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well kids, it's that time again

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  • well kids, it's that time again

    democratic president, congress, and senate. go buy guns and ammo before they try to start banning or taxing the hell out of them

  • #2
    I'd have to be employable and make more than 250k to buy enough guns to make a difference, and that money, or any income, after some more legislation is passed, will be spread from each according to his means and to each according to his need.


    • #3
      the end of the united states is near now that obama is in.


      • #4
        do we need to start keeping our jeans below are ass now ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by northgahearse View Post
          do we need to start keeping our jeans below are ass now ?
          nope just start stocking up on ammo, water and can goods.

          watch chavez's island he is turning into a naval base, because the russians are playing war games down there as we speak.

          biden said he would be tested within 6 months , i don't think it will be that long. bay of pigs part II , coming to a socialist country near you.

          BACK IN THE U>S>S>A> guess we will see what it's like to live in a third world country for a change.


          • #6

            nope just start stocking up on ammo, water and can goods.
            Do it at Albertson's, and pay cash. If you shop with the same debit card you used to use with your discount card, it's probably linked.

            I really do believe that there is some social experimenting going on, so shopping at a store where they don't have any of your personal information and paying cash is a good idea. The grocery store pharmacies are also keeping track of which medicines you buy.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Morella View Post
              Do it at Albertson's, and pay cash. If you shop with the same debit card you used to use with your discount card, it's probably linked.

              I really do believe that there is some social experimenting going on, so shopping at a store where they don't have any of your personal information and paying cash is a good idea. The grocery store pharmacies are also keeping track of which medicines you buy.
              thats why my wonderful wife likes to pay for everything in cash!


              • #8
                You people are panzies. No vision at all.


                • #9
                  I have always been a cash kind of guy...and have been stocking up for the years ahead...they are not going to be good for any of increases will only put us down farther in the hole and be sure to enjoy the low gas prices because they will skyrocket after the first of the year....


                  • #10
                    Thank Dubya and co for not strongarming OPEC over any fuel price increases and drops in production. Remember, profits for OPEC mean profits for Bush and his pals.

                    Do any of us here make over 100K right now? If not(like me) don't bet on seeing any tax hikes.

                    Wanna know something interesting?
                    During Clinton's Presidency, I made more money(lots more) and paid less tax and with Bush I have made a ton less(more than 40K less) and paid more tax.


                    • #11
                      The bedwetting liberals are more to blame for the high oil prices for not allowing more exploration and drilling on our own soil. God I hate tree huggers!

                      As far as "vision" goes, lets look at what Obama and Biden have hinted at for a vision.
                      Obama said he thinks the police in this country should be one agency as large and strong as the U.S. military. No more local agencies just one massive force. and Biden said they wanted to hire on 700,000 new police officers across the country.... sounds like a police state to me and I don't like that "vision".

                      We already know that they are BOTH very anti second amendment, so any anti gun bills this Democrat controlled government send up will be signed quickly. Yet another "vision" I don't like.

                      Obama said he wants to spread the wealth around, and even though I do not make over 100K a year this is still a stupid concept.
                      Hellcat and I both work for small companies where the owners DO make that much and more and when they get hit with higher taxes they may look to make up for them by cutting some over head... will it be our jobs? That would be a sucky "vision"

                      I think maybe I am better off without vision for now thank you.


                      • #12
                        With our only health insurance coming from a trucking company, and $850 a month to control my pain, I already know that I'm fucked, with democrats taking over. They don't care too much to see trucking going on. If they hadn't just declared carbon dioxide to be a carcinogen, we would be having our goods being delivered by horse and buggy. (Yes, there are now carcinogens as well as greenhouse gases generated by the exhaust from a horse and buggy). A little New York Science for you.

                        Of course, there are plenty of chronic pain patients out there.
                        Maybe we can all get together and get the democrats to find a way for a pill that costs all of three cents to manufacture actually get to the market for less than five bucks.

