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time to remove this forum

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  • #31
    I have to agree. When I first had a coach I to thought I would try to join the PCS. I made contact with them at a car show that I was attending and well due to replacing my third taillight on my coach and using black electrical tape due to not being able to put the screws back in I was looked down upon... I also mentioned that I had a side light blown and they counted off on the car judging sheet even thought you couldn’t see it on or off during the day... That was some of the members of PCS . . . I have met a few that are pretty laid back and well plesent to be around.

    Oh I was also counted off due to the paint haveing runs in it... It is the origional paint from the factory...
    Last edited by JustCadaver; 07-09-2010, 11:59 AM. Reason: Story Time


    • #32
      It must be nice to be holier than God.


      • #33

        (OH MY GOD!!!!! No peasant, were the PCS!)


        • #34
          Originally posted by Otto Baron View Post
          Maybe just change the title of this particular forum to "Sausage lovers".
          No! That would be disrespectful to true sausage lovers!


          • #35
            Originally posted by LMS View Post
            Someone there must be keeping an eye on us.
            You anyway, everyone knows world wide that Lord Monkey Satan is an asshole. LOL

            I know this is an old thread, but I am behind, and I HAVE been accused of being slow.


            • #36
              Please don't ban me for using "LOL".


              • #37
                Originally posted by Chaser View Post
                Please don't ban me for using "LOL".
                Do they do that over there?

                I know the title says to remove this forum, but I think it should stay now. It's kind of my own personal space to shit on them every chance I get.


                • #38
                  Not that i know of, i was just being silly.

