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  • #31
    Those guys constantly bash anything with the slightest mod. I've called them out several times, on their own rules. Their rules say no negative comments, and they constantly abuse that rule. Its the good ol boy club over there. Its the web, choose where you go.


    • #32
      What you say is true, However, not all of them are so closed-minded. we met some great PCS members in person that i would not hesitate to hang out with again in the future.


      • #33
        Originally posted by pyro View Post
        Those guys constantly bash anything with the slightest mod. I've called them out several times, on their own rules. Their rules say no negative comments, and they constantly abuse that rule. Its the good ol boy club over there. Its the web, choose where you go.
        I am a member of the PCS. You may be right about a select few but not all, as Ryan said. The way that a newbie comments over there usually dictates how well you are accepted. Come with a chip on your shoulder, or a crap stirring keyboard warrior mentality and you will hit walls. There are several guys within the PCS that own modded coaches with no flack given.

        Frankly, it's not too polite to assume things about a group as a whole unless you know many in person to get a broader consensus. As stated by Ryan before, "choose where you go" is very very true. However, the PCS is a great resource for coach owners in a multitude of ways besides what buddies you gain. Those that play nice, knowing how some of them are, come out really good on technical information and / or parts leads for their coach.

        NHAA or PCS, I have great friends that align mentally and or members to one or the other maybe BOTH. You could have that as well.

        Just say'n...



        • #34
          Neonwerks great post i like both groups great people on both i have a modded coach and the PCS didnt care. They are both great groups


          • #35
            Originally posted by ryan_ricks View Post
            i understand not wanting to use your real name online, but there are several online communities that require a real name. i think facebook was originally like that. maybe try re-registering with at least a plausible sounding pseudonym?

            Also, let's try to keep the negative energy to a minimum here. we're working on a joint event in the future, and we are working hard to try and build some bridges.
            I've always been Steve Evilstretch on facebook and never had a problem with that. I'm happy to stay here, you guys are a great forum. I was Oz chapter leader for the Christine car club and left that forum club due to wankers at admin level. I've since been asked by the 2 owners of the movie cars to help create a new Christine forum for them. So I'm far from new to the forum scene and much of my time is taken up with that beautiful Mopar lady but I do like to come in here and poke around from time to time. PCS has left a filthy taste in my mouth and I won't waste my time with them again. Sorry for some negative energy but it's the truth.


            • #36
              The name thing on PCS is something that did cause controversy with many people. Everyone has rules for their sites and I am one that kinda likes the registering with your "given" name on the PCS. Why? That's a simple thing. I as many do on both sites love to meet up at shows and maybe go to both groups sanctioned events. If I meet anyone at the shows, I call you by your name. NOT YOUR SCREEN NAME. So whats the difference unless you have some shade to hide. If someone has something to hide, I as also many others will keep you at a distance at group events. Granted this is an online forum and it is setup with online nicknames that is cool but I will use my real name here as well as at shows. (most know me by my real name, not my online moniker here anyways)

              Being a bastion over a name rule only will keep the very few from expanding their knowledge and networking base from growing. Secondly, most of us in the procar communities treat our brethren as close as a real family when all together in person. So with that said, don't expect an online handle out of my mouth in person and get pissed if I refuse to call you by it. ~The NHAA Asheville meet badges will have your "real name" with your online nickname below just to establish the correlations from online to in person.


              • #37
                Steve, the most comical (and somewhat ironic) aspect is that you've drawn attention to yourself by trying to register there as Steve Evilstretch. Had you just used your actual name as required and not been vocal nobody would have have been the wiser nor drawn parallel. If you use 'Evilstretch' moniker online everywhere and used your actual name on PCS, maybe 2 Australian members could be shrewd enough to correlate. Even doing so listing a couple cities over from physical location would have been better than now having your IP marked against possible future registration attempts. Catch my drift?

                Without fail I am surprised upon finally learning of NHAA members names over there each time. Usually followed by a "No shit?!?".

                And for the record, I happened to see in real time the day you were registering, knew what was coming. I phoned the webmaster and pleaded to no avail. Frankly he doesn't care one way or other about using real names or not. If one is allowed now however, other members will complain to no end. That's a valid point.

                They do grovel quite a bit and give grief over nothing.


                • #38
                  Without fail I am surprised upon finally learning of NHAA members names over there each time. Usually followed by a "No shit?!?".

                  I could not agree more on this one.. I react in the same way. I also am on the pcs board and am a member. I have met some really great people over there. and like Atti said. There are ways around the name thing .


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by mr x View Post
                    Without fail I am surprised upon finally learning of NHAA members names over there each time. Usually followed by a "No shit?!?".

                    I could not agree more on this one.. I react in the same way. I also am on the pcs board and am a member. I have met some really great people over there. and like Atti said. There are ways around the name thing .
                    lol well I guess I know who you are now on NHAA it was great chatting with you this morning thru FB


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Atti View Post
                      Steve, the most comical (and somewhat ironic) aspect is that you've drawn attention to yourself by trying to register there as Steve Evilstretch. Had you just used your actual name as required and not been vocal nobody would have have been the wiser nor drawn parallel. If you use 'Evilstretch' moniker online everywhere and used your actual name on PCS, maybe 2 Australian members could be shrewd enough to correlate. Even doing so listing a couple cities over from physical location would have been better than now having your IP marked against possible future registration attempts. Catch my drift?

