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  • Insurance!

    So I need that annoying thing that is government mandated but not government regulated called insurance. Which I believe to be a scam, however I can't have my car without it (legally).

    Being in a no-fault state such as Michigan I don't even see a point. If anything happens to my car I'm fucked anyway (PLPD, and even with full my car is only worth $1,000 blue book value I think).

    I have a Cadillac 1990 by Eagle Coach RWD converted from a Brougham.

    I just called Allstate and they quoted me at $82 a month ($900 a year) which is INSANE. I think it's cheaper than the last time I went through them. I only used them because that is who my parents went through. I want to find a better deal.

    Can any of you help me out? What do you pay on your coaches. Know anyone in the business who can cut me a deal? Discuss.
    Last edited by Scary Guy; 09-25-2009, 11:19 PM.

  • #2
    Try putting "collector car" insurance on it. It is usually much cheaper. Sine hearses are special interest cars, most will qualify. Be aware that some policies have milage limits on them though.

    With insurance for classic cars, boats, motorcycles, and more, Hagerty was built to protect your collectibles as if they were our own. Join today!


    • #3
      I have mine insured through southern owners ins along with my other vehicles.My coverages are: 50,000 bodily injury, 50,000 property damage, 50,000 uninsured motorist, 5,000 medical payments, 10,000 pip, Because of the custom paint etc I carry 9,500 comprehensive with a 500 deductable and 9,500 collision with a 1000 deductable. For this I pay $423.57 a year. As I add value to the car I will up the comp and coll coverages.


      • #4
        every day drivers like my baby I go thru Progressive, commercial insurance, full coverage for $100.25 per month, and I live in Florida. We have high insurance rates here, due to no one is from florida, and no one knows how to drive in the bright sunshine, and most peole are older than dirt or have their cell phone permantently attached to the side of their head, and do everything in their car except drive. Point it up the road and stomp the gas pedal and see what happens.


        • #5
          My ambulance is insured as a collector vehicle, full coverage and valued at $10,000, for $9 (nine) dollars a month. Makes a big difference if it's your daily driver or not though, plus yor driving record, number of other vehicles, age, etc.


          • #6
            Try Nationwide

            I insured my coach through them in New York City, which is one of the highest insurance ratings, for only about $60 a month.


            • #7
              I use Allstate... and my rates only went up $28 a month for full coverage on the coach. Also, they had NO problem insuring it & recommended full coverage since it has commercial glass & they guarantee if anything ever happens it'll be repaired correctly & to my satisfaction. I did get a couple discounts because I have 2 other vehicles with full coverage and the house insurance through them so they give multi-policy discounts. There are more & more insurance companies refusing to insure hearses nowdays. Let us know what you end up with man.


              • #8
                I'm with State Farm, and they are reasonable if your driving record is perfect, and you bundle different types of insurance. I pay roughly $150 a month for my 05 Subaru Baja (full coverage), my 85 Yamaha Virago (liability), my hearse (comp, collision and glass) and $100,000. in life insurance.

