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What have you experienced?

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  • What have you experienced?

    I guess this could tie in with the smartass remarks post I made.

    The more I explore about the topic of hearse ownership, the more horror stories I read about vandalism, theft, police harassment, idiot neighbors, etc. (not that it's scaring me off one damned bit)

    What have y'all experienced being a hearse owner?

    If this thread has already been started, I apologize, and just point me in the right direction.

  • #2
    I have had a kid on a bicycle tell me to get a real car once. That's about it really, cops don't look twice at me and no one complains or vandalizes my hearse.
    I do keep mine parked in my garage though so who knows if it stayed in the driveway what would happen.


    • #3
      yeah i would *highly* suggest having secure, out of sight parking. that will save you *tons* of grief.


      • #4
        I'm seriously considering a Viper alarm and maybe LoJack.

        Or a few rattlesnakes in the back.


        • #5
          With my '65, since it's more of a show car, I pretty much get nothing but good praise about it, I can't remember getting any bad comments or anything ever, and the cops love it.

          Now, my '64 was all factory original, and I use to get a few bad comments here and there.

          Luckily no vandalism so far, but some one did hit and run my '65 once, that really sucked. (I'm sure they were so freaked out about hitting a Hearse, that they just took off)


          • #6
            alarms and lojacks are well and good, but they won't prevent your car from getting keyed, your windows from getting smashed, or your home owners association from calling down the lynch mob. if you don't live in a subdivision, you may also run afoul of city or county ordinances regarding parking commercial vehicles in a residential area.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ryan_ricks View Post
              alarms and lojacks are well and good, but they won't prevent your car from getting keyed, your windows from getting smashed, or your home owners association from calling down the lynch mob. if you don't live in a subdivision, you may also run afoul of city or county ordinances regarding parking commercial vehicles in a residential area.
              But Ryan, it is now a private vehicle......I was able to get antique tags for it; so hopefully no grief there. No HOA. Getting keyed/windows smashed is a big concern.



              • #8
                I live out in the country on acres of land. Everybody knows I'm a nutcase, so no surprises here. I get weird looks and questions, but nothing negative yet. I say all I'm trying to do is save an old car from the crusher. Also Mine is factory stock with no personalized plate, so on the road the cops probably think it's the real deal any way. The 1st week had all kinds of cars pulling over and one even stopped in front of Me making a turn and They all did the sign of the cross, lol. Most People try to sneak around to look in the back. I wouldn't trade that for anything.


                • #9
                  I've never had any 'problems', but as mentioned in previous simular posts, I've had the cops stop traffic, and MANY times had someone pull right out in front of me to beat the perssesion. (depending on the vintage and condition of your coach, this can be a REAL concern - watch them intersections)

                  I will say the one thing I always run into... is having to wipe greasy finger and forehead prints off my windows


                  • #10
                    Years ago before I was in the TV biz I lived across the street from a church and had to park on the street. No vandals there, but churchmembers and my next door neighbor made a few anonymous calls accusing me of running a dope house (of course I was not) and the house got raided by the police 3 times. By the 3rd time they began ignoring the complaints.

                    A few years later I had a different coach broken into by a hobo while I was at work. Asshole broke the passenger window out with a rock.


                    • #11
                      Most of my issues have been with "Neighborhood Integrity" getting 20 or so calls a month (yes, a real average, not an exageration) and they have to make a show of doing something about it. They don't have the stones to tell the complainers that it is completely, perfectly legal and they can do NOTHING about it so long as I am following the letter of the law...

                      I live about 1/2 mile from 4 different retirement homes


                      • #12
                        By the way Bathory, I replied to your FB message...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Boogeyman Con Carne View Post
                          I live about 1/2 mile from 4 different retirement homes

                          I work at one...............


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Boogeyman Con Carne View Post
                            By the way Bathory, I replied to your FB message...

                            Well, if you're on FB add me!


                            • #15
                              I live right behind the catholic church and both my coaches set outside.. '79 is in the yard and '68 is parked on the curb.. No one has said anything to me but one of the town cops said they had a complaint about the '79 in the yard since it has the left side ripped out. He said they told them it runs, it has current plates, and it is insured, so nothing illegal going on there. My casket sits on the front porch also... Nobody messes with any of it..

