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Osama bin Laden is DEAD!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Otto Baron View Post
    What would have been convincing is bringing the body back, instead of dropping it in the drink. As far as Sarah Palin is concerned, when she was supplied with a nice wardrobe, with no expense to the taxpayer to look good on television, the left went ballistic about how wrong that was to be supplied with expensive clothes. Hillary or the first lady are supplied with a nice wardrobe, and the left will say how stylish they are. But I know what you mean about some people ignoring solid evidence, with all the evidence that terrorists caused the destruction of the WTC, there are lefties who are insisting it was done by Bush.
    As a third party I see a shit load of cognitive dissonance on both sides of the fence and I hate everyone for it.... except for my party of course


    • #47
      Ok, I'm trying to search to find out where his wife was buried? I didn't find anything... Anyone know?


      • #48
        She wasn't killed - she was shot in the leg.


        • #49
          Initially she was reported dead, then it was reported she was shot in the leg. Considering how many times this story has been changed, I suspect all his wives will have died of natural causes by the time the story stops changing. Of course it wouldn't be right to dishonor the memory of Bin Laden by allowing the riff-raff taxpayers to see the photos taken. A group of politicians, will be instead treated to a private viewing, and the actor Haley Joel Osment (from the movie "The Sixth Sense") will be among those looking at the pictures. If the pictures are authentic, Osment will validate this by stating "I see dead people!"
          Last edited by Otto Baron; 05-11-2011, 03:45 PM.


          • #50
            Ok, so did you see Osama's older son lately on TV news tonight? He was very, very upset about Navy Seals killed his father now he wants to revenge us!


            • #51
              Don't worry, Obama will single handedly kill the son as well. with a minor assist from the US Military.


              • #52
                Ok, I heard Osama's 5th wife was shot in the leg and she's now in the U.S. Custody. Her name is Amal al-Sadah. She wished to die with her hubby.... but, it's too late. :?


                • #53

                  For those who are thrilled over the President for the killing of Bin Laden, there's an action figure just for you!


                  Oxford, Conn.-based toymaker Herobuilders, who last brought you action figures of the Old Spice Guy, Dos Equis Beer's "The Most Interesting Man in the World" and Allstate Insurance's "Mayhem," have created a super-bad SEAL Team Six replica of the 44th President in full urban fatigue gear, wearing a "Punisher" t-shirt with the numeral 6 printed on it, and carrying a military issue M4A1 rifle.


                  • #54
                    Ok, so I read online that the newest leader, Ayman wanted to end the war with us and he wanted to let it go... but, President Barack still wanted to capture or kill him!


                    • #55
                      I say kill him!!!!!! He was the right hand man to a real DICK. For instance a young women gets punched in the face by some drunk dude. When she falls to the ground his buddy kicks her in the head and walks away. Both assholes deserve the same ass whooping!!!! just my opinion


                      • #56
                        I heard today Disney has copyrighted "Seal 6". No dount they'll make a feature film, where President Obama, unable to leave the task to lesser men, will fly the helicopter into the compound, and fire the shot that Kills Obama. In the upcomming Disney film, who do you think they'll cast as Obama, and who do you think they'll cast as Bin Laden? I'm going to guess they'll cast Anthony Hopkins to play Vice President Joe Biden.


                        • #57
                          Today, some reporters say that Ayman is now somewhere in Pakistan. He's still hiding somewhere in the mountain, but we hope to catch or kill him.

