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Big Evils "Let it Rot?" Poll

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  • #16
    Originally posted by STODD View Post
    If you own it, it's yours.

    Individual reasons for hoarding are irrelevant. If you own it, it's yours to do with as you please. Yes, emotionally, cars especially, should be released, sold, shared, etc...seriously, who likes to see them in the throws of tetanus death? However, I'm not about to put up with anyone telling me what to do with my property. It's mine and you can get bent if you think you have some say over it. Doing what you want with what you have is American and proof of our freedom.

    Some here say don't tread on me, in response to the latest presidential administration - I say don't tread on me by telling me my cars have to serve some emotional purpose for you.
    Maybe so, but it's also our right as Americans to call you a douchetard for letting it rot as well.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
      Maybe so, but it's also our right as Americans to call you a douchetard for letting it rot as well.
      You're right. It's also my right to sock you in the nose for insulting me...


      • #18
        Best intentions are great. If someone plans on fixing up a car at some point, more power to em. I have seen jerks who will never sell their yard art, and say that they will let it rot away because they have no intentions of ever fixing it.


        • #19
          Originally posted by STODD View Post
          You're right. It's also my right to sock you in the nose for insulting me...
          Wait which country do you live in again? Here that would be assault, not that much would come from it.

          Hell just spitting at someone can be considered assault (especially if it's a cop).


          • #20
            Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
            Wait which country do you live in again? Here that would be assault, not that much would come from it.

            Hell just spitting at someone can be considered assault (especially if it's a cop).
            I live in the United States. I would cling to my First Amendment rights with that one, being that I belong to The Church Of Socking Mother Fuckers In The Nose...


            • #21
              Let me settle this one:

              If you own it, it's yours.

              Individual reasons for hoarding are irrelevant. If you own it, it's yours to do with as you please. Yes, emotionally, cars especially, should be released, sold, shared, etc...seriously, who likes to see them in the throws of tetanus death? However, I'm not about to put up with anyone telling me what to do with my property. It's mine and you can get bent if you think you have some say over it. Doing what you want with what you have is American and proof of our freedom.

              Some here say don't tread on me, in response to the latest presidential administration - I say don't tread on me by telling me my cars have to serve some emotional purpose for you.
              If Stodd and I agree on anything, it has to be true. It's your money. Do what you want with it, while it's still worth something.

              I wish I had picked up some gold and silver just a little while ago...

              -denise (La mort qui l'a assassinée Stodd)

              Bring your small arms locker when you come after me.


              • #22
                I have a good friend who has a 69 coronet convertible and a 70 roadrunner sitting in his garage going to waste because he will never ever do anything with either car, but refuses to sell them to someone who will take care of them the way they should be taken care of which I completely disagree with. On the other hand theres nothin cooler than going to a hoarders property when its time to sell and theres all these lost treasures sitting around with so much potential just waiting for you to find the one you want and bring it back to life. So I guess what I'm rambling on about is hoarders are actually kind of a good thing, they're keeping our future projects safe from hackers and scrap yards. Think of them as free storage for your next dreamcar.


                • #23
                  Yea, but they are in his garage, probably with the air cleaners still on. Some A-holes leave the hood up, air cleaner off, windows shot out, floors rusting away, never ever going to sell them. When they do, the frame is rusted in half, motor is good for a boat anchor.


                  • #24
                    You ought to see aircraft owners. They will leave a nice plane on the ramp for 20 years, until every rubber part is gone, water has leaked through holes in it and rusted out the structure, all of the paint is gone, there is so much corrosion that you can run your finger over it and you're covered in white dust, if you still have your finger. None of the radios work, the instruments are so sun faded that you can't read the dials anymore, the upholstery is shredded, and you don't even want to open the cowls because some animal might jump out and bite you. They ask for the same price as one in mint condition, and won't accept a penny less, so it sits on the ramp until it collapses into a crushed beer can and the owner dies. Then the owners's family puts it up for sale, same price as a nice one, and they won't take a penny less. A really stupid buyer can ask just about any pilot who has some experience to ferry it home for you, and they'll take one look at it and give them a nice "fuck you". That was why I said that you never buy any airplane without a prebuy inspection, and it is a good idea for motor vehicles as well, especially for commercial ops.

                    Tony and I looked at a Mixmaster, that stupid Cessna thing with one engine in the front and one in the back so that people who can't fly a real twin could handle it, that had been towed down the street behind a car, and the wings were beaten up from hitting trees, mailboxes, parked cars, and anything else that got in its way, and then left on the ramp for ten years. I could fix it, but it would take six months, and there would be no way to turn it, so we made a reasonable offer, and the owner said, "When you get serious, let me know". We just laughed and said, "Same to you, sir. Good day".



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by STODD View Post
                      If you own it, it's yours.

                      I'm not about to put up with anyone telling me what to do with my property. It's mine and you can get bent if you think you have some say over it. Doing what you want with what you have is American and proof of our freedom.
                      The government has a different opinion of that. A couple of years ago my friend's dad had some property that he needed to rezone, to be legal. They have over 200 acres, that has been in their family for at least a 100 years. He had his business on the property for as long as I can remember. The business was sale and rental of shipping containers. When the county started zoning, the property was zoned wrong, as the business was there before there was any kind of zoning. He had to go to through the county council twice to have 30 acres rezone. Some of the people living down the road came to the zoning hearing and complained and didn't want the property rezoned. Non of the people lived within 1/2 mile of the business on the property.


                      • #26
                        That's a case of prejudice, in my opinion, and it happens everywhere. The best you can hope for is to get as far away from any incorporated county as you can, and build an opaque fence, and even that doesn't guarantee you anything.

                        If the socialist agenda of 1929 continues to grow under the Obama demigogary (it's now 13/14) pushing 14, we will see more of this. It got so out of hand in East Berlin that if you built a fence around your yard, you had to pay an exit fee to get out of your own home.

                        Freedom isn't free. Fight 'em till you can't.


