
No announcement yet.'s that time of year again......

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  •'s that time of year again......

    Feb 14th, where you have to buy your woman expensive shit to make up for all the shit you caused during the 12 months since the last one.

    BUT my real reason for this post I guess is a friendly reminder to all you fellow men out there not to fret. March 14th is right around the corner and that is STEAK AND BLOWJOB DAY!!!!!!!! The day the woman makes up for all the shit she caused throughout the year.

    I dunno bout you but I am marking my calendar days.............

  • #2
    oh i thought you meant tax time


    • #3
      Originally posted by ryan_ricks View Post
      oh i thought you meant tax time
      Technically this IS tax time, and we're lucky if they don't take our balls too.


      • #4
        Technically this IS tax time, and we're lucky if they don't take our balls too.
        Let 'em take 'em, because you don't need balls, or a dick, to give a woman pleasure, nor do you need to use your mouth below the waistline. Unlike a certain person here who has a problem admitting that he is gay, I have no problem whatsover with it. I don't use women to satisfy myself. When I decide that I like a woman, there is nothing more important to me than satisfying her. I am satisifed when she is. Let me put you together.

        The best sexual encounter that I have ever had was when I was in college. I was in an office waiting to fill out some forms, and she was across the room from me. She was wearing a pink and white gingham-checked dress, white stockings, and maryjanes, and she was obviously disturbed about something. An 18 or 19-year old girl dressed in little girl's clothing has to be a gift from gawd, and it would not have been right for me not to receive that gift. I did.

        I knelt down in front of her and asked her what was wrong. She didn't want to tell me, but she looked like she was going to cry, so I took her hand and told her to come with me. She did. We went back to my house, and I served her two drinks, enough to take the edge off of what was bothering her, but not enough to dull her senses, because, believe me, when you are with a young girl, you do not want her senses dulled. Young girls are warm, cute, shy, and easy to tickle, which is why I love them. We talked, not about what was bothering her, because I really didn't give a shit. We just rambled on about whatever, to break the ice. When the hour grew late and it was time to go to bed, she was ready, but it would be a long time before either of us got any sleep.

        I kissed her, lightly, down the edge of her cheek, and to her chin. I brushed my hand backward, from the chin to the nape of her neck, and then I took her by the neck and pulled her to me, gently but firmly. I kissed her mouth, and let my tongue slip into her throat. She tried to kiss me back, but I didn't let her. This was all about pleasing her, and the best way to please a young girl is to dominate her. She started to sigh. I embraced her and kissed her neck, and her face. I looked into her eyes and stroked her ears, her cheek, and her neck. She tried to slip out of her dress, but I didn't let her. I take care of that.

        When it was time, I slowly worked my way down. I slipped her shoulders out of the dress, while I stroked her neck. Her skin was soft and untouched, lik a china doll. Her breasts were cute and perky, but it was not yet time to pleasure them. I unzipped her dress and slid it down to her waist, and I ran my finger down the middle of her body. When I reached her belly, she twitched. I love young girls. I went down to the waistband of her panties, but no further. It was time to go back up.

        I ran my finger around her breasts. The nipples grew firm, but I wasn't ready to touch them. I waited until little goose bumps popped up, and then I rewarded her with my tongue, and a playful bite. Two hours had gone by, so I worked my back down again, stroking her until I reached her belly. It twitched again. Oh, how I love young girls.

        She was in a daze. She felt nothing but pleasure. I stroked her legs, and her thighs. She was ticklish, but I gently parted them. She didn't resist. When I reached the middle, her panties were soaked. I gave her clit a stroke, and her whole body went into spams of delight. So did mine.

        I won't tell you what happened when the panties came off, because I don't want to be dramatic, but three hours later, she finally went to sleep. Her hair had fallen across her face, and I gently pulled it back, because I loved to watch her. The young ones are so cute when they're sleeping.

        In the morning, I had to give her the bad news. It was time for her to go home, back to school. I gave her a credit card, and the keys to one of my cars. She never brought either one of them back, but that was OK. All I wanted was for her to be happy, and I hope she is, whether she has found a woman, or a man.

        There are very few men in this world who care about passion and pleasing a woman, or who truly feel love. I was lucky enough to find one, 12 years ago, and I married him. He gives me everything I want, including young women. When he decided to drop his career as the best VAX/VMS systems engineer in the world, and go drive a truck while I raised his children, naturally I did not want him to go, but I didn't complain. Mutual love goes both ways, and so do I.

        My advice, to any man who is gay, or who has a personal relationship with his shotgun, is to get out more. Get rid of the red panties and wear some men's briefs, or bikinis, if you need to feel at home. Learn to breathe through your nose. Put on a shirt...preferably a clean shirt. Lose some weight. All you have to do to get a young woman to go home with you is to tell her that you like her, and ask her to. Was that so hard?
        Last edited by Morella; 02-12-2010, 08:36 PM. Reason: Had to make it shorter, to please Stodd


        • #5


          • #6


            • #7



              ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????


              • #8
                Im lookin forward to MY day.


                • #9
                  Top-level domain registry? Was there a point to your message? I hate it when people post shit like this, especially when they're verbose. I sit here and read it, and I have to wonder...what the hell is he talking about?
                  Last edited by Morella; 02-13-2010, 12:59 AM. Reason: Excessive Verbosity


                  • #10
                    OK, I'll make it easy for ya. Blah, blah, blah, tits, blah, blah, panties, blah blah, blah, sleep.
                    Last edited by Morella; 02-13-2010, 01:02 AM. Reason: Excessive verbosity


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        This thread is fucking awesome! I love me a good train wreck!

                        Also...(Asked my wife about steak and blowjob day, she giggled and wrote it in.)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by musikill View Post

                          Also...(Asked my wife about steak and blowjob day, she giggled and wrote it in.)
                          Ganci gets the credit for this one, I believe he came up with this holiday last year, I was just giving a friendly reminder :P


                          • #14
                            Fuck that, I might not need them to give a woman pleasure but I sure as fuck need them to give myself pleasure. Everything after that part I didn't bother reading since you love to ramble and I have other things to do today.


                            • #15
                              TLDR = Too Long, Didn't Read.

                              I didn't come up with it, just promote it:

