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My Rant!!!

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  • #16
    No mods on this site to kick her to the curb?


    • #17
      No need to get your panties in a bunch, just delete it and move on, or like Bigevil says, get some information so we can fuck with em.

      Spam happens. You can delete it and move on.

      If you're upset about the religious content, my god can beat up your god. And if you're athiest, who cares, because god doesn't exist.

      I'll tell you the same thing I tell some of the PCS guys. If you're that offended by it, grow a set. There's a lot WORSE here on the net. For proof, see almost any of tonytheskin's posts (thanks Tony! )


      • #18
        Originally posted by tonytheskin View Post
        It was Billy wasn't it?
        here's my religious propaganda for the day.

        Thank you now fuck off. Lovingly of course.


        • #19
          well....and this one.....


          • #20


            • #21
              I got the same email this afternoon so don't feel bad


              • #22
                The YMCA pic has become very famous. It's one of my BMX buddies taking the "A"!
                Here's the orig:


                • #23
         there won't be naked pictures of Stephanie if I click the link? Maybe that's why I'm not religious...

                  Unless Stephanie looks like Buddha, then I'm kinda glad about the whole no-nudies thing...

                  My first PM and it was SPAM, bummer...


                  • #24


                    • #25
                      Yep, got my PM also.

                      BTW, all the anti-religion stuff is just as bad.

                      Just sayin...


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by EternalCombustion View Post
                        BTW, all the anti-religion stuff is just as bad.
                        So unsubscribe to the post and , because I don't mind it.


                        • #27
                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by spastic_chicken View Post
                            So unsubscribe to the post and , because I don't mind it.
                            I figured I would be misunderstood, and get an unintelligent response.

                            Lack of a believe in a particular religion is still a believe system. Continuing to post "your believe system" is actually no different than any religion (Christianity, Buddism, etc) posting their believe system.

                            I support your right to believe what you want. I just thought it was pretty funny that this rant turned in to exactly what the rant was ranting against.


                            • #29
                              I think the rant is more about how some hopeless brainwashed person would go through all the effort to sign up on a chat forum ONLY to tell me I am going to hell.
                              I already knew that! But at least I'll have sex, drugs, rock&roll, and all of my friends will be there.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by BIGEVIL View Post
                                I think the rant is more about how some hopeless brainwashed person would go through all the effort to sign up on a chat forum ONLY to tell me I am going to hell.
                                I already knew that! But at least I'll have sex, drugs, rock&roll, and all of my friends will be there.
                                Save me a spot on the comfy couch down there brotha!

