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For those of you that don't know...

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  • For those of you that don't know...

    I have been layed up in the hospital since Monday. This is also an update for those of you that do know. I have been through what seems to e like a gazillion tests, which proved fruitless. Yesterday they finally found some things. I have Gastroparesis and Diverticulitis in my colon. If you want to know what it is, goggle it. I am not digesting my food. I eat it and it just sits in my stomach. Then after a while I just throw it up. I had my gall bladder taken out 3 weeks ago because we thought this is what was going on. Yes, my gall bladder was bad, but there is alot more going on. I haven't been on much and wanted you guys to know I missed your sense of humor, oh and I wanted to be an attention whore! :P I will be on when I am not knocked out by morphine.


  • #2
    Hope you get well soon. we miss you too attention Sent you a friend request on myspace.


    • #3
      Well best of luck getting better doll, you take care! -Zachary


      • #4
        now i will say a prayer for you my long distant aquaintence (friend)


        • #5
          I'm sorry to hear that. Will you be OK? How long will it be before you can go home?

          If they release you while your husband is at work, I can come up and stay with you for a couple of days. Just call or send me an email with your address, and I'll take a cab from the closest airport. They always send you home too soon, to save the insurance company money.

          My home phone is 520-514-1467, in case you don't have my cell with you.

          Get well soon



          • #6
            hey ya didn't offer too stay w/ me (feelings hurt, but understand completly) cries while exiting the stage!!!


            • #7
              Hope your colon get better soon.

              They need an emoticon for colon health...


              • #8
                Hope you feel better soon!


                • #9
                  Thanks guys... not long after I wrotw this my doctor came in and said I could go home. So I got to leave about 1pm this afternoon. They would not let me get out of bed, I have bed back. In other words my back hurts like hell. Luckily, they had free WIFI at the hospital or I would have gone insane.


                  • #10
                    One thing I wish could have happened is all of you come visit me in the hospital, rolling up in your hearses. Do you know how many heart attacks that would have caused?

                    Ok, so I am evil.


                    • #11

                      hey ya didn't offer too stay w/ me (feelings hurt, but understand completly) cries while exiting the stage!!!
                      Well, Georgia is a long trip. Shelly is only 5 hours away.

                      I'll trade you some attention for some morphine.



                      • #12
                        Wow. sorry to hear about it. Hope you feel better soon.


                        • #13
                          I am going back to the doctor tomorrow. Things haven't gotten any better. (Is gotten a word?) I may be put back in the hospital or sent to sent to University Hospital. Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts. If I am admitted, I should be able to have my laptop. But who knows.


                          • #14
                            sorry to hear that you're not getting any better sweety.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by msc0nduct View Post
                              One thing I wish could have happened is all of you come visit me in the hospital, rolling up in your hearses. Do you know how many heart attacks that would have caused?

                              Ok, so I am evil.

                              That kinda hit a nerve – my Mother had hip surgery a few months ago and was put in a “home” to recover. I threatened to pick her up in my big BLACK (Hearse) Cadillac. “Don’t you dare!!! I think you’d better use the WHITE (Limo) Caddy”, she said.
                              Needless to say, I used the limo (being my mom and all).
                              However, just thinking about it makes me giggle – I figure (from the age of the people there) I could have reduced the population at least 35% -

                              Hope you get well soon, take care.

