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Hearse Owner Wife Swap

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  • #16
    HEY, I resemble that remark!!!


    • #17
      My opinion, and at least one licensed sex therapist agrees with me, is that many women stay with men because they need the security and support, and even though they may love them, the sex is just something they put up with because he doesn't know how to or care to do anything but get his rocks off. A woman who finds a man who is a good lover usually ends up blabbing it all over town, and the next thing you know, one of her younger or better-looking friends lands him.

      All I can really say for sure is that good forbidden fruit takes a long, long time to forget.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Riff Raff View Post
        I don't bite, I nibble, but I'll wipe the slobber off your ear when I'm done.
        I knew a Girl once that liked to get 'poked' in the ear...
        Every time I'd go to put it in her mouth, she'd turn her head


        • #19
          ...and you wonder why more women aren't jumping in on this thread...

          I'd like to stand up and take the honor of the skankiest bull dyke on the board! Any challengers?


          • #20
            Y'know, somebody with sysop powers should probably move this thread over to the tomb. Isn't it funny how we forget where we are when we start thinking about sex?


            • #21
              I just consider the entire forum NSFW. Doesn't seem like many follow the rules anyhow, but that won't stop me from setting a good example... Unless someone drags the forum into the gutter first.

              In which case I'll say that you need to stop faking it and communicate more to let the man know what he needs to (or not to) do to please you. My last girlfriend I never had any complaints from and got her off each time, sometimes multiple times at once. I know for a fact I'm not that good which makes me think either she's really easy to get off or she was faking it. Since a lot about her was indeed fake it doesn't take much to put two and two together.

              Personally I like to try to be sensitive to a woman's needs and get them off before I get off.

              But I'm not an asshole, and since most women go for those and like to be beaten I'll die alone.


              • #22
                I never, ever fake it. You're just cheating yourself when you do that, holding a man by his ego at your own expense, and making love can be good even if one doesn't have an orgasm; at least, for me it can. Maybe the difference is why I spend two hours with a woman, wake up still wrapped around her, and two minutes with a man, then he rolls over and goes to sleep. Oops, I just admitted to something, didn't I?

                The girl I was talking about a few weeks ago got me off twice, right there in the bar with everyone looking, but that didn't really matter, because it wasn't about me. It was about her. She had me, and she knew it. Maybe that's why I still can't get her out of my head. The only antidote I know of is to do it to someone else, so bring on the wife swap, but I'll take the wife.


                • #23

                  But I'm not an asshole, and since most women go for those and like to be beaten I'll die alone.
                  This is the biggest complaint that I hear from guys. Sometimes a woman is excited by a man who is a little dangerous. Some like to be controlled. Some stay with a guy because he's shoving coke up her nose. Many will get together with a man who seems nice, and starts beating her later on. Remember the long story that I told about the girl I met in the bar? The first thing she said to me after we danced for about, oh, three seconds, was that she wanted me to bend her over and call her "bitch". My roommate, the prostitute, liked to be grabbed by the hair, have a guy push her head down there and tell her to give him a blowjob, and then cum in her face.

                  There are some even more shocking issues here that I learned about from listening to AASECT tapes, and I won't bring them up because they're just too much for public consumption. I'll just say that there is sometimes a relationship between sex, pain, and/or control. Sometimes it makes a rape cause difficult to prosecute.

                  Whatever she wants, she will probably not tell you in words. Look for subtle clues. Watch her eyes. If she closes them, tell her to open them. Listen to her...I can't describe the sound of a partner in ecstacy, but I can tell you that it is NOT, " Oh, (insert name here), you're the best, oh, oh, oh, oh ". That's thinking, not feeling.

                  If you want a permanent arrangement, it is good to think about her, but don't forget about you! If you choose someone who isn't right for you and you try to please her anyway, she probably will respond by faking orgasms. Just go to places where the type of woman that you want to be with will be, and sooner or later, you will meet someone. Once that happens, somehow women can tell, and you'll suddenly find yourself with more than one choice, especially if you go back to the same place. I don't know why...I guess it's just an irony of life.