                      Without fail I am surprised upon finally learning of NHAA members names over there each time. Usually followed by a "No shit?!?".

                      And for the record, I happened to see in real time the day you were registering, knew what was coming. I phoned the webmaster and pleaded to no avail. Frankly he doesn't care one way or other about using real names or not. If one is allowed now however, other members will complain to no end. That's a valid point.

                      They do grovel quite a bit and give grief over nothing.
                      Atti I only registered as Evilstretch on PCS as I've done everywhere online for the last 16 years. Facebook was the only place that I needed to supply a first name, so I lashed out and used my real first name as so many people knew it already due to the Christine car club. As for the PCS banning by IP address, that isn't a problem lol it's like locking the gate after the horse has bolted. I got no reply after I joined, so I wrote a polite message to the admins asking why and got no reply. I consider this arrogance the height of rudeness, hence my decision to never bother with that forum again. I hold no ill will against any member at the PCS but I just don't like how I was treated. I find it bizarre that my IP address would be banned from 2 forums after I decided that I wanted nothing to do with either lol and shows me that there's very likely a similarity in leadership mentality. I spent several years with some arrogant dictators (not all of them) in admin positions in the Christine car club and since quitting that club I have been banned and my account made to look active by their admins (so I've been told by blokes I still know in the forum). I guess the biggest problem of owning a Chrysler AP3 is they are rare to start with but as mines a one of a kind hearse it wouldn't matter if I said I lived on the other side of this country, I could easily be found with my surname. Anyways I like the idea of coming into forums for a good laugh and learn a little so discussing this has gone on long enough for me. Basically the PCS is dead to me.


                      • #41
                        I have over a decade under my belt of dealing with that shit show of a club. I was a chapter president for a good portion of that so I am in a very, very good position to call them out for being cocksuckers. I'm not going off of hearsay, I am going off of first hand experience with this group of clown ass bigots.

                        Paul is pretty much short man on a power trip and the rest are one rung down from Klansmen. They are so obsessed with looking professional and appearing spotless in the public eye. So often I have heard them espouse about their vaunted "image" with the public yet they shit all over other hearse owners. Some straight dildo who just walked in off the street at a car show? Gotta make a good impression on THAT guy! A fellow hearse owner? FUCK THEM!

                        I spent a long ass time trying to help that club out and be a part of it but unless you want to do things exactly their way, they think you're shit. The only preservation they recognize is a $75,000 frame off restoration on a trailer queen. Half those pussies don't drive their cars or do their own repair work.

                        Are there a few decent people in the club? Sure. Hey, even the Nazis had Schindler, does that mean the whole movement was ok? Nope. They have enough assholes and have pulled enough asshole shit that they deserve their classification.

                        Funny story...a picture of my car appeared in their rag after I hosted the 2005 International meet (Yep, I hosted it, I've never dealt with a bigger bag of whining, grown ass maggots who had an over inflated sense of entitlement than that group) and in the next issue there was a readers letter that was published pretty much tearing my car apart in the biggest asshole way possible.

                        I decided I was going to give that person a call. I knew his name and what state he was from but that was it so I called the local directory assistance. My thinking was this -

                        Based on his cleft asshole type personality he HAD to be a funeral director.

                        Based on his violent opposition to art his funeral home probably wasn't named anything original and had to have his last name in the title.

                        Based on his overwhelming sense of entitlement (ie: thinking that everyone else on the planet needed to hear him espousing his ignorant, xenophobic bullshit) he probably didn't start his own funeral home, I figured anyone that self centered was probably born into a legacy of business and money.

                        Therefore his funeral home was [Insert his last name here] And Sons Mortuary. Guess what? Right on all counts. Sad when a bigot is so closed minded and predictable that you can guess their entire game without breaking a sweat. I called his ass up and listened to him sweat bullets for about 5 minutes before he made up an excuse to hang up and presumably clean this piss out of his dry cleaned Dockers.


                        • #42
                          Im going to say that you can judge a group by the experience you get. If your a so say great member of an organization, but sit by as the A-holes ruin it for everyone else, then sit by with the rep you earned. If you think its rude of me to voice my opinion, I would suggest a politically correct web site for you. Last time I checked, this place thrives on opinions.


                          • #43
                            I think one of the reasons that we do ok in this arena is that we don't pretend to be an antiseptic community. We accept the fact that most private hearse owners are probably some kind of weird miscreant and full of twisted ire. Shit, we thrive on people being assholes because it's not tolerated by the recipient. If asshole behavior is considered the norm and you're too afraid to call someone out on their bullshit, then it has fertile soil to grow in. Consider the use of the adult wedgie to keep people in line.

                            I haven't had the same breadth of experience with the PCS that Zach has, but I have had my fair share of each side of the fence - so I keep in touch with the good folks and I don't humor those who won't accept us as we are.


                            • #44
                              so I keep in touch with the good folks and I don't humor those who won't accept us as we are. Well said

