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  • #31
    I am home now


    • #32
      glad you are home.


      • #33
        So, another 10 days of antibiotics and you're good as new?


        • #34
          Glad to see you're coming around


          • #35
            I missed you guys!!!

            10 days of antibiotics.... good as new. Heh, I wish.


            • #36
              My neighbor said that I looked much better today, probably because Tony is here and I'm not sitting around alone. I've gotten some sleep the last few days, too, which is what I do when my pain medicine can't control my neck pain. I take some valium, Benadryl, Melatonin, or whatever it takes, and I sleep most of the day. That leaves me a yecchy feeling, and I certainly wouldn't recommend it to anyone else, but sometimes it's what it takes for me.

              Geez, everyone else around here is shooting off fireworks. I'm gonna go get some roman candles, bottle rockets and M80s. Tony is already asleep, but he might not be for long.



              • #37
                Glad you are back!


                • #38
                  Thanks, I still won't be around alot, as I still feel like total CACA! But I will keep checking in.


                  • #39
                    Sorry I have not updated recently. It has been a tough couple/three weeks. I went to the University hospital on last Thursday, I was there for four hours. They ran a bunch of tests and thought I might have Graves Disease. It is still not ruled out. But this is not the underlining problem anyway. I go back there in a month. I also went to my regular doctor on Friday, they are cutting me back on the pain pills, but they did find me a pain clinic that hopefully to get into one in the next to weeks. This is not something I am dealing with well.

                    Next thing that is stressing me out, C-man my younger son has stolen over 200 dollars from me in the past 3 weeks, right out from under my nose. It is bad.

                    Next thing, G-man my older son just got suspended for shitting down the back of a kid while in gym class. This is frigging serious. I guess the kid was bending over tying his shoe and G-man came over and pulled down his pant to fart on him and shit on him instead. We had to have a meeting with the district. They also informed me that G-man is no longer resource. They are let him come back to school last Wednesday after being suspended for a week and a half and he is only being able to attend half days of school, until the end of the quarter. That means he gets to go to 4 classes and then has to come home. Of he does one thing wrong he is out forever from that school(missing assignment, talking out in class.. ANYTHING) Also, the school police officer, after interviewing several children has decided to press lewdness charges against him. Apparently Garret farts on allot of people during gym class. I am stressed out, I don't know how much more I can take. I am slowly slipping out of reality into a place I don't want to be.

                    back to me.... the Rhumitology Clinic found some things out. So here we go.
                    I have Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease
                    Rheumatoid Arthritis
                    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
                    They also think I have Lupus but it is not showing up yet.

                    They are doing another test called "Anti-Jo" that mimics Lupus.

                    I have gotten so bad I can hardly walk now.
                    The sad thing with all of this is, how they are treating me now with medications, is basically the only way to treat what I have. Lots of different kinds of medications and lots of pain medications.
                    My spirits are not so high anymore, I just pray for a better day tomorrow.

                    So that is why I have not been around much to to harass you all. I am done whining.

                    Much love,
                    Last edited by msc0nduct; 02-25-2008, 07:33 PM.


                    • #40
                      I hope you get well soon!


                      • #41
                        I'm glad to hear from you, sweetheart. I've been thinking about you lately.

                        Does the kids' dad live with you? I've had a little trouble with Jenny staying up all night and sleeping in class because Tony is out trucking and she knows that I sleep a lot, but we're straightening it out, I think. I asked her dad to talk to her on the phone since she listens to him better. We set strict rules on her coming home at 8pm. I unplug the house phone at night, and her Internet is set to go off at 9pm automatically. I explained to her that the phone system and network belonged to me, and that I have the ability to listen to and log every word she says on it.

                        I'm not sure whether she's getting away with what she can, though, or if she's misbehaved a little because she misses parental attention. She really does seem like a good kid, and she was inline for a Harvard scholarship until she let her grades slip recently. I just wondered if you could put these problems on their dad's back, because you have enough to deal with. Did the kid grab the money out of your purse? Maybe you should not keep cash, and use a debit card.

                        I'm not a doctor, but I don't think that you're getting decent medical care. Some of their diagnoses seem to overlap or conflict, and cutting back your pain medicine is nothing short of cruel.

                        I'm afraid that they're going to cut back my pain medicine too. Only 13 doctors in Tucson will even prescribe pain pills anymore, which is causing a backup of appointments at pain clinics. All of these television shows and commercials about how horrible pain medicine is have got the federal government in an uproar, and doctors are afraid of getting ino trouble. Still, your personal doctor should be the one who is concerned about your pain and emotional state. Mine has given me antidepressants and Valium for my stress and depression as well as the pain medicine.

                        My physical therapy didn't work out, but that's all I'm going to say about my condition, because it would seem uncaring when you have things so much worse. I'm able to do some paperwork for Tony so that we don't get sued if there is a traffic accident, and I answer his company mail. I can do this stuff when I feel well enough. I also clean and repair the house, the best I can. At least I don't feel useless.

                        You're still welcome to call me on my cell phone.

                        Well, I'm going to bed. Get well soon.

                        Love, Denise


                        • #42
                          Sorry guys I did not mean to leave you all hanging without my presence. They started me on Chemo and I have had a rough go of it. I am not really feeling well or awake much these days. Although, I need to keep myself laughing and this is definately good therapy for that. So, once again I am back from the dead for the time being.


                          • #43
                            I have a former friend who was on chemo. She said that one day she had an awful cold and didn't want to go in, but her doctor said that she had to. By the time she got done, her cold had disappeared. That sure beats the hell out of Robutussin, doesn't it? I know it is unpleasant, but keep laughing. It really does help. Do you have Yahoo messenger? It's free, and I put on a headset and talk to the hubby for hours sometimes. That was a decision we made after we got a $200 cell phone bill. He just calls me up and tells me when to get on. Is that better or worse than telling me when to get off? I don't guess it matters...he's already asleep by then.

                            I really wish I could have visited you, but when they threw me in the mental hospital for a week, my favorite handgun was stolen, my laptop was trashed and had to be reformatted, and some auto parts have been messed with. I haven't even inventoried the tools yet. Now I know that I can't leave Jenny in the house alone or even with some older people we know, not that I was left any choice. The cops told Jenny that I would be back in 2-3 hours, left her there with two loaded guns, and threw me in the nut house for a week. They already had the 72-hr. petition in their hands, so they knew that they were lying and endangering a child. Guess who is getting sued, and a complaint to Internal Affairs?

                            I'm going to try to get her to go along with Dad on a trucking run, so that I can get in the hearse and drive out of here alone for a while. The hearse is set up for camping (mostly), and I'd like to park at Yellowstone and medidate for a few days. Maybe I could stop by then? I'd like to see Zach and have a six-way orgy with his hearse girls on the way too.

                            What else is happening in late May/June around the plains area?



                            • #44
                              I am actually planning on going to Yellowstone in May or June. We are also going to Vegas for a week in June, July or August. It just depends on when we get that $1800 dollar check from federal taxes.

                              Very curious, why did they have a petition do put you in the luney bin for a week?


                              • #45
                                That was a gift from a friend of a friend who misheard and misunderstood a bunch of things that I said. She called me in as a suicide risk, and when I refused to give up Tony's and my gun collection, they told me that I could go to the mental hospital voluntarily and be out in 2-3 hours, or go involuntarily and be held 72 hours, not counting weekends and holidays. I said that I would go voluntarily, the cop said that I would be back in a few hours, and I was thrown in there for a week.


