that $9500 offer. Doubtful the sort of $ you're after will happen, unless you luck out on eBay.

    Perhaps a moderator can kindly assist a newb taking this sale ad out of wanted section.

    Edit: At least a couple of the original attached images are when it was still under Anthony's ownership.


    • #3


      • #4

        OMG this was the last place I thought I would find elitest car nazi's

        I am sorry my hearse is cooler than yours, I am not trying to gouge anyone but I know what it is worth to ME. It's mine and its truthfully represented.

        Admin feel free to delete this post and my account if you feel it is warranted, as I will not be coming back to this community nor attending the hearsecon.

        Originally posted by Atti View Post
        Welcome to the NHAA.Your welcome feels like a tar and feathering.

        Huh. Were you asked a question?
        You must not have owned this long. I have had it over a year.I have owned 4 hearses total, 3 before this one. so who the *%&^ are you to judge my hobbies (Maybe hobby jumping is your hobby?)

        We're familiar with Anthony's old Superior (who is an NHAA member, btw).Again I know who I got it from and know he's well known, this is one of the reasons I posted it here to "keep it in the family". Again who asked you, BTW he and his very nice lady are trying to deal to get "Lurch" back so don't act like I'm trying to sneak one past you!

        Believe he sold/traded it to a WV FD last year. Wrong.

        You don't come across as a FD..I'm not, is that a problem? .as they don't "get into another hobby" nor run vanity plates.

        I've seen this cool coach in person Good for you, I drive it everyday lol(search archives for posted pics) and IMHO I am sure you have never been called humble, you should have taken that $9500 offer. Doubtful the sort of $ you're after will happen, unless you luck out on eBay Again I know its not worth 12,500 cash to some people but its not like its a easy car to find in good shape either, I don't mind keeping it but I thought just maybe someone on here would have this as their dream year hearse and would happen to have a old deuce and a half or jeep they may want to trade.

        Perhaps a moderator can kindly assist a newb F__ You again.. taking this sale ad out of wanted Agreed, I posted it incorrectly.

        Edit: At least a couple of the original attached images are when it was still under Anthony's ownership. All of them were as those are the ones I have saved on my flickr and I am at work.
        Attached is a pic in my backyard as of yesterday as well as one of when AG had it. God, I hate that you got me so f'n mad, I hope you die in a fire.

        As for the ad, I'll find somewhere else that is more friendly, I have been into collector and weird cars my whole life,(My first f'n car was a 67 deville I had to pull out of a barn, I am not rich, I find em i swap for em and I work on em. I have never been so disgusted by a representative of a forum and trust me the Jeep forums get pretty heated. I bought my hearse driver shirt here as well as assorted stickers and was going to purchase a couple of purple strobes to help me sell it locally at shows. But what's the point when I no longer wish to support be part of your community, I hope I can work out a way to get it back into AG's hands but if not I will no longer worry about trying to keep it "in the family" and some rich 18 year old punk can airbag it and paint flames on it (blasphemy to me). And I am sure he will join the forum and you all will get along just fine.

        I bid you a most disheartening adieu!
        I wash my hands of you and yours.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by curtob; 04-16-2013, 02:24 PM.


        • #5
          Tad of humility would have gone over far better on an initial post than your 'angle'. Come here swinging dick giving attitude and get it right back. Phraseology like "I am not going to give it away so don't even try to lowball me." and "I am not tempted." are better suited to those that actually know you - this forum does not.

          Amidst your rambling, you did gloss over using some of Anthony's pictures (which is no big deal btw). That's one of Anthony's other coaches parked alongside. Also, see those blue stackable FUNERAL metal signs around the Superior? Anthony owned those, past tense. He has since sold them and I am 100% positive that you don't have they are in my collection.

          Don't concern yourself with some 18 year old punk buying your coach because said punk couldn't afford it.

          NHAA is a wonderful resource. Your loss if you choose to keep puffing that chest out.


          • #6
            ....Think I just shat a lil.


            • #7
              Damn dude, relax and learn to take some criticism... considering many here could have bought that coach for $5500 last July (myself included) you should have expected some "sticker shock" from your ad to say the least. You can't just waltz in here boasting about a coach we already know well and expect to double your money, or triple it with a $13,000+ trade without taking a little heat.

              I bought my hearse driver shirt here as well as assorted stickers and was going to purchase a couple of purple strobes to help me sell it locally at shows. But what's the point when I no longer wish to support be part of your community
              No big loss, so far all you did was sign up to hustle a hearse. Here on NHAA if you share your enthusiasm for the hobby, get to know the members, and interact, we enjoy your company and get to know you over time. It happens alot where people sign up just to sell and that's cool too, but geez you certainly are a sensitive one. Relax and interact, make some new friends from all over the country who love these old hearses and ambulances too. If you're done with us and the procar hobby then that's your choice.

              Oh... your hearse has a 429 Cadillac engine, not a Chevy 427


              • #8
                Guess what guys!! it's BACK up for sale!!

                and he STILL has OUR pics and not his own ... makes me wonder ... is Lurch in as good condition as he was when Brian got him?
                We want him back ... we even TRIED to make a good deal with this guy ... we still have the Hearse we traded for and he doesn't want that back ... the sad part is .. we spent DAYS trying to make that hearse look as nice as it does now ... would you like to know what was in this hearse?? Wasps nest, trash, old moldy candy ... Now think ... is Lurch the '67 the same way now??? Is that why he won't use his OWN pix???
                If he didn't take care of the hearse he traded us, what makes you think he's taking good care of the '67???


                • #9
                  Now best offer over $8k. What happened to "my best cash offer is 9500$ so far and I am not tempted"?

                  Quick! Toss this yokel's gene pool some chlorine.


                  • #10
                    I know that the economy is bad and we are all hurting for money, but DAMN. This is price gouging... plain and simple. The hearse is worth maybe half of what he's asking on it's best day. I could understand asking more if he had put a new paint job on it or fixed it up in some way, but he has not done a damn thing to it since owning it. The hearse he traded us for the '67 was a '94 hearse worth about $4-5K, and now he's trying to sell the '67 for more than double the value of the hearse he traded...He's just trying to "flip" it and double his investment. I guarantee NO one will give him what he's asking. He's stuck with it. I absolutely LOVE that '67 coach and I regret letting it go, but as much as I love it, I hope it rots before someone actually is stupid enough to pay him what he's asking.


                    • #11
                      There are 3741 members of this forum(though many inactive), yet ONE of those 3741 gives this guy a little grief and he goes all cry baby. "I'm taking my dolly and going home boo hoo", that's what I read in his second post and I'm pretty sure I quoted him right.
                      The coach is a nice one, I would love to have it, but it's not 8k nice and surely not 13k nice.
                      I have met some thin skinned people over the years but this guy must have no skin to get that bent so easily.


                      • #12
                        how on earth did i miss this thread?


                        • #13
                          This thread is full of win. Is this guy from Rockford, IL? Same attitude and MO.


                          • #14
                            Too funny


                            • #15
                              lol hearses

