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    Alrighty guys, here is the situation...

    I want to get some feedback from our regulars here because this is something important.

    As you may or may not know, the PCS has made some changes with their forums rules that are causing people to peruse the possibility of other forums to visit. This is a good thing for us because I have already referred a couple of people to the forums here and several have registered as new users in the past couple days. The overflow of people who are coming here is awesome because it gives us more activity and more variety so I want to embrace that.

    The one piece of feedback has been the fact that we are somewhat, er, politically incorrect. We've brought this up before, and the resounding feedback was that you'd rather not be more politically correct. That's fine, but we would still like to be more approachable so that we can enjoy a boost in membership and have a more rounded forum what I would like to suggest is this - We construct (by we, I of course mean Chris) a At Your Own Risk forum. Basically there is a splash page warning on the forum that this is the place where you do NOT go if you are easily offended or bothered by questionable humor, that way we can still be as offensive as we want to be but we'd have a more friendly atmosphere and garner more registered users.

    What I need to know is, is this something that you, the regular users would support us on and help us by posting in that forum?

  • #2
    If ya'll think that would be best, I guess I could support it, but do we really want people like that? If it offends them, they shouldn't fuckin' read it! I'm not very fond of bein' P.C., but if it would help, I'm down. As long as we don't get too many whiny bitches.


    • #3
      How about we make the NHAA board/forum prim and proper and the rest of the board can be as it is.


      • #4
        The point isn't to make this into the next PCS message board, so don't think that is what I am suggesting here. They are pushing through new rules over there that are ostracizing some of the current membership and as such, these people are going elsewhere and ending up here. So, I see no reason not to benefit from that.

        Again, it's just a suggesion and inquiry to see what you all think. I see it as something where we can have it both ways. Not suggesting that we do away with the principles of the board by any means, just saying that ok, if you're going to post something that common sense would tell you is offensive, post it in a forum where people have been warned and if they get offended it's their own damned fault for venturing in there.

        We wouldn't restrict use of profanity or what you say out here, but we'd suggest things like off color jokes, links to filth so questionable Calligula would ban it, etc, you put it there instead of out here (I realize the NFW forum sort of covers that already, but I guess what we would be shooting for is for people to observe the request and use the At Your Own Risk forum more)

        Also, just to make sure, no this isn't directed at any one at all, no there wasn't a post that touched this off, it is a general suggestion/inquiry.


        • #5
          I am one of those new members. I have talked to Zach about this a little bit.

          I am a big fan of irreverence, and frequent a number of places where it is the norm. From what I have read so far, this place seems to have a lot of like minded individuals who don't seem to offend each other much, BUT:

          There does seem to be a need out in cyberland for a family-friendly board where resources and just general talk about hearses and ambulances can be exchanged. Whether this place becomes that, I don't know. I have been a member of more than a few boards that are, for lack of a better term, politically correct, but include a subforum that can only be accessed by people who request to be there, which includes all the nudity, dirty jokes, political discussion, etc. It seems to work well.

          The other option would be a completely different forum which functions much like the PCS, but without the access to information restrictions and without the bickering over haircuts and billet wheels.

          I've pretty much turned in my password over there, since they seem to have no interest in even entertaining anyone's opinions. I will post a thread later to introduce myself a little better. I have a few ideas that I think people here will be interested in.
          Last edited by R U INJRD; 01-04-2008, 06:40 PM.


          • #6
            it seems like most of what we do around here is just hang out, and post music videos or pictures of chicks, which is awesome, of course. it's a good time waster, and builds a sense of community.

            this is a procar-related board though, so it would be nice to have more members that know their stuff. i'm still a procar and automotive newb, so it is always great to hear from people who know their stuff.

            personally, i'd like to see more related content. like how-to restoration topics, for instance.

            i see no problem with putting the off-topic stuff in another part of the forum. but i also don't think we need to bend over for uptight people, either.


            • #7
              I agree with points made on both sides. One of the reasons I like this board is it's diversity. Go from serious issues to plain screwing around.
              If the goal is to increase membership with limiting the offensive natured material to a specific forum, then that I can understand. If the board is split to have the "Family Friendly" side & the "other side", then so be it. As long as it isn't as strict as the PCS board.

              My opinion is; either way is fine with me as long as we don't lose the original intent of this board.


              • #8

                Ditto....i don't care either way. If we open a non-PC kinda forum then i'll hang out there and be king of Siberia.


                • #9
                  Im newer here, but visit the forums at least twice a day although I dont post much. My feelings are (if they even count) as long as it stays cool, its cool with me. If there are new rules about vulgar language and posting obscene pics Ill be on my merry fucking way.


                  • #10
                    Why not just move questionable threads into the not safe for work forum? The NHAA forums already have so many categories, not all of which get many posts - adding more seems like overkill.


                    • #11
                      Whatever, either way I'm here for the duration.


                      • #12
                        I'm good either way. But remember the 11th commandment. "Thou shall not whine."


                        • #13
                          or cheese for that matter. DOH


                          • #14
                            I personally think there still a need for a "Not work safe" forum. Other than that I am game for everything. I like it here and spend most of my time here and intent to continue to do so.


                            • #15
                              Sounds to me like your just asking that people use common sense, if its offensive put it in the right spot! Sounds good to me. I'm here for the duration too so whatever it takes to keep everyone on board and talking is all good by me.

