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Fetish Model With Hearse ~~ an intro

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  • #16
    If the water appeared after you drove in a thunder storm there may be a big rust hole under the carpet. You need to get under there and take a look. Jack the car up and SUPPORT it with stands or something strong, then crawl under and have a look.

    Do you live in an apartment or a house? I still don't understand why you can't just park the car at home.
    Maybe time to move to a better city.


    • #17
      I was getting water in my floor boards during rain, and it turned out there was a hole in my firewall. water was running down the windshield, down the firewall, and seeping in through the hole.


      • #18
        my 77 leaked like that. it would run around the glovebox..un noticed, I might add, to get to the floor. mine was a leaking seal somewhere around the bottom of the windshield. make sure there isn't a rusted out spot under the carpet there. I'll look at my 78 and see what the doors look like this week. if I can see any thing that might look like it could be a culprit I'll report it to you. also changing the oil is a super easy job. if you know any back yard car fanatics near by, maybe you can get them to show you how the first time and after that, you will never want to stop at a shop for it again. the same thing with wires and plugs.


        • #19
          To address one of your questions, yes, rust really is a bad thing. They don't call it "cancer" for nothing lol. As far as making the rust "less noticeable, there are options, but most are bad options. You could grab a can of rustoleum glass black oil based paint, and brush it over top. It will conceal it. I've done it. But the rust will continue to eat your beloved hearse from the inside out. You could douse all the rust with ospho which will convert the rust and make it less dangerous, but you'd never be able to get it all. The only cure for rust ive ever seen is to remove all infected metal, and replace it with new metal. And i mean seriously replace. Cut it out and weld new in. Not pop rivet a panel over :t and slab a 1/4 inch of bondo on it lol that makes it so much worse.

          Just pick something you wanna fix and stick to it. Don't move on until its done. Try to get the door panels off and get a good look at the lock and latch mechanisms. You'll probly spot the problem right away. Somethings not moving like its supposed to. Wet passenger floor would tell me heater core as well, but you say it only does it when it rains, your toe board or floor board probly has a large rust hole. You'll def wanna get under there and have a look. Take pics. We'll help the best we can


          • #20
            on Bondo..both my 77 and 78 had a lot of bondo in the rear around the back door. at first I thought it was a wreck repair but found out it was factory job. when it starts to come apart..and it will! need to to get a pro to repair it...or maybe someone to do it on the side, under the table. if you were closer I could set you up with a guy to wield in patch panels. ofcourse you are always welcome to down for a few weeks and get the guys at shop to tinker on your ride for you.


            • #21
              Post more pictures (preferably smaller for those still on dial-up but that high quality was nice). Some interior shots and if you can some of the undercarriage would be good while you're under it looking for the problem.

              Because of the high quality photo I can already see some rust by the back tire. I'd take care of any rust asap before it eats your car. If there are worse spots concentrate on those first.

              I'm not sure about what they do for the roads in the winter there but salt is your enemy. Also look into investing in a nice car cover and be careful with the vinyl on top. Clean the chrome with "mothers" or "eagle one never dull".

              Finally don't be afraid to visit an autozone or similar place and ask dumb questions, it's how many of us (including myself) learned.

              To everyone else, 20 posts and not one comment about her tits.

              I'm damned proud of the lot of you.


              • #22

                Very beautiful lady. Just my style. But were here for the hearses haha!!!!

                Damn that was funny as shit...


                • #23
                  lol. I was too busy looking for spare parts to steal off her hearse. well that and I can imagine the humiliation I would receive after everyone found out I got beat up by a Fetish Model with a hearse for running my mouth. lol.


                  • #24
                    hearsejr -- I was about to visit until I heard you were planning to pillage Edith. For shame.

                    I am pretty sure that rust has taken its toll on her. I'm not sure I can stop it. I realize that she is pretty rusty. it is not a spot, or some spots. I know she is littered with rust.

                    That said, I'll take some pics tomorrow with my mobil and I'll post small shitty ones.

                    people are still on dial up? Wow, I would have killed someone. It's been like 15 years since I have used dial up. maybe longer.

                    My tits -- yes, I was impressed that no one said anything too. Thanks for making me and Edith feel welcome.

                    I live in a colonial flat, not a house, not an apartment. No place to park anything larger than a prius.


                    • #25
                      Welcome to the board!

                      On the subject of rust, it may be a subjective thing. Any rust is bad rust, I'll give you that - but there are definitely degrees of bad rust depending on who you are talking to. From looking at these pictures and knowing what happens under cobra vinyl on S&S coaches, I would want someone to poke around at that top line of the windshield and see if the tell-tale crackling noise of rust is there. Bottom of the rear door, that rear quarter panel looks like it sucks - I'd like to see some shots of the frame with good lighting.


                      • #26
                        Also the back door at the end of the coach, where the window and door meet. Watch that area like a hawk because rust likes to attack that as well. The problem is they usually don't seal that area well and water gets inbetween the window and door panel. Completely ate through my last hearse

                        Anyway you said you're a model AND comedian, so tell us a funny joke.


                        • #27
                          sexy legs anyhow


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by chestypuller View Post
                            sexy legs anyhow
                            I think LMS might have to give up his title. Thanks for the combo-breaker and restoring my lack of faith in humanity, yet again.


                            • #29
                              I don't want all of Edith...just about 6500 pounds of
                              I;m not sure if that Par 15..I think that is the rust converter stuff...will help or not. I know it's costly and you have to wire brush the lose stuff off.
                              I did some checking, and looked a job a friend did on his 73 convertible caddy. he went and bought a whole side from JC Whitney. he went and cut the side off from the chrome strip down and wielded the new side on it. he left little tabs drilled holes on the new side and spot wielded it on to the tabs. then he just used lead to wield the seams and fill it in. I think there was something called "aluminoy" (Spelling is way off but that's what it sounded like) it can wield the seam together with one of those little blue torches you see plumbers use. it ended up costing less then the body shop quoted for body filler fix.
                              this is considering that the frame is in good shape and not rusted through.
                              there is a little tire shop here that some of these guys work on and build rat rods at. if you can get down this way the guys are all for helping you get her fixed up and even tricked out. lol.


                              • #30
                                ok here is the stuff I was wondering if you can use to fill in seams or wield patches to Edith with.....


