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  • Dexter

    This is my all time favorite show, I wondered if there were any other Dexter fans here.

  • #2
    i love that show also.


    • #3
      Ooooooo! yes great show


      • #4
        I was watching it online, but haven't in a while. I only got to the third season, I think. I LOVED Lila. I hated he had to kill her, but she deserved it.


        • #5
          Love this series.. especially the interplay between characters, and the dialogue that's in Dexters head, as he's saying one thing, but thinking another. I like Michael C hall as an actor, and I also have all the dvd's of six feet under (any body like that series..?) I also love Fringe.. it is about to start series 3 over here in the UK on Saturday... Can't wait..!


          • #6
            I have wanted to see Six feet under. I heard he was awesome in it. I do think they showed to much in the trailer for the first episode. But I look forward to every Sunday night at 7pm. My husband hates shows like this and when we watched the first and second season on dvd, we were so into it I swear we didn't get any sleep until we got entirely through them. I got Showtime just so I could watch Dexter.


            • #7
              i loved six feet under i have all six seasons on my ipod : D


              • #8
                Originally posted by Hearse_Guy View Post
                i loved six feet under i have all six seasons on my ipod : D
                That doesn't help me, I need it on disc.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by msc0nduct View Post
                  That doesn't help me, I need it on disc.
                  i can put em on one


                  • #10
                    That would be friggin awesome!


                    • #11
                      I felt like Dexter was pretty flat last night. It was probably one of the worst episodes I have seen. They gave to much info and to many things going on in the first one and the second one just kinda was boring... anyone agree?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by msc0nduct View Post
                        That would be friggin awesome!
                        ill try and get some made ive been busy busy with school


                        • #13
                          I watched the whole series via Netflix - now I catch up on the new episodes via tvdome. I'll have to watch the 2nd episode this season tonight.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by nmacarthur View Post
                            I watched the whole series via Netflix - now I catch up on the new episodes via tvdome. I'll have to watch the 2nd episode this season tonight.

                            Did you find it addictive?


                            • #15
                              The first season was very addictive! I did enjoy 2nd and 3rd. Thing is, just like any series, once you get through all the plot points, then what?

                              I don't mind where it's going this season, however, what makes this different from other shows? It's like the Friends syndrome - once they're past being single and have babies - it's boring. So I'm wondering, who will be his nemesis this season? Ok, so the older kids are now w/ the grandparents - he's still got the baby.

