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Any 59 S&M's out there for sale???

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Haasmama View Post
    I just look at them and "Ummm, No Shit, Sherlock"
    Ha! People will stop me at the gas station and say, "is that a real hearse"? Lol what do you even say to that? No this all a dream. Its not real...people trip me out when it comes to my hearse. Its never the same reaction...aaaaaahhh man I love hearses...


    • #32
      There are two hearses in Michigan that have been hacked up into ecto's. One is a '65 Cad modified with a back seat and the other is an '85-'86 Buick. I see the '65 at car shows all the time and no one can tell the difference. I laugh at both constantly even though the owner of the Buick is actually a pretty cool guy, at least he did that to a Buick.


      • #33
        It is really funny how all you young men are so jealous that a halloween fan such as myself would spend some cash on the real deal and chop it up to look like the ecto while all of yall drive a bunch of shit that nobody gives a fuck about....... keep dreaming about that 59' boys cause joker gonna find it!


        • #34
          Jealous? I fucking hate GhostBusters cars. Unless it's the original 1959 they used in the movie then they're all clones. I don't car how close to the original they get NONE OF THEM ARE THE ORIGINAL and you will ALWAYS BE A WANABE.

          (I know I'm feeding the troll, bare with me here because.)

          I'm calling you out, as a troll. I bet you're actually some PCS member that has popped up on here to screw with us and mess with our heads using reverse psychology. You don't want to see any more '59's hacked up into Ecto-mobiles which I can applaud, keep up the good work. These are way too rare to let that happen. You're just trying to be a dick to turn people off on the idea so keep up the good work, I support you!


          • #35
            (I know I'm feeding the troll, bare with me here because.)
            More troll food...

            Originally posted by joker80 View Post
            It is really funny how all you young men are so jealous that a halloween fan such as myself would spend some cash on the real deal and chop it up to look like the ecto while all of yall drive a bunch of shit that nobody gives a fuck about....... keep dreaming about that 59' boys cause joker gonna find it!
            More power to you Joker. Good Luck! Go out, find one, hack yet another damn Ecto clone and ride off into the sunset in it. Create your own Ecto-Clone forum and gather up all of the other copy-cat, un-original morons that build all the "Almost-Batmobiles" and "not-quite-the-Mystery Machine" vehicles. Don't forget the 100,000 or so General Lee's scooting around everywhere too. You should be able to create a huge following of like minded people such as yourself. I am sure the folks here would be happy to suggest a name for your new forum.

            The thing is, the people on this forum all own and drive coaches that believe it or not, a lot of people "give a shit about". Being a "Halloween Fan" has nothing to do with it. Did you ever stop and think that maybe most of us here in this group are more interested in restoring, preserving and enjoying a truly unique hand-built automobile for more than the automatic assumption from a "halloween fan such yourself", that all the car is good for is to be a halloween prop?

            Me personally, I am tired of seeing the same '68 SS Camaros or GT500 Mustang s sitting at show that are as fake as Pamela Andersons tits. Show me a vintage hearse or ambulance at a show, regardless of it's condition, and that one is the one that get's my vote. You could line up 50 Ecto's and asside from seeing that they are parked together, Whoop-tee-fucking-doo, I won't bother looking any closer.
            Last edited by Haasmama; 10-01-2011, 12:58 PM. Reason: typo


            • #36
              It is really funny how all you young men are so jealous that a halloween fan such as myself would spend some cash on the real deal and chop it up to look like the ecto while all of yall drive a bunch of ....... keep dreaming about that 59' boys cause joker gonna find it!
              First I am not a young man, second I don't actually like the 59. 1969 is my favorite year Caddy, after that I like really old stuff early 50's and older. So you can have the 59 I really don't care. My point was that anyone with a 59 will probably NOT sell to someone who wants to chop it up.
              As far as "shit that nobody gives a fuck about", if no one cares about it then why does this huge forum with all these members exist? Kinda crazy to have all this if no one gives a fuck.
              I really don't care what you spend your money on, and believe me I am not jealous, knock your self out.


