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My Rant!!!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by EternalCombustion View Post
    I figured I would be misunderstood, and get an unintelligent response.

    Lack of a believe in a particular religion is still a believe system. Continuing to post "your believe system" is actually no different than any religion (Christianity, Buddism, etc) posting their believe system.

    I support your right to believe what you want. I just thought it was pretty funny that this rant turned in to exactly what the rant was ranting against.
    The rant in its original form was not necessary anyway, that's my point. And you said the anti religion stuff is "just as bad". I haven't told you what my "believe system" is.

    My belief is that if you don't like the comments, grow a set, shut up, and don't look at the specific post you're offended with. I'm happy with the people here and the things they post, I don't need someone in here commenting on what they believe is "just as bad".

    I just don't care, I'd rather see this whole post deleted. The original "rant" was just stupid. *Cries* I got spammed and I can't handle it!!!! There are too many sensetive people out there that are intolerant of everyone else, but then expect everyone else to be tolerant of them. That's MY rant!


    • #32
      Originally posted by jlprigmore View Post
      Holy chit! Hey flyman I'm in your neighborhood this time around. Workin in rochester for a couple of weeks.
      COOL, Look me up - contact info on my web site


      • #33
        No point in trying to argue my reason for the rant. I wasn't trying to start a fight in the forums with everyone. Just wanted everyone to know i don't give a flying fuck what you believe just don't involve me in it. Which i thought i made that point clear but obviously my crayons weren't brightly colored enough for spastic.


        • #34
          I finally got mine today. Now I don't feel left out. Woo Hoo.


          • #35
            Two days, and I'm still LMFAO about this one.
            Originally posted by TWHawk View Post


            • #36
              Originally posted by spastic_chicken View Post
              The rant in its original form was not necessary anyway, that's my point. And you said the anti religion stuff is "just as bad". I haven't told you what my "believe system" is.
              By just as bad I mean it was basically the same. I was only pointing out an irony of a rant about religious spam sort of turned in to anti-religous spam. I was not making any remarks whatsover about anyones beliefs. I fully respect everyones right to believe what they want. And btw I haven't told you what my beliefs are either.

              Originally posted by spastic_chicken View Post
              My belief is that if you don't like the comments, grow a set, shut up, and don't look at the specific post you're offended with. I'm happy with the people here and the things they post, I don't need someone in here commenting on what they believe is "just as bad".
              Since it appears you are on the defensive, perhaps it was you that was offended. As such maybe you should heed your own advice. As I stated above I have not mentioned what my beliefs are, how would you know what I found offensive.

              Originally posted by spastic_chicken View Post
              I just don't care, I'd rather see this whole post deleted. The original "rant" was just stupid. *Cries* I got spammed and I can't handle it!!!! There are too many sensetive people out there that are intolerant of everyone else, but then expect everyone else to be tolerant of them. That's MY rant!
              Actually, I hope this does not get deleted. I thought it was decided that deleting posts was one of the bad aspects of the PCS board.

              Anyway, this is all I am going to say about this. I have tried, twice, to explain what the spirit of my original post was. The amusement of the irony has been completely lost at this point anyway. If you choose to believe that I was trying to slam everyones beliefs, when I don't even have a clue as to what they are, then I support your right to believe this as well.

              On another note. The original PM appeared to me like a pathetic attempt at increasing the author's Karma. Maybe the author found themselves in Karmic debt and figured they could logon to few web forums, spout some Buddhist propaganda, and get their way out of the hole. Or maybe, they just picked up a lotto ticket and thought they might increase thier chances if they got a little karmic boost.


              • #37
                Personally I think if it's in a open forum, ignore it if it bothers you. But when someone PM's you, it's basiclly the same thing as knocking on your front door, it's personal then.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by HearseHaunter; 02-21-2008, 05:00 PM.


                • #38
                  I don't really care, I was just being the random asshole that everyone has grown to love or hate, mostly love, but whatever.....

                  I have studied religion alot over the years, and they all basically just belive in "shit happening".... like as follows...

                  Catholics..." feel guilty all your life or shit will happen to you"

                  Southern baptist..." basically it doesn't matter who you are or what you do, you are most definitely going to a place where shit happens"

                  Athiests..." I don't believe in shit"

                  Agnostic..." I don't know shit"

                  Satanism..." Shit happens, and I enjoy being the cause of it"

                  Televangalizim..." Send us money or shit will happen to you"

                  jehovas witness..." knock, knock.........shit happens"

                  Muslim extremism..." BOOM!!!!..................explosive shit."

                  Dipshitism..." most people we all know"

                  And finally my favorite.......

                  ASSHOLE-ISM...." The usually annoying inability to sugar coat shit and just plain out tell people how it is. Good news is, at least no one wih an education can call you a liar.

                  wow. i am not bored anymore....thanks guys!


                  • #39
                    Hearse haunter said it exactly. If it was an open post on the forum it wouldn't have bothered me and I wouldn't have even posted anything to it. And StrayCat love the explanation of religions!
                    Last edited by jlprigmore; 02-21-2008, 05:45 PM.


                    • #40
                      First, my credentials; I have worked for DES (Dept. Environmental Services) at 3 Waste Water Treatment Plants for over 33 years, and I feel I’m qualified to know shit when I see it.
                      StrayCat – that is some really GOOD shit
                      (may I put it on myspace blog?)
                      Second; I also agree with HearseHunter that a PM does make it personal.

                      Third; I don’t think jlprigmore was “crying” about anything, just basically informing us there was a spammer in our mitts (and he, for one, wasn’t happy about it)

                      Fourth; After deleting the message, I found ANOTHER ONE in my PM box – Does this mean we have to start all over again???


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Flymanj3 View Post
                        Fourth; After deleting the message, I found ANOTHER ONE in my PM box – Does this mean we have to start all over again???[/FONT][/COLOR]
                        Only if someone else wants to whine about it. What's funny how many people are all up in arms about it, and the spammer could probably care less. It looks like the same bot created shit that fills email, chat, and IRC rooms everywhere. Do you guys get this fired up when you get spam in your regular email?

                        Most people would have just deleted the PM and moved on. Instead we're still talking about this almost a week later.

                        You got spammed. Big deal.


                        • #42
                          [QUOTE=Flymanj3;21340[COLOR=#000000]StrayCat – that is some really GOOD shit [/COLOR]
                          (may I put it on myspace blog?)

                          In my religion of asshole-ism, It is mandatory to act as such! Spread the good words brotha! Spread the good words!


                          • #43
                            You guys should tell me when you are getting religious spam - I HAPPILY either delete it or I send the email addy to billy to sign them up on all his furry gay porn sites


                            • #44
                              Here ya go:


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
                                She's going to be sorry now!!!

