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Hopping on the introduction bandwagon

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  • #16
    Originally posted by wckddudeman View Post
    If it wasn't driveable I wouldn't have it. It wouldnt fit in the car hauler that holds my race car, and uhaul said they didn't have a trailer for it. So the choice became, fill up the tires, bring a few gallons of water, drive and see how far it got. Cross fingers and hope to get it home and not have to call a wrecker for a tow.
    We borrowed a friends trailer and I think the heaviest thing that it had carried before was a 89 caprice. Quite a shock when we drove the hearse up and the whole thing just kindof bent and flexed. We weren't sure if the trailer was going to make it!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Haasmama View Post
      We borrowed a friends trailer and I think the heaviest thing that it had carried before was a 89 caprice. Quite a shock when we drove the hearse up and the whole thing just kindof bent and flexed. We weren't sure if the trailer was going to make it!
      Sounds a bit amusing, got any pictures from that trip?


      • #18
        There are a couple of pictures of the car on the trailer in my album in the gallery. The pic from the front to the back shows the trailer the most. You can really see the flex in the rear. The trailer is flat when empty. We made it home without any issues with it though my truck protested a bit by developing an oil leak.
        62 on the trailer.jpg


        • #19
          Looks like a pretty hairy trip back Haas. But id like to see you guys TRY AND TOP THIS!!!!

          Thats my 22 ft long Miller Meteor on a 16' landscaping trailer. It was all we had!!! 3 white knuckled hours later we manage to get home without getting pulled over.

          The car had to be put on boards to get the fron to hang over. Ramps had to held up with a ratchet strap attatched to the car. THAT was a hairy ride lol the same trailer also brought my 59 on a 2 1/2 trip lol


          • #20
            WOW! No, I can't top it. You take the 1st on this one. I bet that was hairy as hell. The hearses are so damn heavy in the rear. We just put mine up on jacks and found the balancing point was only about a foot or so in front of the rear diff.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Haasmama View Post
              We just put mine up on jacks and found the balancing point was only about a foot or so in front of the rear diff.
              Holy crap! Lol I've vever tried that that's crazy! Yea these things are terribly heavy. It was a scary ride home for sure especially through two tunnels! Thats love lol

