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I accidently killed a cat. oh darn.

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  • I accidently killed a cat. oh darn.

    I had my car painted a few months ago. After two months in the body shop, 16 hours of polishing, and two days of putting the trim and 5 grand worth of paint and body work, this is what I got.

    Im pretty damn proud of the car. Its the nicest car I've ever had. Long story short I keep the car in the garage partly because a piece of shit white cat that stays around the house lays on it. It was raining so we drug the kids sandbox in the garage next to the car. The next morning the top of the car is covered in white fur sand and scratches. Pissed is not the word I would use. The cats owner told me tough shit and Im not going to jail for punching an old woman. I was able to buff out all the damage but that got me thinking, with winter approaching I felt a coolant change was in order. Now I cant just dump coolant out or an animal could get in it. I can leave the drain bucket of coolant in the garage behind my car. That poor white cat got into it. Poor thing. I can be an adult about the situation and forget about the damage. I even was nice enough to dig a hole in the back and bury the piece of shit.
    Last edited by 60Buick; 09-24-2011, 10:42 AM.

  • #2
    You should tell that old goat her cat was found dead in your garage.


    • #3
      I doubt anyone will find this on here, but that could be considered animal cruelty, and I see a license number showing on the second photo.


      • #4
        I feel you. These fuckin ass holes around here jus let their cats do as they please. I shouldn't have to go through extreme measures to protect my car from cats, when I dont own a cat, exactly for theses reasins. Like my neighbors dog shittin in my yard. I'm trackin dog shit in my house and don't even own a dog. Thars so extremely frustrating and rude.
        Last edited by SmoothNlow; 09-24-2011, 03:47 PM.


        • #5
          I didnt notice the tag #, better to delete that picture than leave it on a public forum.

          I aint said shit to her. Not my problem. I put my Buick in the rain and the Vette in the garage. I shuffle cars around every night to work on the Buick which is a pain in the ass, but I did it to avoid problems. The cat goes in the garage to lay on it and between my kids and everyone else keeping the door closed is mission fucking impossible. I have mothballs near the car which are supposed to keep it away, it didnt. I told her half a dozen different nice ways that I dont want it in the yard. I called animal control and she just return the favor saying my dog barks all night, unlikely since he stays in the house. I even went so far as to ask a lawyer friend of mine that informed me I could take her to small claims court which is more than its worth and I have to prove not only that it is her cat but that her cat did the damage. If thats not enough he said cats are seen as ferrel and dont recognize borders such as property lines. Most times damages are not awarded.

          She was warned numerous times, there were dangerous chemicals in my home, her animal came in uninvited and got into them. I hate it for her.


          • #6
            So you felt you had to kill a cat because "your kids and everyone else" can't keep a door shut? Whose fault is it really then?
            And then boast about it on a public forum?


            • #7
              Реєстрація доменів. Найбільший реєстратор доменів в Україні. Реєстрація українських та міжнародних доменів зараз! ☎ +380 44 593-32-22.

              Partly explains why you do not fuck with cats, or if you do why you don't post about it on the net.


              • #8
                60Buick's posts are frequently negative. Several horrible things have happened between car deals gone awry or vehicles being taken. We've communally felt your pain.

                Now (for the first time?) questioning if this cat incident is a glimpse into generally poor life choices - and karma. Not a cat person either. Hope you find a happier place.


                • #9
                  Im a cat person. I have a cat and he keeps his fat butt in the house. Thats because Im a responsable pet owner. My cat is not damaging others property because I respect my neighbors right to not have their stuff damaged by my animal. The same respect is warrented in my opinion. Its the same with my dog. Whether the door is open or not doesn't matter. Its my door its my property. Her animal was invasive. She has no buiness owning a pet if shes not going to take care of it. Putting a bowl of food out once a day and letting it roam at will is not acceptable.

                  At the same token if my dog was out went in her garage and bit her kid whose liable? Her because she left the door open or me because I didnt restrain my animal. Its no different. I had chemicals in my garage which are common to garages and her animal got in to them. Am I sorry? No. Did i put her cat in there? No. Did I leave the door open in hopes that it would get into it? No.

                  I dont see this as negative, if I was negative I would have trapped the cat and feed it to the snake. That would save me buying a rabbit next week. But as it was curiosity killed the cat, quite literally. Happy out come for me my dad and the guy across the street that tried to shoot it with an arrow for laying on his truck.


                  • #10
                    Im with 60 buick. Most cat owners are neglegent in how they let the cat roam the neighborhood. I dont want your cat walking on my cars, shitting in my childs sand box, and pissing on my front screen door.


                    • #11
                      I can see both sides of the situation. I agree with Double D that it is in poor taste to post it on a public forum and that unfortunately, Scary Guy is right too, about the animal cruelty. (Ferrel) cats are the reason why I don't have my boat anymore. I got tired of them clawing through the covers to get in and then they had kittens in there. The neighbor wont listen to our issues, feed them, outside on the front porch and the cats drive my dogs nuts coming into my back yard.

                      I have trapped many of the cats and relocated them, usually to the pound or the rural/horse communities near my house. No, moth balls, ammonia, cat-dog repellants don't work. Cats just go where they please. I have scratches all over the fenders of my truck from them jumping up there. With the home forclosures in my area, the ferrel cat population is just growing. I have actually considered trapping the Toms and taking them to the free spay/nueter clinics, and then relocating them. Humane and prevents them from breeding more. This is the only viable solution without resorting to trespassing or eradication.


                      • #12
                        Hard to say where this would go in court. We had a pit bull mix many years ago. He slept inside and spent the days in a fenced in back yard.
                        The people who lived behind us had a crap ton of cats that they just let wander every fucking where without a care. The cats would tease our dogs and get on our cars. Then one day the pit mix had enough of it, jumped the fence and massacred the lot of them. He had killed like 7 cats before the neighbor realized what was going on and was just ripping them to shreds. The dog would not even stop when the guy started hitting him with a chair.
                        So we all end up in court over it where the people tried to play the victim, and when the judge heard that they just let the cats wander where ever it was all dismissed.
                        We did have the dog put down at that point though because he had gone kind of nuts from all the killing and we could not contain him.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LMS View Post
                          the pit mix had enough of it, jumped the fence and massacred the lot of them. He had killed like 7 cats before the neighbor realized what was going on and was just ripping them to shreds. The dog would not even stop when the guy started hitting him with a chair.
                          Jeez, that must have been a sight to see.


                          • #14
                            60Buick, thank you for doing your part to keep pet owners accountable to their shitty behavior. I'd have just tossed the carcass in front of the owner's house and been done with the matter; I applaud you for being the better man and burying the animal as a gesture of good will to your neighbor.


                            • #15

