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Do you want an or .org email address?

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  • Do you want an or .org email address?

    I can set you up an email forward to point whatever you want to your normal email. Like I have pointing to my gmail account.

    Send me a PM with what you want your address to be and your primary email that you want me to point it to.

  • #2
    I think we should be using .org more since we're an organization. If .asoc exited I'd say get that since I'm kind of a nazi when it comes to incorrectly used domain suffixes... .jew

    As far as e-mail goes... I guess you could point it to my main one, you can guess the name I want I'm sure. Although I don't see a point since I don't know what I'd use it for. I use for just about everything but others without their own domain names might find it useful for sure.
    Last edited by Scary Guy; 02-19-2011, 08:06 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
      As far as e-mail goes... I guess you could point it to, you can guess the name I want I'm sure. Although I don't see a point since I don't know what I'd use it for.
      Signing up assholes to the NAMBLA mailing list, online banking fraud, making death threats to politicians, getting back onto that message board that you've been booted from, a new account at Pokerstars...there are tons of things to do with one more email address.