                  Everyone knows how it feels to think that you're going to be alone forever, but almost always, someone will come along. Then if you're starting to get old you have to try to hang on any way you can, sometimes when there's no passion left. It's sad, but true. If you have to deal with it by picking up a stranger, be sure to tell her that you're married, and what you're looking for. That way, at least hopefully, there aren't any misunderstandings that could get you into trouble later on.

                  Hang in there. Love will come...just remember that no matter how beautiful it is, it's where the hard part starts.

                  73 88



                  • #24
                    I went thru a messed up divorce a few years ago. The bad part for me is I never saw it coming when it happened. I have many friends now getting out of bad relationships and ask me how I did it. I have a lot going for me and have learned I'd rather be alone than deal with drama. For a while it was nice to come home and not have to deal with someone elses bullshit. I did find someone else and she is great. I now live a non drama life and refuse to put up with the stuff I did in the past.


                    • #25
                      You must have seen something coming, because, as you said, you were putting up with some stuff in the past. I can empathize, though. I have been in a marriage that many would consider " loveless " for many years. I'll just say that it lacks passion, which is a very strong need that I have, but a request for a divorce would definitely blindside me.

                      I told Tony what happened with the girl in the lesbian bar, I guess because it was easier for me not to have to keep it a secret...a selfish reason, really, because I dumped it off of my shoulders onto his. If I had actually cheated on him, it wouldn't be fair to tell him. My pennance would be to carry the guilt. I really believe that Tony loves me...he's just not interested in anything physical, or maybe I'm not.

                      All I can really say is, make sure that you're going to get everything you need before you tie the knot. Not only is divorce extremely painful, but it might not even be possible.



                      • #26
                        I don't think divorce has to be painful as long as both parties are civil about it. Possibility just depends on where you live in the world. I think in Iran divorce consists of stoning the woman to death.


                        • #27
                          Divorce is extremely painful for children. It fucks them up for life, no matter what kind of visitation you work out. If you don't have children, fuck it, but my parents were divorced when I was 9, and there are no words to describe how badly this selfish act hurt, and still does. Maybe, if you haven't had kids; the best thing to do is get your divorce before you decide to, but if you have, it's your responsibility to keep the promises that you made...yeah, I said the R word, which seems to be more offensive than the F word these days.

                          There is a purpose for a wedding, and the vows that you take. Maybe I will cheat on Tony some day; and every nerve in my body will cry out for her; but I will still do my absolute best to stay with Tony. Maybe Jenny will get married and have kids someday, and we will entertain them when they come to visit Grandpa Tony and Grandma Denise, instead of screwing up their lives and confusing them.

                          Then there is the " getting old " part. I wouldn't send Tony to a nursing home if he got sick, and he isn't doing that to me either. I told him that we need a big bathtub in case we need to pull each other out, and he agrees. Do you want to be 80 and alone? Don't make the mistake of thinking that your kids or the government will take care of you.

                          Just something to think about.



                          • #28
                            Wife swap

                            I'd sign up for it and i'm sure they'd get all kinds of confrontation out of me because even though i'm opened minded i'm SET on my own personal beliefs and know my luck they'd stick me with the most closed minded bible thumping family they could find. Being that i'm pagan i know they would be all over me for that, and i know i'd be punching someone out if they told me i'm going to hell or some other of their crap and i don't need a lawsuit.

                            Though i'm sure the other wife would love my red walls, black ceiling (my house looks like a bordelio (sp) lol with skull and vapire stuff everywhere,not to mention the cauldrons and pentagrams lol.


                            • #29
                              There is a nursing home here in Tucson where they really neglect old people who are alone and have nothing but social security. I know someone who goes around to the homes and entertains, and he has told me horror stories about people being strapped to a bed and left in a hallway for hours, or even days. I spent two hours that way after an auto accident once and then didn't receive any treatment, and all I can say is "no thanks".

