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The saga of the transmission continues.

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  • The saga of the transmission continues.

    As many might remember, I spent a pretty good bit of time and money this past year in getting my car ready for the trip to Asheville, only to be sorely disappointed by breaking down a trite 300 miles from the start of my journey in beautiful downtown Travelers Rest, South Carolina. Transmission gave up the ghost and we had to go back on a tow-truck and bring her back to Billy's house for diagnosis.

    After taking the trans out, it looked to be that the pump had gone south, and after a few choice words with the folks at Hughes, I just returned the shit to Summit. In it's place I bought a nice TCI pump and a B&M Nitrous Holeshot 2400 converter.

    Billy gets the transmission in the car on Monday, hooks everything up and the damned converter doesn't sit flush with the flexplate because of the bolts and we have to use washers to give us some clearance. After hunting down some jumper cables and the plumes of smoke from all the grease everywhere, she fires up and I drive my car for the first time in 6 months and 13 days! (she smells like a dank basement and has green shit growing all over the back door and chrome - she's VERY unhappy with me right now)

    After doing a lap around Billy's neighborhood and everything seems to be going well, we stop to check fluid levels, so we hit the flat spot outside of his driveway. Check the fluid and still seems low. We add more fluid, fluid comes out of the vent tube, try and back her up and she won't move - just revs. Get out, check fluid again, ponder the situation, then.... the car just STOPS running and there is smoke by the battery. Apparently the previous way I had the positive cable from the battery to the starter held back was no longer in place and as she sat there idling, the cable swung down, hit a hot header, melted the shielding and welded itself to the header causing the negative battery terminal to become a fuseable link and FUCKING MELTED.

    We end up pulling her up the driveway with a piece of rope from my jetski and an Explorer.

    Yesterday Billy calls me and tells me that he thinks we might have the wrong converter because this one has tabs and takes nuts on the back of the bolts, but the other 3 converters have all had threaded blocks on them (and looking at the B&M site, this looked to be the case), but after a conversation with B&M it turns out that you can get either depending on where the old converter came from.

    Went by there last night and she still won't drive. She did pull herself barely up the driveway, but it just feels the same way it did when I got to the gas station in South Carolina. Just revs, moves a hair but nothing notable and certainly not driveable.

    Now I'm trying to figure out how to just get her back up to my shop so I can further diagnose where the problem might be. I think I'm going to take that converter out and put the stock one back in just to start ruling out different parts. I honestly have NO idea what is wrong. She drove on Monday but then stopped driving, so I feel that at least some of the parts are right.

    Any ideas are appreciated.


  • #2


    • #4
      Did I miss something, where is this shop you have her in?


      • #5
        i believe he is now renting shop space.


        • #6
          GigaBykes Speed Shop

          You guys will soon benefit from my awesome new shop, I just wasn't going to be very happy about having anybody else's hearse in my shop if mine wasn't there.

          Soon we'll have a full fab shop and offer wiring services too. After the new year we're going to try and become a Rebel Wire dealer.


          • #7
            maybe you could have a shop warming party, and we can all come over and order pizza.


            • #8
              Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
              GigaBykes Speed Shop

              You guys will soon benefit from my awesome new shop, I just wasn't going to be very happy about having anybody else's hearse in my shop if mine wasn't there.

              Soon we'll have a full fab shop and offer wiring services too. After the new year we're going to try and become a Rebel Wire dealer.
              Congrats on the new digs!!! You will have to post more up on the shop once you have it all up and going.


              • #9

