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the new K.I.T.T.

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  • #16
    Sorry guys, I am going to have to stand by the new Night Rider.

    In general I am not into new cars or tuners, but the fact is, a quality car is a quality car, plus the concept of Night Rider has always been somewhat absurd anyways. It looks good to me. Then again, what the hell do I know, I think giant bat wings look good on cars so maybe I am not the best judge...

    Agreed though, if the lights done do the Cylon thing then it is NOT going to be acceptable.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BIGEVIL View Post
      They should have stuck with their original idea!

      Hey, I think I saw that one! You know, back in the 80's when they releassed it under the name "The Wraith" and Charlie Sheen was kicking ass and taking names. Best shitty car movie EVER!


      • #18
        I never did like movies where things change shape, like the Matrix and Terminator sequels, or swap from one body to another, like a few of the original Star Trek episodes. I never did care much for characters that can't be killed, either. That shit was old and tired in the 60's, and I can't relate to it.

        A good plot that I can relate to is much more important than "special effects", which have been done to death, except in shows like the new Battlestar Galactica where they are done well, in good taste, and augment a plot instead of replacing it.

        I did like those Cylon eyes, though. I'm glad they kept them on BSG for the bullethead models.



        • #19
          Here's the teaser trailer from NBC....