              • #37
                Originally posted by joker80 View Post
                It is really funny how you all you pick on me because I like young men. You all are so jealous that a halloween fan such as myself would spend some cash on the real deal and chop it up to look like the ecto so I can lure young men into the back and show em my "proton pack(age)". While all of yall drive a bunch of cool shit that drops bitches panties!.......ill keep dreaming about boys cause joker gon' git em! Yee haww!!!
                Well ill be damned....


                • #38
                  Dont play into Mr. assclowns banter. If and when he ever gets a 59 Combo, who in the hell will sell him parts. Not me, and no one in the PCS. Hope he likes using hemmings.


                  • #39
                    I'm calling bullshit. We know that all people that join up to this site just to post about a '59 are usually willing to pay up to $600 for a perfect running one.

                    We've had Ty Cobb's hearse on the market for a while. Maybe he should buy that.


                    • #40
                      Moved it to the correct subforum too. Sorry for slacking on my duties.


                      • #41
                        Joker, first off allow me to apologize for missing this thread having been quite busy last few days. That being said some honest advice~

                        Drop that infantile newb attitude pronto. You haven't earned it here. Nobody knows you or wants to the way you're coming off. When mixing in poor grammar, narrow minded misguided lackluster 'points', and that you don't even know what you're looking for ('59 Miller Meteor Futura) and responses so far have been rather gentile - believe it or not. Try researching and using the search function next time before coming off like every other ignorant pauper with a pipe dream. With a little (okay, a LOT) more knowledge and coming across more genuine - you may get somewhere.

                        Sooo... A suggestion not brought up in this thread (yet mentioned previously many times). Look for another abandoned Ecto clone as a base. Sure, you may not be able to acquire one for pennies on the dollar, but like your "vision", *dozens* (if not hundreds) have had the same thought over the last 20+ years. Tastes change. People move. Priorities shift. Money runs out.

                        Onto value coverage, shall we..? It isn't just that '59s are stratospheric in price. No, MM is the crest of that pinnacle because of people like YOU (for better or worse). As such, interchangeable '59-'62 MM parts fetch a premium. Realism is that you will not find a decent restorable '59 MM under $10k - and I place the current number one would expect to pay around $15k for entry to your 'club'. (Sure, a rotted incomplete shitbox may be scored for less - like Greg's turd that sold earlier this year.) There are @ least 3 examples that sold for twice the aforementioned figures in similar condition within the last couple years, btw.

                        '60 MM values drop off 50%+/-; '61-'62 over 60%.

                        Do I know of any '59 MMs that can be acquired? Yes. Would you ever learn about one through me? Only if buy money was shown up front. Then you wouldn't be the monumental waste of time that you are now.

                        AS far as who would sell you parts? I would - and come across parts with regularity through hard work. No haggling either. As mentioned, '59-'62 MM parts fetch a premium for this very Ecto-mentality. Simple concept of demand far outweighing supply. Put up or shut up.


                        • #42
                          Well... Dont get me wrong, i love Ghost Busters.
                          But... I hate ecto-1 clones. Lamest s^$& i've ever seen. At first, i could understand why.. But now that the hearses/ambulances are all getting turned into them.. it makes me hate them.

                          Besides... M.M Arent the nicest body lines in my opinion anyway! haha!


                          • #43
                            I'd like to jump in here and help....I have a ratty looking 64 Chevy panel truck, red and rust in color, but a heart of gold...Coupla years back Luke and I were heading to a concert in it, got out and heard someone yell out "Ghostbusters!!!!!" Obviously a keen-eyed friend of Jokers who could see that these 2 vehicles were virtually IDENTICAL. No-one will ever know the difference and I'd let this baby go for $7K but only because you are gonna make an ECTO out of it....


                            • #44
                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

