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What a body looks like after 50 years of being buried

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
    Ooh, ooh, I've got an idea. Let's say that you were the son of a deity, that you were practically perfect in every way (staying with whores, criminals, lepers and the like), could walk on water, heal the sick, raise the dead, stood up to oppressors and gave up a selfless suicide so the rest of the world could be assholes!

    Actually no, that's probably too much - nobody would believe that bullshit even after a few thousand years.
    If you were to take several hundred years to come up with it a piece at a time you might have something. It is a fairly solid model for social control to be honest. To a much more compressed scale, elections often come down to "Well I don't want that other guy in office". The way people vote has almost nothing to do with them liking the candidate they chose or even being legitimately educated on the issues at hand. Every three weeks is like another cambrian explosion when it comes to that stuff.


    • #17
      Originally posted by kani888
      Interesting mummy which is very horror looking when i open the link i am afraid to see this mummy but now i am OK..Is any poison on it that's color is golden and black..What is the back ground of this mummy?


      • #18
        Originally posted by kani888
        Interesting mummy which is very horror looking when i open the link i am afraid to see this mummy but now i am OK..Is any poison on it that's color is golden and black..What is the back ground of this mummy?

        Riccardo... is that you???


        • #19


          • #20
            When gus absolutely, positively, must dead!


            • #21
              hehe, what's the etymology for the Gus Must Dead expression?


              • #22
                Not sure if you were on the board when he was a round. This thread will give you an idea...
                I'd love to find out and meet any disabled girls such blind, midget, any freaky girls, etc... This is for my own haunt-related house movie, also other job too. ;)

                it was something Riccardo used to say


                • #23
                  I can't find the original quote in that thread. Fun reading though.


                  • #24
                    I believe the "Gus must dead" quote was in one of his other threads.
                    Haunti had mentioned a moderator on one of the Halloween forums named Gus and Retardo got pissed and said "GUS MUST DEAD!"


                    • #25
                      I are back and soon you will all be sorry ass one day!
                      I dont into pedophilla now, I have to much sex on my mom even though she is not cripple

                      Sorry, had to do it!


                      • #26
                        After much searching I found the line.
                        It was in a post by one of Riccardo's many alias's Crazymufu.

                        Please be awary! I do carry more handguns, a couple of shotguns, a couple of Mac-Tec 10 Uzi machine guns, several rifles here for my own protection! Do not FUCK with me, and you'll be dead for good!!! :evil: I do have a few bodyguards here with me to protect me!


                        • #27
                          Just a random thought.. This person who has been exhumed.. Provided he was buried in the US, He could very well have been a Passenger in a Member of this forum's Coach.. Small world.


                          • #28
                            i think someone should get in touch with this gus person. too bad we don't have any of those shirts left.