                        Mmm. My usual shitty jokes aren't helping. Anybody else out there have "moderate to severe chronic pain" and afraid you're going to lose your medicine? It's a very, very uncomfortable feeling, isn't it?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LMS View Post
                          The bedwetting liberals are more to blame for the high oil prices for not allowing more exploration and drilling on our own soil. God I hate tree huggers!
                          Then why do folks in Saudi Arabia drive for less than a buck a gallon. I grew up in California on the coast. I remember having oil tar on my feet. I remember seeing oil derricks from the shore. I remember dead fish washing ashore. Fuck new drilling. Force OPEC to sell for less(we are their biggest consumer) and then develop energy that is not as finite as oil.

                          As far as "vision" goes, lets look at what Obama and Biden have hinted at for a vision.
                          Obama said he thinks the police in this country should be one agency as large and strong as the U.S. military. No more local agencies just one massive force. and Biden said they wanted to hire on 700,000 new police officers across the country.... sounds like a police state to me and I don't like that "vision".
                          Do you seriously think they could ever make this happen? Seriously, do you?

                          We already know that they are BOTH very anti second amendment, so any anti gun bills this Democrat controlled government send up will be signed quickly. Yet another "vision" I don't like.
                          The Supreme Court has our back here. They have decided two major cases this year that set precedence involving gun control and bans.

                          Obama said he wants to spread the wealth around, and even though I do not make over 100K a year this is still a stupid concept.
                          Hellcat and I both work for small companies where the owners DO make that much and more and when they get hit with higher taxes they may look to make up for them by cutting some over head... will it be our jobs? That would be a sucky "vision"
                          His plan will have to become a bill and then make it through the house and senate where there are lots of folks that cater the business community. I do believe we will have to start paying for Bush's crap this next term, but I don't think we will be driven into the stone age as most righties want everyone to believe.

                          I think maybe I am better off without vision for now thank you.
                          Instead of being bitter(or a fraction of bitter), give the guy some credit and hope he can get us out of the current anus our economy is swimming in and restore our faith in our government.


                          • #14
                            [quote=STODD;28433]His plan will have to become a bill and then make it through the house and senate where there are lots of folks that cater the business community. I do believe we will have to start paying for Bush's crap this next term, but I don't think we will be driven into the stone age as most righties want everyone to believe.quote]

                            Oh, like the big Bank 'rescue' plan of 08 where up to 90% of the people said NO... which BTW, made it threw the SENATE first, then the House - Back-asswards.

                            Anyhow, we now have what we have... I say give 'em a chance before we


                            • #15
                              As far as "vision" goes, lets look at what Obama and Biden have hinted at for a vision.
                              Obama said he thinks the police in this country should be one agency as large and strong as the U.S. military. No more local agencies just one massive force. and Biden said they wanted to hire on 700,000 new police officers across the country.... sounds like a police state to me and I don't like that "vision".
                              Do you seriously think they could ever make this happen? Seriously, do you?
                              With a Democrats in full control they can do almost anything. Remember this is a very liberal Democrat party, they are not like they were when JFK was in office where we had mostly conservative dems.

                              The Supreme Court has our back here. They have decided two major cases this year that set precedence involving gun control and bans.
                              Yes the supreme court did make good decisions but if Obama gets to appoint some new judges who knows what the next decision will be. Plus they can still ban 99% of the guns made and say ok you can exorcise your constitutional rights with the 1% thats left and by the way we are going to tax you 500% for the ammo, have fun.

                              His plan will have to become a bill and then make it through the house and senate where there are lots of folks that cater the business community. I do believe we will have to start paying for Bush's crap this next term, but I don't think we will be driven into the stone age as most righties want everyone to believe.
                              I don't think we will be driven into the stone age, I would just rather not lose my job over a stupid tax hike.
                              Raising taxes is never the answer to building a strong economy.

                              Then why do folks in Saudi Arabia drive for less than a buck a gallon. I grew up in California on the coast. I remember having oil tar on my feet. I remember seeing oil derricks from the shore. I remember dead fish washing ashore. Fuck new drilling. Force OPEC to sell for less(we are their biggest consumer) and then develop energy that is not as finite as oil.
                              They drive with cheap gas because they make it there. And how exactly do we force them to lower prices when the demand for fuel is so high here?
                              Also what new energy will power these older cars we all love so much without tens of thousands of dollars in conversions?

