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Atti, where are my parts.

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  • #31
    I'm very selective about why I ban people historically, and it has to be something pretty egregious (child porn comes to mind). One of the reasons we let people have it out is so that the person accused can defend their position and let their side be known, if only on side spoke and I banned the other that is passing total judgement on a situation I'm not personally involved in. True capitalism at it's finest - offer a good product and good service, people come back, do them wrong and they don't - I'm not going to intervene.


    • #32
      Thank-you for the explanation. I see your point. Makes sense.


      • #33
        Atti's lack of participatuion in here is ringing loud N clear about his actions to others. He has no defense. He is all over the PCS site, nice as pie, and showing all his friends stuff.


        • #34
          time for a blanket party!


          • #35
            Almost makes it hard to believe that his rep power is 22 on here.


            • #36
              I don't consider someone's absence to be an admission of guilt. Morella goes months without posting, but I don't assume her to have gone and shot up a school (yet). I don't doubt your claims, I just offer forum for Atti to either defend his position or publicly own up to it. I almost never wrong anybody (ask anybody who knows me), but given the same situation I would want an opportunity to speak to the community.


              • #37
                Psyc, I do admire your willingness to let this play out in a public court(for lack of a better word). Most sites would have shut this down and advised the players to reconcile in a private forum. As a new member to this site( that I happen to like) may I make a suggestion that a New Forum be added maybe " The Good. the Bad. and the Ugly" Where members can complain or sing the praises of other members that they deal with. I use Cadilac Pat's Thread as an example: A new member comes aboard and is bombed with this Drama, right out of the gate. Also it would give members a place to get some feedback and info about members before they deal with them. Just a thought.


                • #38
                  In my opinion allowing stuff to be handled right out in the open after private negotiations have failed, is just an incentive to handle your business the right way. Besides, it also serves as a warning to those who consider doing business with someone who has a shaky track record.


                  • #39
                    A.Sharpe, I have to say I disagree with the idea in fear that it might turn into some type of flame forum or some crap like that. I think handling it here is alright. Although I wouldn't mind attaching buyer/seller ratings like e-bay does but then how do you contest bad reviews?

                    Chris, I know Morella's not been around but there is a difference. There isn't any bad publicity here scaring her away (not that I think any ever would). Atti either feels a bit guilty or just doesn't want to think about it so he avoids it. You've even pointed this thread out to him in another thread (like he hasn't seen it) and he still has yet to say anything in his own defense, possibly because he knows he can't.


                    • #40
                      Scary, That's exactly what it is a flame forum. Also a rateing system. It would just move this type of thread to a central place. It would also give the moderators a place to move this type of thread too. It was just an idea and has worked quite well on other sites. I still love this place .


                      • #41
                        I don't believe he sets out to scam anyone. He just seems to make promises he can't keep.
                        I have been waiting for parts from him since April. After me receiving nothing but excuses, and he no longer responds to emails or PMs and will not answer my calls. I have been forced to contact the Police department in Roanoke and the Postmaster General (postal money order and using USPS to receive payment gets them involved) and they should be paying him a visit.
                        Not receiving the parts he agreed to provide, I have been forced to purchase them elsewhere.


                        • #42
                          A Douch bag is a douch bag, no matter how you flavor the water. Keep the pressure up. He finally sent my parts.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by A.Sharpe View Post
                            Scary, That's exactly what it is a flame forum. Also a rateing system. It would just move this type of thread to a central place. It would also give the moderators a place to move this type of thread too. It was just an idea and has worked quite well on other sites. I still love this place .
                            See I hate flame forums because a few forums I've been on have had them and it just ended up being nothing but assholes calling eachother faggots and was basically a less intellectual version of 4chan's /b (I never even though that was possible). I finally gave up and left and the average IQ dropped sharply, and then it shortly died of any activity thereafter.

                            Originally posted by Jus" Roach View Post
                            I don't believe he sets out to scam anyone. He just seems to make promises he can't keep.
                            Don't try to validate the behavior. If he wanted to make good on his word, he would. It's really that simple.

                            Originally posted by pyro View Post
                            Keep the pressure up. He finally sent my parts.
                            Honestly you didn't really apply much pressure. What else did you do to force him to bend to your will besides just make him extremely uncomfortable on here?


                            • #44
                              The post served its purpose, and performed exactly as I had hoped. I kept it professional, and factual. (except the douchbag comment, I dont know what flavor he prefers). Atti didnt like the negative attantion, so he mailed me my parts. Educating the rest of the folks was also accomplished. Take your chances with this guy. Pay COD.

                              Loosing ones reputation, or the possibility of unwanted attantion by Johnny Law is always a big push.


                              • #45
                                i think what swayed him was the thread of the "blanket party"

