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Found one in Rochester.

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  • Found one in Rochester.

    Well, finally ran into one today at the flea market – a guy with a Hearse bug up his ass!!!
    Thing is, he was an X-hearse owner, where I think a lot of his problems stem from. First, he must have seen us (wife & I) pull in and park, then took the effort to kept an eye on us until we got to his booth.
    “You the Caddy driver? He asked. Once I said ya, he went off on how useless, expensive, hard to get rid of , etc., etc. a hearse is. As he proceeded to tell me how a cracked windshield cost him over $900 (a number of years ago), and when he was selling it “Only 2 people looked at it” and how he took a killing on it.
    I told him I didn’t care, I didn’t buy it to make money or anything, I bought it ‘cause I WANTED to.
    He then started on how people think you’re a freak or something, and I told him people called me a freak LONG before I got the Hearse… “but now you advertise it” … “ah, and your point is?”
    “Ya, and I bet the gas mileage sucks” he said. I then told him if I wanted good mileage, I’d get a Prius, at which time he started on Limos… at which time my wife said “You’re a Dick”, and walked away.

    Anyway, found a decent condition “John/Jane Doe” casket (cheap County burial type) at the Flea market for $200 – good thing I had the Hearse with me… if that make me a Freak....... GOOD !!!!
    Last edited by Flymanj3; 09-15-2008, 04:21 AM.

  • #2
    I've put about $9k into mine, and it's still a piece of shit. I'd like to sell it, but I have too much in it. I would do much better selling the 04 Marquis, but Tony thinks that we need it for the two days that he's here every 6-8 weeks.

    What I'd really like to do is to towbar the hearse behind the Chrysler with a few things packed and leave, but I've got nowhere to go anymore.


    • #3
      Yep, this guy had a bad experience and seemed pissed I was enjoying my Coach. I don't know anyone who buys a Hearse thinking "I'm gonna make some money off this (selling)" Usually, it is quite the other way ariond

      He was 100% anti-pro car. Even as we walked away, I could hear him still spouting off to... well, anyone who would listen.

      Have had a few people not like the car for what is "is", but never before seen a guy that hates the car for what it has "done" to him

      Poor little bastard - I think I really messed up his day ..... think I'll go back next Sunday, also


      • #4
        I bought mine because I wanted a hearse, because this one was going to the crusher if it didn't sell, and because all of the Crown Sovereign trim was there, and still shiny, so I knew that I could make something out of it.

        You can't predict what will happen, though. I lost my job, can't do much of the work anymore, mostly because I can't afford to, and I have a big white elephant. Now the back window is blown out, and I can't even afford a sheet of Lexan, so I can't drive it.

        A hearse is a money pit. People who can drive them at all usually have some mechanical knowledge. People who drive them long distances usually have a lot of mechanical knowledge, a foolish brevity, or a combination of the two. I'll you guess where I fit in. All I can say is that the drive from Tucson to Dallas is just about as comfortable in the hearse as it is in the truck.

